Level 1 Summoner Spells (11 spells)
Summon Orc Barbarian (CR 1, move action. With this spell, you summon an Orc Barbarian to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Permanent Summon Elemental Warrior (Select Earth, Fire, Water or Air. Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 200.)
Summon Elemental (Conjuration. Select Earth, Fire, Water or Air. An elemental of that type and of caster-level Hit Dice is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 1x1 square.)
Summon Skeleton (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Skeleton (CR 1) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Casting time Move action.)
Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Hurts Undead creatures. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Protection From Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. The recipient gains a +2 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)
Blur (Enchantment. Personal spell, Duration Until Rest. Your figure becomes blurred, giving you 20% concealment. This effect is negated by the True Seeing condition.)
Mage Armour (Conjuration, Duration Until Rest, Personal, an invisible barrier appears around you, giving a +4 armour bonus to Armour Class. Unlike a normal armour bonus, the bonus from Mage Armour applies versus incorporeal attacks. At level 6, the armour bonus increases to +5. At level 11, the armour bonus increases to +6.)
Magic Missile (Evocation. This spell deals 1d4+1 points of force damage to a target in medium range. No save. You get one missile at level 1, two from level 3, three from level 5, four from level 7 and five from level 9.)
Enlarge (Alteration. Close range. For 10 rounds, the recipient gains +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity (to a minimum of one point), -1 to attack rolls, -1 to AC, and the size category increases by one. The recipient deals damage as a creature one size category larger. There is no change in the reach or space used by the creature.)
Colour Spray (Enchantment. 15' cone. Willpower negates. A pattern of vivid colours springs forth from your hands. Blinded creatures and monsters with Blindsight are immune. Each target who fails the save randomly receives one of the following effects: 20%: blinded for 1d6 rounds, 20%: berserk for 1d5 rounds, 20%: dazed for 1d4 rounds, 20%: stunned for 1d3 rounds, 20%: held for 1d2 rounds.)
Level 2 Summoner Spells (10 spells)
Summon Gelatinous Cube (CR 3, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Gelatinous Cube to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Permanent Summon Slime (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 500.)
Summon Slime (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Slime (CR 2) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Casting time Move action.)
Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity or Sonic. The recipient gains resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 10 x Level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat. Energy resistance equal to a number of points is also called Energy Damage Reduction.)
Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From Caster Level 9, the bonus increases to +6. From Caster Level 15, the bonus increases to +8.)
Invisibility (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell. The recipient becomes invisible until he attacks or casts an offensive spell. This effect is negated by the True Seeing and Glitterdust conditions.)
Mirror Image (Enchantment. Personal, Duration Until Rest. The spell creates a number of illusory duplicates of the caster. Whenever you are struck by a successful melee hit, ranged hit, touch spell or ranged touch spell, a random roll is used to determine whether the target is real or illusory (Blinded creatures and monsters with blindsight always strike the real target. If you are invisible, enemies automatically hit the real target). When an illusory duplicate is hit, it disappears. The number of duplicates is 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels, up to a total of eight images. Area of effect spells do not destroy duplicates.)
Acid Splash (Evocation, Medium Range. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d8 points of acid damage per two caster levels rounded up, up to 5d8. Reflex half.)
Scorching Ray (Evocation. Ranged touch attack deals 4D6 points of fire damage to a target in medium range. No save. Two rays can be cast from level 7 and three rays from level 11.)
Burning Hands (Evocation, 15' radius cone deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level up to 10d4. Reflex half. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)
Level 3 Summoner Spells (9 spells)
Summon Troll (CR 5, move action. With this spell, you summon a Troll to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 25.)
Permanent Summon Half-Ogre Champion (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 900.)
Summon Gargoyle (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Gargoyle (CR 4) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Casting time Move action.)
Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 2D8 +1 per level up to 10. Hurts Undead creatures. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +2 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)
Dispel Magic (Alteration. Select Single Effect, Effects on Creature or Effects on Area: Single Effect: Choose a single creature, then choose an ongoing magical or psionic effect on that creature. It is dispelled if you succeed on a check of 1d20 + level (up to 10) + Spell Focus bonuses versus DC of 11 + level of the mage who created the effect. If the effect is 'summoned', the creature is unsummoned. Effects on Creature: Choose a single creature. You make a check for each ongoing effect on the creature (but not effects from items). A successful check dispels that effect. Dispel Area: Select a 20' circle area. For each area effect in the circle, you make a dispel check and for each creature in the circle, you make a dispel check against the ongoing effect of highest caster level. A successful check dispels that effect.)
