guys, please tell me what the error in spelling was
Update #29: Knights of the Chalice 2 13-Minute Trailer And The Last Three Companions!
Knights of the Chalice 2 13-Minute Trailer
Hello everyone!
I have just uploaded the tenth video in support of the Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter campaign. The new video is the 13-Minute Trailer of KotC 2 Augury of Chaos!
The link on Youtube is https://youtu.be/oQKTBnsgk-0. Please feel free to share the link and post comments here or on the Youtube page!
The Last Three Companions
Final excerpts from the Vaults of Loremaster Geldaron. Also see the first part and second part. ^^
The story of Woosh
I once spoke to a tree obsessed with fire magic. 'Tis a tragic tale. The treant had been living happily as a tiny sapling with its tree family until a wild fire came and devoured the forest.
As the fire raged around the terrified plant, it tried to burrow deep underground to escape the flames. It was to no avail. The heat came closer and closer, burning its family members one by one. Their screams must have been terrible to hear.
Though badly burnt, the creature survived only because it hid under the massive trunks of its parents, who had been the first to fall to the fire. While things do not burn twice, I find this part of the story suspect. When the tree spoke of the fire, its voice shivered as if in delight.
I do not wish to think it true, but it's possible the creature murdered its family in a pyromaniacal rage. I did not dare question it, for its power was great.
- Special Skills: [Nature], which includes herbalism, tracking, animal handling, wilderness survival and monster identification, and [Fire], which allows you to set an object on fire or melt a lock.
- Greater Stomp Spell-Like Ability. Damage Reduction bypassed by slashing weapons.
- Natural Reach allows you to conduct melee attacks against non-adjacent enemies.
- Natural Armour. Fire-Damage Vulnerability.
- Red Wizard Class.
The story of Maphistor
As I was studying ancient parchments, suddenly my eyes were drawn irresistibly to one particular page that made me feel queasy for a mysterious reason. Though I shivered in fear while doing so, I could not help but decipher the strange symbols and read the story they told.
There once was a creature of unimaginable cruelty and power. It was a vulture-like dweller of the Great Abyss, the dreadful domain of Demons and the damned souls who serve them. Its ambition for conquest knew no boundaries and so the day soon came when the creature led a fiendish army to enslave the realms of men.
This demon would have succeeded in its plan but for a cabal of mages known only as the Arcane Circle. Though many lost their lives, they shackled the creature and sealed it within a forbidden tomb deep underground, where lived a community of dwarves.
This story should have ended here. But there were fresh bloody runes at the bottom of the scroll! Breathing heavily, my heart throbbing frantically through my chest, I read the words aloud.
They only said this one horrifying thing: MAPHISTOR HAS ESCAPED.
As I was gasping for air, my hands suddenly felt very wet. I looked at my fingers and the uncanny realisation dawned on me. I was the one who wrote these sibylline runes with my own blood.
- Special Skills: [Flying], which allows you to fly over chasms and avoid the effect of spells such as Web and Entangle, and [Assassin], which covers critical strikes, anatomy, vital spots, autopsy & inflict pain.
- Electricity-based Body Defence deals electricity damage to melee opponents who strike you.
- Can wield Six Weapons simultaneously. Damage Reduction bypassed by Cold Iron weapons.
- Spell Resistance. Energy Damage Reduction. Cannot wear Armour.
- Fighter Class.
The story of Jagernaut
I have heard many legends about the wonders of the undersea world. They tell of opulent fishman kingdoms. But the oceans are also the refuge of strange beings believed by many to be eternal: the Water Elementals.
Though most elementals are said to be even tempered, these fine creatures may come to resent their enslavement by mages who summon them and sometimes use them remorselessly, until they're dead in the water!
I once had the chance to meet Quoris, an Archmage of the Knights of the Chalice, who I feel honoured to call my friend. He told me of a summoning ceremony that went terribly wrong. A group of four powerful elementals, known as the Elemental Princes, appeared to him like a fish out of water, hell bent on taking revenge for their entire kind!
In deep water, Quoris only survived by the skin of his teeth. He wasn't wet behind the ears, though! He later used his scrying spells to learn about the Elemental Princes.
At the time, they were led by a fearsome water elemental called Jagernaut. This elemental had spent much of his life as a Slave Gladiator in the Grand Coliseum of the unholy City State of Raman. Don't make waves, the trainer of gladiators told him! But one day he broke free, like water through a sieve!
Having left his rainy days behind, Jagernaut has been forging a new undersea city of free-flowing elementals. However, I cannot shake away the sad thought that the creature's past as a glorious gladiator will always follow him, never truly allowing him to be free from oppressors past and future. He will fight on though, come hell or high water!
Stretch Goals & Social Goals Report And Links
- Special Skill: [Water], which allows you to fight underwater without any penalties. You may also be given the option to extinguish a fire. You may be able to save secret documents hurriedly set on fire.
- Stability Bonus against Trip, Bull Rush and Grease. Daze Monster Spell-Like Ability. Darkvision.
- Immunity to Flanking, Hampering, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Poison.
- Damage Reduction. Natural Armour. Fire-Damage Vulnerability.
- Gladiator Class.
As the end of the campaign is drawing nigh, the number of backers is increasing and we're getting closer and closer to the campaign's Fifth Stretch Goal! When I checked a bit earlier, we were about 40 backers away from the Fifth Stretch Goal! Thank You, Valiant Knights! ^^
When I checked, we were also just one click away from the Next Social Goal for the Facebook Likes and Shares, which includes the number of Likes of the Facebook page as well as the number of times the KotC 2 Features page and Screenshots page and the KotC 1 Features page and Screenshots page have been recommended through the Facebook buttons on these pages.
All of the following links can be used to help us reach the Next Social Goals and Further Increase Awareness of the Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter campaign among CRPG lovers:
Please feel free to download the promo pack for KotC 2 if you would like to promote the campaign with images, text or animated GIFs.
- Follow us on Twitter and Please Retweet the #KotC2 Tweets while there is still a bit of time left! ^^
- Like us on Facebook and Please Share the Campaign's Link on your timeline!
- Share on Facebook the KotC 2 Features page and Screenshots page!
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You can also join our mailing list by registering on the HeroicFantasyGames.com forums. Finally, you can join us on Discord by following the Discord Invite Link!
Next Knights of the Chalice 2 Update
The next update about KotC 2 will be published tomorrow! It will focus on the Necromancer Character Class in KotC 2! The KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign will end on 2 July!
Only Two Days To Go! Hang On For The Final Sprint!! ^^
The Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter ends in only Two Days! The Final Hours Are Upon Us!! :D
Please Keep Spreading the Word while there is still a bit of time left to Repel the Forces of Chaos!! Thank You, Valorous Knights of the Crown!!
