Building priorities:
1. General Storage (29 points)
2. Metal District (27 points)
3. Stone Garden (22 points)
General Secretary Sqeecoo commissioned BINS.
Kommanding Physician Azira sent his intern to do grunt work, and also decided to butcher a duck. The second-best egg-layer in the world that doesn't even provide meat.
Manager Sukhavati made a few adjustments:
- prohibit smelting
- prohibit farming
- prohibit foraging
- reassign furnace operators and second-class citizens for grunt work
- don't separate grunts into builders and haulers - let them sort the priorities themselves
- assign Matalarata as the tavern performer
- keep Tindrli's squad mining for gems and metals in safe underground layers
- put down her own pickaxe, focus on managing instead
Kommander Kalin switches positions with Kommissar Grimwulf, becoming STRONGMAN Kalin instead. His "minor adjustmints":
01. Kommissar? Fuck dat shit. Ima be known as STRONGMAN!
02. ALL carrot wine is STRONGMAN booze! Fetch it to me!
03. Any dorf found drinkin muh carrot wine shall be PUT TO DEATH!
04. ALL strawbraries are MINE!
05. Forugers must priorutize strawbraries and carrots
06. Ah need a gud GOBLET preferubly enkrustid with BLUE JADE
07. GEMS must be brought to STRONGMAN office for... Inspekshun
08. Gon need SNAZZY outfit!
09. Ima keepin mah silver warhammu... for sekurituh!
10. Andnjord! STRONGMAN demands FINE PEWTER for bonaz items! This is ABSOLUT priority!
11. I wanna pick up kraftin as a hobbu - bone kraftin, espeshully HORSE BONE!
12. Wanna cumpose a POEM to inspire the peepul... Dunno how
13. Any DORF who knows da Fancy Glittering Poem must prefurm it to me - with KREDIT
14. Gon need a YOUNG SINGUL DORF FEMOID for muh private sekrutary - she gon sleep in muh room obv.
15. If tradurs cum - new priorituh is to BUY GIANT WOLF TOOTH and HORSE BONE
16. Blubba is sentunced to 1 MONTH OF GULAG for disrespektun mah ATHORITY!
17. GLAZER! If KKK does nut have a glazer we must find one immediutly - ah need ARTSY stuff with ASH GLAZE!
18. If no hab GLAZER dan Reinhard will be sent to rekruit one!
19. Tamburin NEEDS A STATUE in itz likeness
20. KKK needs a new tempul... To ECUM FAIRRIGHTEOUS! Next to STRONGMAN office preferubly, chop chop!
21. Nutter Kin and Sukha will get speshul bonaz - within reasun obv. Selfushness in KKK will not be tolurated
Kommissar Grimwulf becomes Kommander Grimwulf until the end of Season, going monster-hunting with his well-trained, barely armored, and highly expendable bottle brothers.
That's it, I believe. The headache is still killin' me, but IT WILL NOT PREVENT GRIMWULF FROM SENDING HIS
MEN DWARVES TO GLOOOOORIOUS DEA-- Deactivation of ancient monstrosities.