Flame Arrow (Conjuration. Ranged touch. Long Range. Reflex half. No spell resistance. The spell creates an enchanted flame arrow which darts towards a single target. The arrow deals 1d6 + 1 points of fire damage per caster level up to 10d6 + 10.)
Heroism (Enchantment. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. This spell makes a single living ally behave bravely in battle. The target gains a morale bonus of +2 affecting Willpower saving throws and attack rolls.)
Glitterdust (Conjuration. Medium range. 10' radius circle, for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), creatures in the area of effect gain the glitterdust condition, which negates invisibility, including that of Invisible Stalkers. Creatures are also blinded for the same duration if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. No spell resistance.)
Level 4 Summoner Spells (9 spells)
Summon Giant Frog (CR 6, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Giant Frog to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 70.)
Permanent Summon Green Hag Wizard (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 1400.)
Summon Large Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A large elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 2x2 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Summon Babau (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Babau (CR 6) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 50. Casting time Move action.)
Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 3D8 +1 per level up to 15. Hurts Undead creatures. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Mass Protection from Energy (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Select an energy type: Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity or Sonic. All allies in the area gain resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 1 round per level and up to 10 x Level absorbed points of damage.)
Dismissal (Alteration. Close Range. With this spell, a single outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creature is forced back to its proper plane if it fails on a special Will save. The Difficulty Class is equal to: spell's save DC – creature's HD + your caster level.)
Mass Enlarge (Alteration, 15' radius circle, close range, 10 rounds. Each recipient gains +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity (minimum 1), -1 to attack rolls, -1 to AC, and the size category increases by one, increasing the damage output. No change in the reach or space used by the creature.)
Fireball (Evocation. 20' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. The spell creates an explosion of flame which deals 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in the area of effect, up to 10d6. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)
Level 5 Summoner Spells (9 spells)
Summon Large Dragon (CR 8, move action. With this spell, you summon a Red Dragon to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 175.)
Permanent Summon Babau Warrior (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 2000.)
Summon Ettin (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Ettin (CR 7) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 100. Casting time Move action.)
Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 4D8 +1 per level. Hurts Undead creatures. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Greater Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. The recipient gains a +4 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)
Subversion (Enchantment. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of a single outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. It may use spells and attack without penalty. The subject stays dominated even after the caster's death. Duration eight rounds. Medium Range. Willpower negates.)
Blast of Force (Evocation. Ranged touch. Medium Range. The spell deals 1d6 per two levels points of force damage to a single target, up to 10d6 (No save). Moreover, the target is knocked prone if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw.)
Interposing Hand (Conjuration. No save. Select a creature in medium range. A large magic hand appears over the target. The target takes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls. Duration 1 round per two levels.)
Stoneskin Touch (Conjuration. Touch. Duration 1 round per level. This spell creates a thin protective layer around the subject's skin. The recipient gains Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)
Level 6 Summoner Spells (9 spells)
Summon Noble Salamander (CR 10, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Salamander to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 250.)
Permanent Summon Chain Devil Death Knight (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 2700.)
Summon Vrock (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Vrock (CR 9) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 200. Casting time Move action.)
Mass Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 1D8 + 1 per level, while Undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Greater Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +4 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)
Greater Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 30 to damage of that type, up to 20 x Level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat.)
Mass Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, all allies in a 10' circle gain a +6 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From Caster Level 15, the bonus increases to +8.)
Banishment (Alteration. 15' radius circle. All outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creatures in the area of effect are forced back to their proper planes if they fail on a special Willpower save of DC: spell's save DC – creature's HD + caster level. On a successful save they still take 3d6 points of damage.)
Cone of Cold (Evocation. 60' radius cone. Reflex half. Creatures standing within the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level, up to 15d6. Creatures who failed their save are slowed for one round.)
Level 7 Summoner Spells (9 spells)
Summon Huge Dragon (CR 12, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Blue Dragon to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 3x3 squares. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 350, XP cost 75.)
Permanent Summon Stone Golem Warrior (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 3500.)