Don't fret, we're not reaching its goal anyway, not even the gargoyle's...![]()
Alignment has a few effects in combat. It determines the effect of weapons with the Holy, Unholy, Axiomatic and Anarchic enchantments on your character. It also determines the effect of the Protection From Alignment line of spells and the effect of Righteous Might.
In addition, alignment can be checked during dialogues (see below).
Currently, in Augury of Chaos, the alignment of the characters you create has to be non-evil, but this could be changed easily.
Yes, the alignment of your characters can give you extra options. I'll quote from the webpage about Character Skills at http://www.heroicfantasygames.com/FWE/Pages/FWE_Skills.htm:
[Divine Champion] If your party includes a Paladin or a Good-aligned Champion, Cleric or Bishop, you may be given the option to call upon the power of a Good divinity when facing a difficult situation. Likewise, an Evil-aligned Champion, Cleric or Bishop may allow the party to seek assistance from an Evil deity when facing a difficult situation.
[Alignment] When conducting talks with angelic beings, a character may receive an advantage if his alignment is Good. When conducting talks with demons and devils, a character may receive an advantage if his alignment is Evil.
Cool, because I spent what I could afford on this.If our little fundraiser here doesn't get to the $1,500 "Create a Quest" tier level before the KS ends I'll make sure it gets there.![]()
Update #30: A Closer Look at the Necromancer Character Class! Only 40 Hours To Go!
The Necromancer Character Class in KotC 2
Necromancers are the masters of Death Magic. They have learnt secret forbidden rituals allowing them to manipulate powerful dark energies as well as animate corpses. Necromancers have the dreaded power to create Undead Servants and bind them to their will.
D6 Hit Die. No armour or shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency only. Necromancers are usually Non-Good, but they can be of any alignment. Skills: [Arcana] and [Necromancy].
Used in certain dialogues at the end of combat, the [Necromancy] skill allows the Necromancer to turn a slain humanoid enemy into an undead slave, who joins the party as a permanent companion. Aside from end-of-combat dialogues, it could also be used when you examine any humanoid corpse. Maybe you're supposed to bring back the corpse of the bandit leader to the bailiff for a reward, but instead you choose to turn the corpse into a permanent, powerful Undead Servant.
Spells: The leading ability for Necromancer spells is Charisma. A Necromancer can activate Arcane Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Rogue, Wizard and Necromancer. When a Necromancer wears armour or uses a shield, he suffers from a chance to fail the casting of spells with a somatic component.
- Death Touch: Once per day, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals negative-energy damage equal to 1d8 points per Necromancer level to a single living target. No save. This is a Death effect, so it can be blocked by the spell Death Ward. If the Hit Points of the target fall to zero or below due to this effect, the necromancer gains a bonus of +2 to Strength until the end of the current encounter. Death Touch is a Supernatural ability.
- Undead Toughness I: The Necromancer gains a bonus of +2 to Fortitude Saving Throws and Hit Points.
- Undead Toughness II: The bonus to Fortitude Saving Throws and Hit Points increases from +2 to +4.
- Undead Toughness III: The Necromancer becomes immune to Disease and Poison.
- Undead Toughness IV: The Necromancer becomes immune to Critical Hits and Fear effects.
- Darkvision: The Necromancer gains the Darkvision ability, allowing the character to ignore the negative effects of magical darkness.
- Damage Reduction: You can absorb a number of points of damage on every hit.
- Nocturnis Attunement: Necromancers are automatically attuned to Nocturnis, just like Black Wizards. In addition, the Necromancer has access to the Path to Lichdom transformation option like the Black Wizard, but Necromancers who transform do not have to pay any Experience Point cost.
Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Charisma modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Necromancer can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Necromancers can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.
Level 1 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Skeleton (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Skeleton (CR 1) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Skeletal Warrior (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 200.)
Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 1D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 5. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Death Bolt (Necromancy. Ranged-touch spell deals 1D6 per level points of negative energy damage to a living target in medium range. Requires a successful ranged touch attack. Fortitude half.)
Cause Fear (Necromancy. Melee touch causes a single creature to cower for 1d2 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, the target is shaken for 1d2 rounds.)
Remove Fear (Alteration. Touch spell, removes the Shaken condition. Also improves the Cowering condition.)
Mage Armour (Conjuration, Duration Until Rest, Personal, an invisible barrier appears around you, giving a +4 armour bonus to Armour Class. Unlike a normal armour bonus, the bonus from Mage Armour applies versus incorporeal attacks. At level 6, the armour bonus increases to +5. At level 11, the armour bonus increases to +6.)
Sleep (Enchantment, Mind-affecting, 10' radius circle, up to 4 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures are put to sleep. They gain the Prone and Sleeping conditions. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Duration Until End of Combat. Willpower negates.)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy, Ranged touch attack. No save. The target receives the Enfeeblement condition. If two such conditions are present at the same time, the worst one applies. The condition gives a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6 plus one point per two caster levels, up to 1d6+5. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Ray of Frost (Evocation. Long Range. Ranged touch attack. Reflex half. An icy ray springs from your fingers and deals 1d8 points of cold damage to the target, plus 1 point per level.)
Blur (Enchantment. Personal spell, Duration Until Rest. Your figure becomes blurred, giving you 20% concealment. This effect is negated by the True Seeing condition.)
Level 2 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Zombie (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Zombie (CR 3) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 2D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 10. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Vampiric Ray (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Close Range. No save. This spell lets you drain a living creature's life force. The victim takes 1d6 points of damage for every two caster levels, up to 10d6. The caster gains temporary hit points equal to the damage inflicted to the victim. You may not gain more than the target's current hit points.)
Ice Blast (Evocation, Close Range. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d6 points of cold damage per level up to 10d6. Fortitude half. Failing the save makes the target fatigued for four rounds.)
Remove Paralysis (Conjuration. Touch spell, removes the Paralysed and Slowed conditions.)
Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 10' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Mirror Image (Enchantment. Personal, Duration Until Rest. The spell creates a number of illusory duplicates of the caster. Whenever you are struck by a successful melee hit, ranged hit, touch spell or ranged touch spell, a random roll is used to determine whether the target is real or illusory (Blinded creatures and monsters with blindsight always strike the real target. If you are invisible, enemies automatically hit the real target). When an illusory duplicate is hit, it disappears. The number of duplicates is 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels, up to a total of eight images. Area of effect spells do not destroy duplicates.)
False Life (Necromancy. Personal. You gain 1d10 temporary hit points plus one per level.)
Ghoul Touch (Necromancy. Touch spell. You paralyse a single living humanoid for 1d6+2 rounds. Fortitude negates. If the spell is successful, all creatures in a 15' radius centred on the paralysed creature must succeed on a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The caster is not affected by this effect.)
Scare (Necromancy. 15' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d3 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d3 rounds.)
Darkvision (Alteration. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. The recipient gains the ability to see through magical darkness.)
