Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.33
Hello everyone! This is quite a big update for KotC 2.
In particular, it should fix the bug in version 1.32 that caused crashes and saved-game corruption. The interface for repeating spells like Magic Missile and Scorching Ray was improved.
I also made a change to Combat Experience Point awards in the Prologue of Augury of Chaos in order to make Chapter 1 more interesting from the combat challenge point of view. Please read on for details.
Here is the complete list of changes:
- Fixed a source of crashes when recruiting a new companion and when the party is reunited after a party split. Thank you Paschalis for the bug report and saved game!
- Fixed a bug with the unarmed damage of Human Monks when reaching level 18 and above. Thank you Paisheng for the bug report!
- Fixed a bug with the Finchbury quest 'Ghosts to the North' when you have a Cleric with the Banishment or Turning domain. Thank you Nicola for the report!
- Fixed a rare out-of-combat movement bug when unveiling a map for the first time.
- Fixed a bug when using the Party Formation screen following a party split.
- Fixed a bug occurring when a creature swallows whole a summoned creature and another creature, and other issues with the Swallow Whole ability. Thank you Rida for spotting this!
- Changed the Combat Experience Point awards during the Prologue of Augury of Chaos to 75% of the normal amount. Once you start Chapter 1, the XP awards are restored to 100%. Thank you Fred for this suggestion!
- Improved the Golden Cuirass artifact which you can find in the Water Shrine map, where you fight the Shark Druid. I've reduced the armour penalty to Speed from -10 to -5. I've also given this artifact a new description
with a bit of lore. Thank you Fred!
- When casting spells with a repeating effect, such as Magic Missile or Scorching Ray, the game will now indicate the number of the current effect out of the total. For example: Magic Missile 1/5. Thank you Nicola for the suggestion!
- Changed the shortcut keys to Quit to Desktop from Left Control + Escape to Left Shift + Escape. I had to do this because Control + Escape is already used by Windows to open the Windows Start menu. Thank you Nicola!
- The square grid will no longer be displayed during character creation, if you have the 'Display Square Grid' option switched on in the game options.
- Added the Level Cap option in the Module Editor, in the Module Data screen. Also, you can now reset the XPs of party members to the amount required for their level. To do this, use the 'Award' script action and select the option 'Reset XPs according to PC level'. Use this command at the beginning of the second module of a campaign to make sure that the level cap of the first module is respected, and the party members begin with just enough XPs for their current level.
- Added a new script action allowing you to edit module properties, including the Combat XP Scale Factor and the Level Cap.
- In the Tutorial Module, fixed problems with the tokens of the Giant Scorpion and the Angel. Thank you Nicola for this bug report!
- In the Tutorial Module, activating the book De Praestigia will remove the book from your inventory.
- In the Tutorial Module, at the end of the adventure, you will receive a single Red Rose Insignia, not one for each party member.
- In the Tutorial Module, I've given a single reduced-difficulty negative level to the two Giant Spider Sorcerers.
- In the Script Editor, improved the 'Search within scripts' function to allow searching for numbers such as the position of an activable zone. The function will also search within instruction names. Also improved the
'Search in filenames' function.
- In the Script Editor, you can now push F12 while mousing over 'Add dialog answer' commands as an alternative to pushing ']', the right square bracket key. That will bring you to the corresponding 'If selected answer' command.
- During the tavern duel, Jorad will no longer use combat manoeuvres.
- Fixed a Script Editor display bug when you switch from windowed mode to full-screen mode (or from full-screen mode to windowed mode) and you then open the Script Editor.
- Fixed a bug with Garret and Perry getting included in player fights after they return from the Mysterious Cave containing the Lava Rift.
- Just before entering the Moon Crypt Death Snare, fixed the treasure chest from which you could get infinite Experience Points.
Thank You, Honoured Knights of the Realm! Have Fun!!