Summon Huge Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 3x3 square. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Summon Stone Golem (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Stone Golem (CR 11) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 300, XP cost 50. Move action.)
Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 2D8 + 1 per level, while Undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Heal (Conjuration. Touch spell heals 10 Hit Points per caster level up to 150. It also removes all ability damage (but not ability drain) and many conditions, including Blinded, Confused, Nauseated, Stunned. Undead creatures are damaged by the spell, instead.)
Forcecage (Conjuration. Close range. 10 rounds. The spell creates bars of force around a single creature of size large, medium or small, effectively paralysing it. It cannot move or attack. The creature can activate psionics and cast stilled spells. It is not helpless and retains its Dexterity score. As a full-round action, it can attempt to break free by succeeding on a Strength check of DC 22. The cage can be removed with the spells Freedom, Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel. Reflex negates. No Spell Resistance.)
Freezing Sphere (Evocation. 10' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. This spell creates an explosion of cold energy. Creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level up to 15d6. Although they're not particularly vulnerable to cold damage, Water Elementals instead take 1d8 points of damage per level, up to 15d8.)
Chain Lightning (Evocation. Long Range. This spell affects a number of targets equal to one per two levels. It is possible to target fewer creatures. The same target cannot be selected two times. The first target takes 1d6+1 per level points of electricity damage. All other targets take 50% of the damage. All creatures get a Reflex save for half damage.)
Level 8 Summoner Spells (8 spells)
Summon Horned Devil (CR 15, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Horned Devil to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 3x3 squares. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 450, XP cost 150.)
Permanent Summon Snakeman Gladiator (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 4400.)
Summon Iron Golem (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon an Iron Golem (CR 13) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 400, XP cost 100. Move action.)
Mass Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 3D8 + 1 per level, while Undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Mass Greater Protection from Energy (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. All allies in the area gain resistance 30 to damage of that type, up to 1 round per level and up to 20 x Level absorbed points of damage.)
Greater Banishment (Alteration. 20' radius circle. All outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creatures in the area of effect are forced back to their proper planes if they fail on a special Willpower save of DC = spell's save DC – creature's HD + caster level. On a successful save they still take 10d6 points of damage.)
Accelerated Spell and Power (Alteration. Casting time Free action. For four rounds, every standard-action spell cast (or power activated) by the character now requires only a move action. A full-round-action spell now requires a standard action. A move-action spell now requires a free action. You cannot cast more than one free-action spell in a round. If you cast a second free-action spell, it requires a move action instead.)
Vortex of Doom (Conjuration. 15' circle spell. A swirling vortex appears and deals 1d4 per level points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures in the area (No save). Targets who fail on a reflex save are knocked prone. The spell automatically disperses any magical Cloud and Fog effect it comes into contact with, including Acid Fog and Solid Fog. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d4 points.)
Level 9 Summoner Spells (8 spells)
Summon Gargantuan Dragon (CR 18, move action. Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Green Dragon to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 4x4 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 700, XP cost 250.)
Permanent Summon Tentacled Horror (Out-of-combat Permanent Summon spell. All permanent summons occupy a single square. XP cost 5400.)
Summon Gargantuan Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 4x4 square. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Summon Marilith (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Marilith (CR 17) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 500, XP cost 200. Move action.)
Mass Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 3D8 + 1 per level, while Undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the Bleeding and Dying conditions.)
Freedom (Alteration. Long Range. With this spell, you can remove from up to three allied targets the following conditions: Forcecage, Swallowed Whole, Grappling, Pinned, Petrified, Dominated, Controlled, Mazed, Stuck, Paralysed, Held, Halted, Dancing, Dazed, Hideous Laughter, Sleeping, Fascinated, Command, Cowering, Decerebrated, Encased, Quicksand, Slowed and Stunned.)
Mass Forcecage (Conjuration. Medium range. 10' radius. 10 rounds. The spell creates bars of force around creatures of size large, medium or small, effectively paralysing them. They cannot move or attack. The creatures can activate psionics and cast stilled spells. They are not helpless and they retain their Dexterity scores. As a full-round action, they can attempt to break free by succeeding on a Strength check of DC 22. The cage can be removed with the spells Freedom, Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel Magic. Reflex negates. No Spell Resistance.)