Level 3 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Mummy (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Mummy (CR 5) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Ghoul Warrior (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 900.)
Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 3D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 15. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Ice Lance (Conjuration. Medium Range. Ranged touch with a +4 bonus on the attack roll. The target takes 3d6 points of piercing damage and 3d6 points of cold damage. No save. The target is also stunned for 1d4 rounds if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw. No spell resistance. From level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 piercing + 4d6 cold. From level 13, the damage increases to 5d6 piercing + 5d6 cold.)
Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Melee touch. Curses a single living target. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Willpower negates. Permanent.)
Blindness (Necromancy. Long Range. Single target must succeed on a Reflex save or become blind permanently.)
Dispel Magic (Alteration. Select Single Effect, Effects on Creature or Effects on Area: Single Effect: Choose a single creature, then choose an ongoing magical or psionic effect on that creature. It is dispelled if you succeed on a check of 1d20 + level (up to 10) + Spell Focus bonuses versus DC of 11 + level of the mage who created the effect. If the effect is 'summoned', the creature is unsummoned. Effects on Creature: Choose a single creature. You make a check for each ongoing effect on the creature (but not effects from items). A successful check dispels that effect. Dispel Area: Select a 20' circle area. For each area effect in the circle, you make a dispel check and for each creature in the circle, you make a dispel check against the ongoing effect of highest caster level. A successful check dispels that effect.)
Deep Slumber (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. Same as Sleep, but this spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures. Willpower negates.)
Halt Undead (Necromancy. 15' radius. Up to three undead creatures (starting from the ones in the area of effect with lowest Hit Dice) are paralysed for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds) if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. The paralysis stops when the creature takes damage. A paralysed undead creature can cast stilled spells, activate a psionic power, or, as a full-round action, attempt to break free by succeeding on another Willpower saving throw.)
Ray of Exhaustion (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium Range, Reflex special. Black ray makes a single target exhausted, or fatigued if it saves. Duration Until End of Combat.)
Deeper Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 20' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Crushing Despair (Enchantment. 30' radius cone spell, creatures take a penalty of -4 to attack and willpower saves. Willpower negates. Duration Until End of Combat.)
Level 4 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Spectre (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Spectre (CR 7) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 4D8 +1 per level points of negative energy damage. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Vampiric Cone (Necromancy. 20' radius cone. Reflex half. All living targets in the area of effect take 2d6 points of damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. From each target, you may not gain more than their current hit points. The damage increases by two points at level 9 and by another two points at level 11.)
Ice Storm (Evocation. 25' radius circle, No save. Long Range. Magical hailstones rain down, dealing 3d6 points of cold damage and 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. From caster level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 cold + 4d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 30'. From CL 11, the damage increases to 5d6 cold + 5d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 35'.)
Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)
Poison (Necromancy. Melee touch attack inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to the target. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)
Globe of Invulnerability (Conjuration. Personal. For 1 round per level, you become immune to hostile powers and spells of level 1, 2 and 3. You can't be targeted by these spells and area of effect spells ignore you. From caster level 11, you also block spells of level 4. From caster level 15, you also block spells of level 5. Although you are protected against evocation spells like Fireball, the spell does not protect against the effect of conjuration spells like Web and Grease. Further, the spell does not remove or block beneficial spells like Mirror Image or Protection from Arrows.)
Confusion (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. All creatures in the area of effect are confused for 2d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. Each round, a confused subject rolls a D100 to determine what it will do: Attack an enemy creature (01-10), Act normally (11-20), Do nothing (21-50), Run away (51-70), Attack the nearest creature (71-100). Medium Range.)
Enervation (Necromancy. Close range. No save. Ranged touch attack inflicts 1d4 negative levels. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)
Fear (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d6 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d6 rounds.)
Control Person (Enchantment. Casting time Full-Round Action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a humanoid creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and spell-like abilities. Duration eight rounds. Close Range. Willpower negates.)
Energy Shield (Evocation. Touch spell. 1 round per level. Select [fire], [cold], [acid] or [electricity]. Any creature dealing damage to the subject in melee takes 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type, plus one point per caster level. The spell also gives resistance 10 against the chosen energy type. Note that casting the spell on someone who is already benefiting from an Energy Shield spell effect will remove the existing effect. In addition, the spell cannot be cast on creatures who have a racial body defence, creatures who are wearing a Cloak of Lightning, a Cloak of Flames, a Cloak of Ice or a Cloak of Acid, and creatures who are wearing armour with any of the following enchantments: Fire Defence, Greater Fire Defence, Cold Defence, Greater Cold Defence, Electricity Defence, Greater Electricity Defence, Acid Defence, Greater Acid Defence. A creature cannot benefit from more than one Energy Shield effect at any given time.)
Level 5 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Mohrg (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Mohrg (CR 8) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Mummy Cleric (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 2000.)
Mass Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 1D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Cone of Cold (Evocation. 60' radius cone. Reflex half. Creatures standing within the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level, up to 15d6. Creatures who failed their save are slowed for one round.)
Slay Living (Necromancy. Melee touch attack kills a living creature. Fortitude saving throw negates. If the saving throw is successful, the target receives 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)
Stoneskin Touch (Conjuration. Touch. 1 round per level. This spell creates a thin protective layer around the subject's skin. The recipient gains Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)
Psychic Turmoil (Necromancy. 20' radius circle. All creatures with psionic power points in the area of effect immediately lose two times their level in power points. Willpower half.)
Frailty (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium range. For 10 rounds, a single living target cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. No save.)
Lower Spell and Power Resistance (Necromancy. Duration 10 rounds. Select a creature in close range. There is no saving throw but SR applies, with the spell penetration roll receiving a +6 bonus. The target's SR drops by half the caster level. Not cumulative.)
Mind Breach (Enchantment. 20' radius circle. Willpower negates, but all targets take a penalty of 2 on their saving throw. All affected creatures take a -10 penalty on future Willpower saving throws, for 2d6 rounds.)
Waves of Fatigue (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become fatigued. The effect continues until rest. No save.)
Cloudkill (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle spell, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. No SR. A cloud of yellowish poisonous vapour appears. All creatures in the area of effect take 1d4 points of constitution damage, Fortitude half. The difficulty class is equal to the spell's difficulty class. The constitution damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round thereafter, just before the caster acts. Entering the cloud also triggers the damage, but if several squares are crossed, only the first one deals damage. Additionally, the cloud has the same properties as a Fog Cloud. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Ranged attacks against a target inside the cloud may hit adjacent creatures. Creatures inside a fog move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)
Level 6 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Giant Skeleton Warrior (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Giant Skeleton Warrior (CR 10, level-8 Warrior) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 2D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Harm (Necromancy. Melee touch attack deals 10 points of negative energy damage per level up to 150. Willpower half. The damage cannot reduce the target's Hit Points below 1. Undead are healed by an equal amount.)
