Pavlos, here are a few more closed bugs I ran into in 1.0b8 (in addition to what has already been noted in this thread). Mods installed (after TSLRP) were high level force powers, Remote influence (nothing more than remote.dlg), and OldFlash's jedi armor/robes (replaces textures for the various a_robe_* robes and a couple of robe models, but no scripts, .2da edits, or .uti's). I re-confirmed these after fixing my installation and getting rid of the "Handmaiden look" mod that interferred with the Brianna/Atris fight.
Because of the known stability issues with the game's engine, I routinely quit to desktop and restart about once an hour just out of habit even though it really doesn't crash on me all that often.
* Mantis 0000996 Exile replaces HK-47 in Droid Factory - claimed to be fixed in 1.0b6, reproduced in my game.
* Mantis 0000981 Move Fassa! - said to be fixed in 1.0b6. The fix apparently was to create the "Fassa the Friendly Ghost" bug - Fassa was still there (could mouse over the spot where he was standing and click on him to initiate dialogue) but not visible. I know the latter issue is marked resolved in 1.0b11 (someone re-opened it after it was marked closed in a version prior to 1.08b), so this may or may not still be a concern.
* Vash's VO Kreia's lips moving (light side meeting with jedi masters on Dantooine, in the moments before the masters attempt to strip the PC of the force and before Kreia reveals herself) - didn't find this listed on Mantis.
* Mantis 0000943 HK-50s do not attack - the triggers on Onderon are funky, when you come back into the merchant quarter the HK-50s are facing away from you and don't attack until you run around in front of them and find the right trigger location. Likewise, the trigger at the spawn point over in the corner behind Ponlar (the guy trying to incite a mob) is weird. I could run right up into the HK-50s and not trigger them, and had to run around in circles in front of them until the trigger fired. Had this also happen with a spawn point on Dantooine (possibly by the mercenary camp, I know it wasn't the one just off the bridge by Khoonda or in the docking area).
* After getting through G0-T0's backstory on the Ebon Hawk and revealing G0-T0 himself is the droid, the G0-T0 hologram stayed visibly camped out at the entrance to the Ebon Hawk for the rest of the game. Even though G0-T0 was in the main hold and had no reason to keep his hologram projected on the ship.
* Not a bug per se, but playing pazaak with Atton in his cell on Malachor was a bit comical. That dialog tree should be pruned. Similarly, the standard dialog tree with Brianna about "why do they call you the last..." "do you have a name?" etc. shouldn't be available at this point in the game, but is.
* Not a TSLRP-specific issue, but I'd forgotten why you don't do Onderon last. After meeting with Kavar in the cantina on the first Onderon trip and fleeing to the Ebon Hawk, the Mandalore/Bao-Dur argument cut scene fired, and as a result the cut scene playing Kelborn's message to return to Dxun did not trigger. Tried going to a couple of other planets and exiting/boarding the EH, scene still wouldn't trigger. Finally had to just use KSE to set Kelborn's message flag and went to Dxun to continue as normal.
* Male LS - met disciple in Enclave sublevel, then ran into him again in Khoonda. Later left Dantooine and came back, ran into Disciple again in the sublevel. He had a case of amnesia, didn't remember ever having met me before (same conversation as the first time)