Darth Canoli
Final battle is not that hard because at final battle you should alreadyu have infinite resurreection scrolls. Early fights are a lot harder. Once you get to true resurrection scrolls whole game becomes a cakewalk. I have more chances at dying at the first fight in the game than in the final batte.
This is wrong for two reasons
- First, you "could" have "infinite" resurrection scrolls. I didn't scribe any scroll that wasn't meant to share a spell in KotC, didn't create any wand either, it's a matter of choice, do you want to play in god mode because you don't like good TB combat or you're terrible at it or do you enjoy the game ?
- Secondly, the final optional battle can go wrong VERY fast, just one or two crits from the wrong foes and you're done because while you spend your time resurrecting, they don't take a Tea break.
Winning that battle (if you only use your characters spells) is a matter of prioritizing the targets; even if it's hard, all these motherfuckers are extremely dangerous, some skills and a good spoon of luck.