Vampiric Blast (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. Reflex half. All living targets in the area of effect take 3d6 points of damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. From each target, you may not gain more than their current hit points. The damage increases to 4d6 at level 13 and 5d6 at level 15.)
Greater Dispel Magic (Same as Dispel Magic, but your dispel checks are equal to 1d20 + level + Spell Focus bonus.)
Undeath to Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. This spell immediately destroys up to 1d4 Hit Dice per Caster Level of undead in the area of effect, if they fail a Willpower saving throw. Undead with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)
Circle of Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. The spell immediately kills up to 1d4 Hit Dice per CL of living creatures in the area of effect, if they fail a Fortitude saving throw. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)
Mass Blindness (Necromancy. 30' radius circle. Long Range. All enemies in the area of effect must succeed on a Reflex save or become Blind for one round per two levels, rounded up.)
Blindness Ward (Necromancy. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. All allies in the area of effect become immune to blindness effects.)
Insect Plague (Conjuration. Long Range. 50' radius, no save, everyone gains the plagued condition, giving -4 penalty to ranged attack rolls, each round 1d6 damage, and the casting or use of power requires a concentration check of DC 16 + plague damage dealt on this round + spell level. Moving through is at half speed. The damage is inflicted upon casting and then every round right before the caster's turn. Entering the area also deals damage.)
Feeblemind (Enchantment. Willpower negates. Select a creature in medium range. The spell has two effects on the creature. Its intelligence score drops to 1 and it loses the ability to cast spells or use psionic powers. If the target's class has Willpower as its only good Saving Throw, then a penalty of -4 is applied on the creature's Willpower saving throw to avoid the effect of the spell. Permanent.)
Dominate Person (Enchantment. Using this spell, the caster takes control of a humanoid creature through a telepathic link. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. It may use spells and attack without penalty. The subject stays dominated even after the caster's death. Duration eight rounds. Medium Range. Full round to cast. Willpower negates.)
Level 7 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Groaning Spirit (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Groaning Spirit (CR 12) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Shadow Death Knight (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 3500.)
Mass Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 3D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Freezing Sphere (Evocation. 10' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. This spell creates an explosion of cold energy. Creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level up to 15d6. Although they're not particularly vulnerable to cold damage, water elementals instead take 1d8 points of damage per level, up to 15d8.)
Mass Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. 10' radius circle, all allies in the area of effect gain immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)
Destruction (Necromancy. Gold cost 500. Select a creature, living or not, in close range. If it fails on a Fortitude saving throw, it is instantly destroyed. If it succeeds on the save, it takes 10d6 points of damage. This damage may kill the creature.)
Malison (Necromancy. Close Range, 10' radius circle. For 10 rounds, all living enemies in the area of effect take a penalty of four points to attack rolls, saving throws, spell resistance and ability checks. Willpower save to reduce the penalty to two points.)
Dominate Undead (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15' radius circle. Using this spell, the caster takes control of undead creatures in the area of effect. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. The spell can affect no more than 2 hit dice per level of undead creatures. Duration eight rounds. Casting time Standard Action. Willpower negates.)
Finger of Death (Necromancy. Slays a living creature in close range. Fortitude negates. A creature who successfully saves receives 3d6 + 1/level points of damage.)
Waves of Exhaustion (Necromancy. 60' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become exhausted. The effect continues until rest. No save.)
Chaos (Enchantment. 40' radius circle. All enemy creatures in the area of effect are confused for 3d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. If a target fails on its saving throw by five points or more, it gains the berserk condition instead. Each round, creatures with the berserk condition must attack the creature nearest to them.)
Level 8 Necromancer Spells (10 spells)
Summon Vampire Lord (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Vampire Lord (CR 15, 14-level Wizard) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Mass Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 4D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Polar Ray (Evocation. Ranged Touch. Medium Range. Creatures struck by this blue-white ray instantly take 1d8 points of cold damage for every caster level (no save). The target must also succeed on a Willpower saving throw or become slowed for 1d2 rounds.)
Mass Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Long range, 20' radius. All living enemies in the area of effect receive the Cursed condition if they fail on their Willpower saving throw. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Permanent.)
Accelerated Spell and Power (Alteration. Casting time Free action. For four rounds, every standard-action spell cast (or power activated) by the character now requires only a move action. A full-round-action spell now requires a standard action. A move-action spell now requires a free action. You cannot cast more than one free-action spell in a round. If you cast a second free-action spell, it requires a move action instead.)
Horrid Wilting (Necromancy. 35' radius circle. Long Range. Fortitude half. Living creatures in the area of effect suffer from the evaporation of body moisture. Each target takes 1d6 points of damage for every caster level. Water elementals and plant creatures instead take 1d8 damage points for every caster level.)
Control Monster (Enchantment. Close Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a living creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and special abilities. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)
Mass Frailty (Necromancy. Medium range. 15' radius. For 10 rounds, living targets cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. Reflex negates.)
Phantasmal Killer (Conjuration. You summon a terrifying creature from the world of shadows. The spell kills a living target in medium range if it fails on a Willpower saving throw and on a Fortitude saving throw. If it fails on the Willpower saving throw but not on the Fortitude saving throw, it takes 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage instead.)
Mass Poison (Necromancy. Medium range, 10' radius circle. This spell inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to all enemies within the area of effect. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)
Level 9 Necromancer Spells (9 spells)
Summon Ghost Dragon (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Ghost Dragon (CR 18, HD 35) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 4x4 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Spectral Warlock (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 5400.)
Mass Harm (Necromancy. Medium Range. Casting time full-round action. 10' radius circle spell, inflicts 10 points of negative energy damage per level. Enemies get a Willpower saving throw for half damage. The damage cannot reduce the Hit Points of targets below 1. Undead allies in the area of effect are healed rather than damaged.)
Energy Drain (Necromancy. Close Range. Ranged Touch. No save. Living creatures hit by this black ray of negative energy gain 2d6 permanent negative levels. Subjects who gain a number of negative levels equal to or higher than their hit dice instantly die. Spellcasters cannot cast spells of a given level if they don't have the required effective caster level. For example, casting Fireball requires an effective caster level of 5 at least.)
Implosion (Alteration. Personal. Casting time Free Action. For four rounds, each round you can select a creature in close range. If it fails on a Fortitude saving throw, it is destroyed instantly.)
Power Word Kill (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to die. Creatures with more than 100 current hit points are unaffected.)