Prismatic Void (Evocation. Long Range. 30' radius. You create a short-lived multicoloured phenomenon. All creatures in the area of effect are blinded for one round (no save). Further, each creature receives a random effect. The exact effect depends on the result of 1d8:
- Red beam: Deals 100 points of fire damage (Reflex half).
- Orange beam: Deals 120 points of acid damage (Reflex half).
- Yellow beam: Deals 140 points of electricity damage (Reflex half).
- Green beam: Deals 200 points of acid damage (Fortitude half).
- Blue beam: The creature is turned to stone (Fortitude negates).
- Indigo beam: The creature gains the berserk condition permanently (Willpower negates).
- Violet beam: Deals 10,000 points of damage from dematerialisation (Willpower negates).
- Twin beams: The creature is struck by two rays randomly selected from the other seven effects.)
Summoner Feats
Improved Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to three summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 7 Summoner.
Superior Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to four summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 14 Summoner, Improved Mass Summoning.
Battle Summoning: Summoned creatures gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls, Armour Class and Saving Throws. Requires Augment Summoning.
Greater Battle Summoning: Summoned creatures gain another +1 bonus to Attack Rolls, Armour Class and Saving Throws, as well as a Hit Point bonus of one point per level. Requires Battle Summoning.
Improved Reach Summoning: All your summon spells are now long-range spells.
Improved Reach Healing: You cast all Cure and Heal spells as Close-Range spells, rather than Touch spells. Your Mass Cure spells are also improved from Close Range to Medium Range.
Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component while wearing armour of a category that you are proficient with. Requires Light Armour Proficiency.
Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all Summoner spells with a saving throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus:The Difficulty Class of all Summoner spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires Spell Focus.
Social Goals Report And Links
Today we've reached the Sixth Social Goal! Thank You!! This means that there will be an option allowing players to replace the display of monster Hit Points with the monster injury status, such as 'Lightly Injured' or 'Critically Injured'.
We're very close to the Next Social Goals for the
Facebook Likes and Shares and the Number of Backers. Let's Keep It Up, Loyal Knights and Sorcerers! ^^
All of the following links can be used to help us reach the Next Social Goals and Further Increase Awareness of the Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter campaign among CRPG lovers:
Please feel free to download the
promo pack for KotC 2 if you would like to promote the campaign with images, text or animated GIFs.
You can also join our mailing list by registering on the
HeroicFantasyGames.com forums and join us on Discord by following the
Discord Invite Link.
Cross Promotions
Today I would like to mention two games: Feudal Kingdoms and the new expansion for Fell Seal.
Feudal Kingdoms is a turn-based medieval grand strategy game which expands the limits of the genre by adding more depth to the gameplay than you have ever seen before.
Here are two images from the game's
Kickstarter campaign:
The Kickstarter for Feudal Kingdoms will end in just Six Days! The link is
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/feudalkingdoms/feudal-kingdoms. Support them while there is still some time!
Separately, 6 Eyes Studio has just released its
Missions and Monsters expansion for
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. Fell Seal is a turn-based tactical RPG with a focus on storytelling and strategic battles. Unfold a mature story as you progress through hand-crafted scenarios, controlling your own group of Arbiters, with each character customizable from a wide selection of classes and abilities!
With the Missions and Monsters expansion, you'll be able to recruit powerful monsters from across the land of Teora, customize them with their own classes, and send them into battle alongside the rest of your forces.
You'll get to dispatch your troops on missions of their own to gather precious resources, earn special rewards, unlock new locations and classes, and, ultimately, keep the land a safer place! Face new challenges that will test your tactical mettle as you embark on larger-scale battles against the deadliest monsters the land has ever seen! Visit the game's
Steam page for more information.
Next Knights of the Chalice 2 Update
The next non-video update about KotC 2 will be published on 27 June. It will focus on the New Feats that will be added to the game, including Epic Feats and Normal Feats!
The next video in support of the KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign will be published on 26 June. It will be the Fourth KotC 2 Combat Video!
Only 7 Days To Go! Hang On For The Final Sprint!! ^^
The Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter will end in just 7 Days, So Please Keep Spreading the Word while there is still some time left! Thank You, Valorous Knights of the Kingdom!!
![Smile :) :)](/forums/smiles/icon_smile.gif)