My mantis gladiator was getting 24 attacks per round in the later part of the game. Boots of haste, and four two-handed weapons (many of them with the Swift enchant).My mantis fighter gets 12 attacks/round. Using dex. as his main stat and with four "light" weapons he shreds things. He regularly takes down an enemy with 150-175 h.p. in a round. I do have him specialized for critical hits, though, so...
My mantis gladiator was getting 24 attacks per round in the later part of the game. Boots of haste, and four two-handed weapons (many of them with the Swift enchant).My mantis fighter gets 12 attacks/round. Using dex. as his main stat and with four "light" weapons he shreds things. He regularly takes down an enemy with 150-175 h.p. in a round. I do have him specialized for critical hits, though, so...
Did you mean "1 attack per turn" rather than "1 enemy per turn"? If so, you can buy Belt of the Lion to fix that to some extent. But yeah I'd go fighter instead, if I was doing it over again.Only problem with gladiator is that he can do so only in full attack, so you are limited to 1 enemy per turn, unless they stay really close. And not doing all this attacks vs mages, who are always spread out.
That construct + gelatinous cubes that the hags summon for a fight kicked my ass many times but I felt good that I fucked them in the end. So far the two weapon critical sneak attack Rogue is surprisingly strong. Onwards to chapter 3!
Also, I'm pretty sure that I fucked up somewhere, but here goes nothing: where is this Tome of the Dead that the hags want? I can't find it anywhere.
That construct + gelatinous cubes that the hags summon for a fight kicked my ass many times but I felt good that I fucked them in the end. So far the two weapon critical sneak attack Rogue is surprisingly strong. Onwards to chapter 3!
Also, I'm pretty sure that I fucked up somewhere, but here goes nothing: where is this Tome of the Dead that the hags want? I can't find it anywhere.
For me it somehow ended up on Pizarra or whatever the character is you can hire in CH1/2. I then kicked her out the group because I wanted to stay as 6/7 and thankfully my googling found someone else who couldn't find it.
Should I expect sex scenes in this game?
Do you guys think that a Planescape tormet style adventure where you visit the 5 moons and then the 5 planes would be interesting? I honestly din't liked much scripting in KotC2 engine, wish that the game allowed the same freedom of NWN2, where you can easily re code and re compile stuff in any IDE that you prefer.
Nigga where you beenDid the game finally come out?
Watched some yt gameplays, seems like the most valid strategy in this game is to spam summons and aoe. Meh.
"YT gameplays"? Some trolls don't even try these days...Watched some yt gameplays, seems like the most valid strategy in this game is to spam summons and aoe. Meh.
Not sure why you think I am trolling. I watched three longplay videos from yt, one of them on ironman. All of them basically used one tactic which involved spamming summons and aoe both damaging and cc. Their melee were useless, couldn’t hit shit and died/knocked out pretty quickly. Overall it didn’t strike me as something very tactical unless you consider blocking a bunch of enemies in the chokepoint and bashing them with one of the available aoes a pinnacle of tactical gaming."YT gameplays"? Some trolls don't even try these days...Watched some yt gameplays, seems like the most valid strategy in this game is to spam summons and aoe. Meh.
On a side not, It seems very wrong. It's like saying "fighting enemies and killing stuff is the most valid way".
AoE are good, obviously, if you fight a lot of enemies at once but dealing with most dangerous ones individually is still a thing even then. Also AoE can be damge spells or disable/debuff spells. There are combats where AoE are less useful than others due to numbers and/or placement of enemies. Combat tricks are useful too and sometimes the best method to disable pesky casters or heavy hitters. You also "spam" melee atacks. Summons can be useful but certainly are not near a "most valid" way. In general strategies to defeat the enemies are more varied from battle to battle, in this game, than in most others (DnD and DnD-like). In many games (Owlcat, i'm talking about you as well) it is mostly about pre-buffing as crazy and just murdering the enemy with pure damage in hundreds of encounters with trash. This is not the case here, almost every encounter has something unique to it. If KotC2 has "most valid strategies" then many other crpg games can be played on auto-pilot in comparison.
Not sure why you think I am trolling. I watched three longplay videos from yt, one of them on ironman. All of them basically used one tactic which involved spamming summons and aoe both damaging and cc. Their melee were useless, couldn’t hit shit and died/knocked out pretty quickly. Overall it didn’t strike me as something very tactical unless you consider blocking a bunch of enemies in the chokepoint and bashing them with one of the available aoes a pinnacle of tactical gaming."YT gameplays"? Some trolls don't even try these days...Watched some yt gameplays, seems like the most valid strategy in this game is to spam summons and aoe. Meh.
On a side not, It seems very wrong. It's like saying "fighting enemies and killing stuff is the most valid way".
AoE are good, obviously, if you fight a lot of enemies at once but dealing with most dangerous ones individually is still a thing even then. Also AoE can be damge spells or disable/debuff spells. There are combats where AoE are less useful than others due to numbers and/or placement of enemies. Combat tricks are useful too and sometimes the best method to disable pesky casters or heavy hitters. You also "spam" melee atacks. Summons can be useful but certainly are not near a "most valid" way. In general strategies to defeat the enemies are more varied from battle to battle, in this game, than in most others (DnD and DnD-like). In many games (Owlcat, i'm talking about you as well) it is mostly about pre-buffing as crazy and just murdering the enemy with pure damage in hundreds of encounters with trash. This is not the case here, almost every encounter has something unique to it. If KotC2 has "most valid strategies" then many other crpg games can be played on auto-pilot in comparison.
This screen looks nice, if only the whole game looked like this even graphic-whores (by Codex standards not in general) would be, i think, pleased. Hell I would be pleased. I had to change from sprites to tokens in main part of the game because sprites look out of place there and are less readable. Tokens on the other hand looks out of place in Finchbury. If the dungeons looked like this (or like in the tutorial module) as well then I would play with sprites all the time, readability be damned.This scantly-clad woman manifested out of thin air and softlocked the game. Did I just beat the game!?
Not sure why you think I am trolling. I watched three longplay videos from yt, one of them on ironman. All of them basically used one tactic which involved spamming summons and aoe both damaging and cc. Their melee were useless, couldn’t hit shit and died/knocked out pretty quickly. Overall it didn’t strike me as something very tactical unless you consider blocking a bunch of enemies in the chokepoint and bashing them with one of the available aoes a pinnacle of tactical gaming.