Shadow Storm (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15-foot radius circle spell, all living targets take 1d4 negative levels. A successful Reflex saving throw reduces the number of negative levels to 1. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)
Dominate Monster (Enchantment. Medium Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of up to three living creatures through a telepathic link. The same target cannot be selected more than once. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)
Weird (Conjuration. 20' radius circle. Medium Range. Willpower negates. Similar to Phantasmal Killer. Hostile creatures who failed on the Willpower save are killed if they also fail on a Fortitude save, or they are stunned for one round and they take 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)
Necromancer Feats
Improved Death Bolt: The range of your Death Bolt spells increases from medium to long, and targets who fail on their fortitude saving throw receive a single negative level that disappears upon resting.
Necromancer Ray Empower: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life and Vampiric Ray are Empowered for free.
Necromancer Ray Improved Range: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement and Vampiric Ray are treated as long-range spells, rather than close-range spells.
Inflict Wounds Empower: All your Inflict and Mass Inflict spells are Empowered for free (the damage is multiplied by 1.5, including the per-level bonus points).
Inflict Wounds Improved Reach: You cast all Inflict and Harm spells as Close-Range spells requiring a ranged-touch attack, rather than Touch spells requiring a melee-touch attack. Your Mass Inflict spells are also improved from Close Range to Medium Range, while Mass Harm is improved from Medium Range to Long Range.
Improved Wilting: You cast Horrid Wilting as a level-7 spell and Shadow Storm as a level-8 spell.
Greater Wilting: The damage from your Horrid Wilting spells increases by one point per level, the radius increases to 40 feet, and only enemies are affected. Your Shadow Storm spells only affect enemies, the range increases to Long, the radius increases to 20 feet and targets receive 1d6 negative levels.
Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component while wearing Medium Armour or Heavy Armour, if you have the appropriate Armour Proficiency.
Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires Spell Focus.
Cold Magic: You cast spells with the [cold] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires Spell Focus.
Vampiric Magic: You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with the spells Vampiric Ray, Vampiric Cone and Vampiric Blast. Requires Spell Focus.
Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to two summoned creatures simultaneously.
Improved Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to three summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 7 Necromancer.
Superior Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to four summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 14 Necromancer, Improved Mass Summoning.
Social Goals Report And Links
Today we've reached the Eighth Social Goal! Thank You!! We're also getting closer to the Next Social Goal for the number of backers. Let's Keep It Up, Loyal Knights and Wise Mages! ^^
Don't worry about the drop in the funding amount earlier today, as it is due to someone moving their pledge from Kickstarter to another means of payment! Not a cause for concern!
All of the following links can be used to help us reach the Next Social Goals and Further Increase Awareness of the Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter campaign among CRPG lovers:
Please feel free to download the updated promo pack for KotC 2 if you would like to promote the campaign with images, text or animated GIFs.
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Next Knights of the Chalice 2 Update
Tomorrow is the Last Day of the KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign, so tomorrow I will post a simple update with a recap of the goals we've reached and some of the answers I've got to the RPG questions I've been asking on Twitter during the campaign. The KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign ends on 2 July!
Only One Day To Go! Hang On For The Final Sprint!! ^^
The Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter ends in about 40 hours! The Final Hours Are Upon Us!! :D
Please Keep Spreading the Word while there is still a bit of time left to Repel the Forces of Chaos!! Thank You, Fearless Knights of the Kingdom!!
Don't worry about the drop in the funding amount earlier today, as it is due to someone moving their pledge from Kickstarter to another means of payment! Not a cause for concern!![]()
$25 for just the base game digital download without a Steam key, I believe.How much di I need to put in the Codex fundraiser for the base game that will be released after the KS?
I think Codex use USD but the KS is in another currency isn't it
Whoever backed at the Companion Crafter tier (£2,465) cancelled.
Don't worry about the drop in the funding amount earlier today, as it is due to someone moving their pledge from Kickstarter to another means of payment! Not a cause for concern!![]()
Sounds more like a warlock with death domain than a necromancer, charisma based spellcasting, shooting similar eldritch blast.Would have prefered an arcane int one with more feats to enhance minions.https://www.kickstarter.com/project...-revolutionise-old-school-crpgs/posts/2879579
Update #30: A Closer Look at the Necromancer Character Class! Only 40 Hours To Go!
The Necromancer Character Class in KotC 2
Necromancers are the masters of Death Magic. They have learnt secret forbidden rituals allowing them to manipulate powerful dark energies as well as animate corpses. Necromancers have the dreaded power to create Undead Servants and bind them to their will.
D6 Hit Die. No armour or shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency only. Necromancers are usually Non-Good, but they can be of any alignment. Skills: [Arcana] and [Necromancy].
Used in certain dialogues at the end of combat, the [Necromancy] skill allows the Necromancer to turn a slain humanoid enemy into an undead slave, who joins the party as a permanent companion. Aside from end-of-combat dialogues, it could also be used when you examine any humanoid corpse. Maybe you're supposed to bring back the corpse of the bandit leader to the bailiff for a reward, but instead you choose to turn the corpse into a permanent, powerful Undead Servant.
Spells: The leading ability for Necromancer spells is Charisma. A Necromancer can activate Arcane Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Rogue, Wizard and Necromancer. When a Necromancer wears armour or uses a shield, he suffers from a chance to fail the casting of spells with a somatic component.
- Death Touch: Once per day, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals negative-energy damage equal to 1d8 points per Necromancer level to a single living target. No save. This is a Death effect, so it can be blocked by the spell Death Ward. If the Hit Points of the target fall to zero or below due to this effect, the necromancer gains a bonus of +2 to Strength until the end of the current encounter. Death Touch is a Supernatural ability.
- Undead Toughness I: The Necromancer gains a bonus of +2 to Fortitude Saving Throws and Hit Points.
- Undead Toughness II: The bonus to Fortitude Saving Throws and Hit Points increases from +2 to +4.
- Undead Toughness III: The Necromancer becomes immune to Disease and Poison.
- Undead Toughness IV: The Necromancer becomes immune to Critical Hits and Fear effects.
- Darkvision: The Necromancer gains the Darkvision ability, allowing the character to ignore the negative effects of magical darkness.
- Damage Reduction: You can absorb a number of points of damage on every hit.
- Nocturnis Attunement: Necromancers are automatically attuned to Nocturnis, just like Black Wizards. In addition, the Necromancer has access to the Path to Lichdom transformation option like the Black Wizard, but Necromancers who transform do not have to pay any Experience Point cost.
Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Charisma modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Necromancer can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Necromancers can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.
Level 1 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Skeleton (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Skeleton (CR 1) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Skeletal Warrior (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 200.)
Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 1D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 5. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Death Bolt (Necromancy. Ranged-touch spell deals 1D6 per level points of negative energy damage to a living target in medium range. Requires a successful ranged touch attack. Fortitude half.)
Cause Fear (Necromancy. Melee touch causes a single creature to cower for 1d2 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, the target is shaken for 1d2 rounds.)
Remove Fear (Alteration. Touch spell, removes the Shaken condition. Also improves the Cowering condition.)
