Germany - Part VIII - Twenty-ninth to thirty-third minutes into reaching the target
These were the orders given to the troops :
And specially for
CappenVarra , here is where the MG is :
Azira was thus ordered by his
Leutnant to reverse, which he did immediately, not without noticing that another French soldier had been put out of commission, grievously wounded on the ground, while a fourth one, isolated, had surrendered.
The Leutnant Egosphere ordered the artilley to stop sending smoke shells and rather focus the artillery on the French tank.
The first two adjusting shells were accurate enough :
.. and the third one real close. The upcoming salvo should be devastating :
Meanwhile Boot's men, now commanded by the Unterfeldwebel
tindrli , had crossed the tracks fully and were trying to hit the last Frenchman to evacuate his position :
It seems they missed him though.
Even Azira reversed his
panzer to try to get him, but to no avail :
Another running Frenchman, from the AT gun crew, escaped
ERYFKRAD 's men bullet by an inch :
At this point, the artillery salvo reached the battlefield :
... to no effect on the French tank, apparently.
Another salvo with the last German explosive shells available did not do better :
It was the French artillery turn to shoot, though only two preparatory shells were heard. Their target was clearly the South-Eastern warehouse complex :
ERYFKRAD 's men could assess the situation of the crew of the light AT gun on their side : one crewman had been killed when his gun was destroyed, two others were wounded and unable to move. The last one, as we noticed, had run into the warehouse
Meanwhile, Boot's men, I mean Tindrli's men, had an issue. Their machine-gunner was out of ammo :
In practice, every soldier in the squad carries ammo for the machine-gun
[the PC version of the game does not have a dedicated gunner assistant, I suppose for AI issue] but everyone was crawling so it would take a bit before someone would come with ammunitions :
Final situation :
It looks like this French tank will have to be destroyed the manly way, with either
Azira or
Falksi sending AP shells its direction.
[Note that Mondblut's crew has fled the battlefield. The pointer there was in the previous images was a display issue (when a unit is absent, the pointer is put where the unit was last ordered to go)]