Mage Armour (Conjuration, Duration Until Rest, Personal, an invisible barrier appears around you, giving a +4 armour bonus to Armour Class. Unlike a normal armour bonus, the bonus from Mage Armour applies versus incorporeal attacks. At level 6, the armour bonus increases to +5. At level 11, the armour bonus increases to +6.)
Sleep (Enchantment, Mind-affecting, 10' radius circle, up to 4 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures are put to sleep. They gain the Prone and Sleeping conditions. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Duration Until End of Combat. Willpower negates.)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy, Ranged touch attack. No save. The target receives the Enfeeblement condition. If two such conditions are present at the same time, the worst one applies. The condition gives a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6 plus one point per two caster levels, up to 1d6+5. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Ray of Frost (Evocation. Long Range. Ranged touch attack. Reflex half. An icy ray springs from your fingers and deals 1d8 points of cold damage to the target, plus 1 point per level.)
Blur (Enchantment. Personal spell, Duration Until Rest. Your figure becomes blurred, giving you 20% concealment. This effect is negated by the True Seeing condition.)
Level 2 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Zombie (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Zombie (CR 3) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 2D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 10. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Vampiric Ray (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Close Range. No save. This spell lets you drain a living creature's life force. The victim takes 1d6 points of damage for every two caster levels, up to 10d6. The caster gains temporary hit points equal to the damage inflicted to the victim. You may not gain more than the target's current hit points.)
Ice Blast (Evocation, Close Range. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d6 points of cold damage per level up to 10d6. Fortitude half. Failing the save makes the target fatigued for four rounds.)
Remove Paralysis (Conjuration. Touch spell, removes the Paralysed and Slowed conditions.)
Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 10' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Mirror Image (Enchantment. Personal, Duration Until Rest. The spell creates a number of illusory duplicates of the caster. Whenever you are struck by a successful melee hit, ranged hit, touch spell or ranged touch spell, a random roll is used to determine whether the target is real or illusory (Blinded creatures and monsters with blindsight always strike the real target. If you are invisible, enemies automatically hit the real target). When an illusory duplicate is hit, it disappears. The number of duplicates is 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels, up to a total of eight images. Area of effect spells do not destroy duplicates.)
False Life (Necromancy. Personal. You gain 1d10 temporary hit points plus one per level.)
Ghoul Touch (Necromancy. Touch spell. You paralyse a single living humanoid for 1d6+2 rounds. Fortitude negates. If the spell is successful, all creatures in a 15' radius centred on the paralysed creature must succeed on a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The caster is not affected by this effect.)
Scare (Necromancy. 15' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d3 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d3 rounds.)
Darkvision (Alteration. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. The recipient gains the ability to see through magical darkness.)
Level 3 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Mummy (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Mummy (CR 5) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Ghoul Warrior (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 900.)
Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 3D8 points of negative energy damage +1 per level up to 15. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Ice Lance (Conjuration. Medium Range. Ranged touch with a +4 bonus on the attack roll. The target takes 3d6 points of piercing damage and 3d6 points of cold damage. No save. The target is also stunned for 1d4 rounds if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw. No spell resistance. From level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 piercing + 4d6 cold. From level 13, the damage increases to 5d6 piercing + 5d6 cold.)
Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Melee touch. Curses a single living target. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Willpower negates. Permanent.)
Blindness (Necromancy. Long Range. Single target must succeed on a Reflex save or become blind permanently.)
Dispel Magic (Alteration. Select Single Effect, Effects on Creature or Effects on Area: Single Effect: Choose a single creature, then choose an ongoing magical or psionic effect on that creature. It is dispelled if you succeed on a check of 1d20 + level (up to 10) + Spell Focus bonuses versus DC of 11 + level of the mage who created the effect. If the effect is 'summoned', the creature is unsummoned. Effects on Creature: Choose a single creature. You make a check for each ongoing effect on the creature (but not effects from items). A successful check dispels that effect. Dispel Area: Select a 20' circle area. For each area effect in the circle, you make a dispel check and for each creature in the circle, you make a dispel check against the ongoing effect of highest caster level. A successful check dispels that effect.)
Deep Slumber (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. Same as Sleep, but this spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures. Willpower negates.)
Halt Undead (Necromancy. 15' radius. Up to three undead creatures (starting from the ones in the area of effect with lowest Hit Dice) are paralysed for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds) if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. The paralysis stops when the creature takes damage. A paralysed undead creature can cast stilled spells, activate a psionic power, or, as a full-round action, attempt to break free by succeeding on another Willpower saving throw.)
Ray of Exhaustion (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium Range, Reflex special. Black ray makes a single target exhausted, or fatigued if it saves. Duration Until End of Combat.)
Deeper Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 20' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)
Crushing Despair (Enchantment. 30' radius cone spell, creatures take a penalty of -4 to attack and willpower saves. Willpower negates. Duration Until End of Combat.)
Level 4 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Spectre (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Spectre (CR 7) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy. Touch spell deals 4D8 +1 per level points of negative energy damage. Willpower half. Heals undead.)
Vampiric Cone (Necromancy. 20' radius cone. Reflex half. All living targets in the area of effect take 2d6 points of damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. From each target, you may not gain more than their current hit points. The damage increases by two points at level 9 and by another two points at level 11.)
Ice Storm (Evocation. 25' radius circle, No save. Long Range. Magical hailstones rain down, dealing 3d6 points of cold damage and 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. From caster level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 cold + 4d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 30'. From CL 11, the damage increases to 5d6 cold + 5d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 35'.)
Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)
Poison (Necromancy. Melee touch attack inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to the target. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)
Globe of Invulnerability (Conjuration. Personal. For 1 round per level, you become immune to hostile powers and spells of level 1, 2 and 3. You can't be targeted by these spells and area of effect spells ignore you. From caster level 11, you also block spells of level 4. From caster level 15, you also block spells of level 5. Although you are protected against evocation spells like Fireball, the spell does not protect against the effect of conjuration spells like Web and Grease. Further, the spell does not remove or block beneficial spells like Mirror Image or Protection from Arrows.)
Confusion (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. All creatures in the area of effect are confused for 2d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. Each round, a confused subject rolls a D100 to determine what it will do: Attack an enemy creature (01-10), Act normally (11-20), Do nothing (21-50), Run away (51-70), Attack the nearest creature (71-100). Medium Range.)
Enervation (Necromancy. Close range. No save. Ranged touch attack inflicts 1d4 negative levels. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)
Fear (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d6 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d6 rounds.)
Control Person (Enchantment. Casting time Full-Round Action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a humanoid creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and spell-like abilities. Duration eight rounds. Close Range. Willpower negates.)
Energy Shield (Evocation. Touch spell. 1 round per level. Select [fire], [cold], [acid] or [electricity]. Any creature dealing damage to the subject in melee takes 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type, plus one point per caster level. The spell also gives resistance 10 against the chosen energy type. Note that casting the spell on someone who is already benefiting from an Energy Shield spell effect will remove the existing effect. In addition, the spell cannot be cast on creatures who have a racial body defence, creatures who are wearing a Cloak of Lightning, a Cloak of Flames, a Cloak of Ice or a Cloak of Acid, and creatures who are wearing armour with any of the following enchantments: Fire Defence, Greater Fire Defence, Cold Defence, Greater Cold Defence, Electricity Defence, Greater Electricity Defence, Acid Defence, Greater Acid Defence. A creature cannot benefit from more than one Energy Shield effect at any given time.)
Level 5 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Mohrg (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Mohrg (CR 8) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Mummy Cleric (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 2000.)
Mass Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 1D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Cone of Cold (Evocation. 60' radius cone. Reflex half. Creatures standing within the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level, up to 15d6. Creatures who failed their save are slowed for one round.)
Slay Living (Necromancy. Melee touch attack kills a living creature. Fortitude saving throw negates. If the saving throw is successful, the target receives 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)
Stoneskin Touch (Conjuration. Touch. 1 round per level. This spell creates a thin protective layer around the subject's skin. The recipient gains Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)
Psychic Turmoil (Necromancy. 20' radius circle. All creatures with psionic power points in the area of effect immediately lose two times their level in power points. Willpower half.)
Frailty (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium range. For 10 rounds, a single living target cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. No save.)
Lower Spell and Power Resistance (Necromancy. Duration 10 rounds. Select a creature in close range. There is no saving throw but SR applies, with the spell penetration roll receiving a +6 bonus. The target's SR drops by half the caster level. Not cumulative.)
Mind Breach (Enchantment. 20' radius circle. Willpower negates, but all targets take a penalty of 2 on their saving throw. All affected creatures take a -10 penalty on future Willpower saving throws, for 2d6 rounds.)
Waves of Fatigue (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become fatigued. The effect continues until rest. No save.)
Cloudkill (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle spell, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. No SR. A cloud of yellowish poisonous vapour appears. All creatures in the area of effect take 1d4 points of constitution damage, Fortitude half. The difficulty class is equal to the spell's difficulty class. The constitution damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round thereafter, just before the caster acts. Entering the cloud also triggers the damage, but if several squares are crossed, only the first one deals damage. Additionally, the cloud has the same properties as a Fog Cloud. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Ranged attacks against a target inside the cloud may hit adjacent creatures. Creatures inside a fog move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)
Level 6 Necromancer Spells (12 spells)
Summon Giant Skeleton Warrior (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Giant Skeleton Warrior (CR 10, level-8 Warrior) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 2D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Harm (Necromancy. Melee touch attack deals 10 points of negative energy damage per level up to 150. Willpower half. The damage cannot reduce the target's Hit Points below 1. Undead are healed by an equal amount.)
Vampiric Blast (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. Reflex half. All living targets in the area of effect take 3d6 points of damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. From each target, you may not gain more than their current hit points. The damage increases to 4d6 at level 13 and 5d6 at level 15.)
Greater Dispel Magic (Same as Dispel Magic, but your dispel checks are equal to 1d20 + level + Spell Focus bonus.)
Undeath to Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. This spell immediately destroys up to 1d4 Hit Dice per Caster Level of undead in the area of effect, if they fail a Willpower saving throw. Undead with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)
Circle of Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. The spell immediately kills up to 1d4 Hit Dice per CL of living creatures in the area of effect, if they fail a Fortitude saving throw. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)
Mass Blindness (Necromancy. 30' radius circle. Long Range. All enemies in the area of effect must succeed on a Reflex save or become Blind for one round per two levels, rounded up.)
Blindness Ward (Necromancy. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. All allies in the area of effect become immune to blindness effects.)
Insect Plague (Conjuration. Long Range. 50' radius, no save, everyone gains the plagued condition, giving -4 penalty to ranged attack rolls, each round 1d6 damage, and the casting or use of power requires a concentration check of DC 16 + plague damage dealt on this round + spell level. Moving through is at half speed. The damage is inflicted upon casting and then every round right before the caster's turn. Entering the area also deals damage.)
Feeblemind (Enchantment. Willpower negates. Select a creature in medium range. The spell has two effects on the creature. Its intelligence score drops to 1 and it loses the ability to cast spells or use psionic powers. If the target's class has Willpower as its only good Saving Throw, then a penalty of -4 is applied on the creature's Willpower saving throw to avoid the effect of the spell. Permanent.)
Dominate Person (Enchantment. Using this spell, the caster takes control of a humanoid creature through a telepathic link. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. It may use spells and attack without penalty. The subject stays dominated even after the caster's death. Duration eight rounds. Medium Range. Full round to cast. Willpower negates.)
Level 7 Necromancer Spells (11 spells)
Summon Groaning Spirit (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Groaning Spirit (CR 12) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Shadow Death Knight (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 3500.)
Mass Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 3D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Freezing Sphere (Evocation. 10' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. This spell creates an explosion of cold energy. Creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level up to 15d6. Although they're not particularly vulnerable to cold damage, water elementals instead take 1d8 points of damage per level, up to 15d8.)
Mass Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. 10' radius circle, all allies in the area of effect gain immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)
Destruction (Necromancy. Gold cost 500. Select a creature, living or not, in close range. If it fails on a Fortitude saving throw, it is instantly destroyed. If it succeeds on the save, it takes 10d6 points of damage. This damage may kill the creature.)
Malison (Necromancy. Close Range, 10' radius circle. For 10 rounds, all living enemies in the area of effect take a penalty of four points to attack rolls, saving throws, spell resistance and ability checks. Willpower save to reduce the penalty to two points.)
Dominate Undead (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15' radius circle. Using this spell, the caster takes control of undead creatures in the area of effect. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. The spell can affect no more than 2 hit dice per level of undead creatures. Duration eight rounds. Casting time Standard Action. Willpower negates.)
Finger of Death (Necromancy. Slays a living creature in close range. Fortitude negates. A creature who successfully saves receives 3d6 + 1/level points of damage.)
Waves of Exhaustion (Necromancy. 60' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become exhausted. The effect continues until rest. No save.)
Chaos (Enchantment. 40' radius circle. All enemy creatures in the area of effect are confused for 3d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. If a target fails on its saving throw by five points or more, it gains the berserk condition instead. Each round, creatures with the berserk condition must attack the creature nearest to them.)
Level 8 Necromancer Spells (10 spells)
Summon Vampire Lord (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Vampire Lord (CR 15, 14-level Wizard) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Mass Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy. 10' circle spell, living enemies are dealt 4D8 + 1 per level points of negative energy damage, while undead allies are healed by an equal amount. Willpower half.)
Polar Ray (Evocation. Ranged Touch. Medium Range. Creatures struck by this blue-white ray instantly take 1d8 points of cold damage for every caster level (no save). The target must also succeed on a Willpower saving throw or become slowed for 1d2 rounds.)
Mass Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Long range, 20' radius. All living enemies in the area of effect receive the Cursed condition if they fail on their Willpower saving throw. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Permanent.)
Accelerated Spell and Power (Alteration. Casting time Free action. For four rounds, every standard-action spell cast (or power activated) by the character now requires only a move action. A full-round-action spell now requires a standard action. A move-action spell now requires a free action. You cannot cast more than one free-action spell in a round. If you cast a second free-action spell, it requires a move action instead.)
Horrid Wilting (Necromancy. 35' radius circle. Long Range. Fortitude half. Living creatures in the area of effect suffer from the evaporation of body moisture. Each target takes 1d6 points of damage for every caster level. Water elementals and plant creatures instead take 1d8 damage points for every caster level.)
Control Monster (Enchantment. Close Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a living creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and special abilities. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)
Mass Frailty (Necromancy. Medium range. 15' radius. For 10 rounds, living targets cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. Reflex negates.)
Phantasmal Killer (Conjuration. You summon a terrifying creature from the world of shadows. The spell kills a living target in medium range if it fails on a Willpower saving throw and on a Fortitude saving throw. If it fails on the Willpower saving throw but not on the Fortitude saving throw, it takes 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage instead.)
Mass Poison (Necromancy. Medium range, 10' radius circle. This spell inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to all enemies within the area of effect. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)
Level 9 Necromancer Spells (9 spells)
Summon Ghost Dragon (Conjuration. Move Action. With this spell, you summon a Ghost Dragon (CR 18, HD 35) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 4x4 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Create Spectral Warlock (Out-of-combat permanent creation spell. All permanent creations occupy a single square. XP cost 5400.)
Mass Harm (Necromancy. Medium Range. Casting time full-round action. 10' radius circle spell, inflicts 10 points of negative energy damage per level. Enemies get a Willpower saving throw for half damage. The damage cannot reduce the Hit Points of targets below 1. Undead allies in the area of effect are healed rather than damaged.)
Energy Drain (Necromancy. Close Range. Ranged Touch. No save. Living creatures hit by this black ray of negative energy gain 2d6 permanent negative levels. Subjects who gain a number of negative levels equal to or higher than their hit dice instantly die. Spellcasters cannot cast spells of a given level if they don't have the required effective caster level. For example, casting Fireball requires an effective caster level of 5 at least.)
Implosion (Alteration. Personal. Casting time Free Action. For four rounds, each round you can select a creature in close range. If it fails on a Fortitude saving throw, it is destroyed instantly.)
Power Word Kill (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to die. Creatures with more than 100 current hit points are unaffected.)
Shadow Storm (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15-foot radius circle spell, all living targets take 1d4 negative levels. A successful Reflex saving throw reduces the number of negative levels to 1. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)
Dominate Monster (Enchantment. Medium Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of up to three living creatures through a telepathic link. The same target cannot be selected more than once. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)
Weird (Conjuration. 20' radius circle. Medium Range. Willpower negates. Similar to Phantasmal Killer. Hostile creatures who failed on the Willpower save are killed if they also fail on a Fortitude save, or they are stunned for one round and they take 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)
Necromancer Feats
Improved Death Bolt: The range of your Death Bolt spells increases from medium to long, and targets who fail on their fortitude saving throw receive a single negative level that disappears upon resting.
Necromancer Ray Empower: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life and Vampiric Ray are Empowered for free.
Necromancer Ray Improved Range: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement and Vampiric Ray are treated as long-range spells, rather than close-range spells.
Inflict Wounds Empower: All your Inflict and Mass Inflict spells are Empowered for free (the damage is multiplied by 1.5, including the per-level bonus points).
Inflict Wounds Improved Reach: You cast all Inflict and Harm spells as Close-Range spells requiring a ranged-touch attack, rather than Touch spells requiring a melee-touch attack. Your Mass Inflict spells are also improved from Close Range to Medium Range, while Mass Harm is improved from Medium Range to Long Range.
Improved Wilting: You cast Horrid Wilting as a level-7 spell and Shadow Storm as a level-8 spell.
Greater Wilting: The damage from your Horrid Wilting spells increases by one point per level, the radius increases to 40 feet, and only enemies are affected. Your Shadow Storm spells only affect enemies, the range increases to Long, the radius increases to 20 feet and targets receive 1d6 negative levels.
Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component while wearing Medium Armour or Heavy Armour, if you have the appropriate Armour Proficiency.
Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires Spell Focus.
Cold Magic: You cast spells with the [cold] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires Spell Focus.
Vampiric Magic: You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with the spells Vampiric Ray, Vampiric Cone and Vampiric Blast. Requires Spell Focus.
Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to two summoned creatures simultaneously.
Improved Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to three summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 7 Necromancer.
Superior Mass Summoning: During combat, you can bring forth and control up to four summoned creatures simultaneously. Requires Level 14 Necromancer, Improved Mass Summoning.
Social Goals Report And Links
Today we've reached the Eighth Social Goal! Thank You!! We're also getting closer to the Next Social Goal for the number of backers. Let's Keep It Up, Loyal Knights and Wise Mages! ^^
Don't worry about the drop in the funding amount earlier today, as it is due to someone moving their pledge from Kickstarter to another means of payment! Not a cause for concern!
All of the following links can be used to help us reach the Next Social Goals and Further Increase Awareness of the Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter campaign among CRPG lovers:
Please feel free to download the updated promo pack for KotC 2 if you would like to promote the campaign with images, text or animated GIFs.
- Follow us on Twitter and Please Retweet the #KotC2 Tweets while there is still a bit of time left! ^^
- Like us on Facebook and Please Share the Campaign's Link on your timeline!
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You can also join our mailing list by registering on the HeroicFantasyGames.com forums. Finally, you can join us on Discord by following the Discord Invite Link!
Next Knights of the Chalice 2 Update
Tomorrow is the Last Day of the KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign, so tomorrow I will post a simple update with a recap of the goals we've reached and some of the answers I've got to the RPG questions I've been asking on Twitter during the campaign. The KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign ends on 2 July!
Only One Day To Go! Hang On For The Final Sprint!! ^^
The Knights of the Chalice 2 Kickstarter ends in about 40 hours! The Final Hours Are Upon Us!! :D
Please Keep Spreading the Word while there is still a bit of time left to Repel the Forces of Chaos!! Thank You, Fearless Knights of the Kingdom!!
Done but you still outspent me! Now we can make a Codexian Quest!Cool, because I spent what I could afford on this.If our little fundraiser here doesn't get to the $1,500 "Create a Quest" tier level before the KS ends I'll make sure it gets there.![]()