You're all shills

Dont be idiots guys
JA2 is among the purest RPGs around by format alone (the only thing which matters)
its isometric, its turn-based, its squad-based
Role playing game:
Other examples of the purest: ToEE, KotC, Dark Sun, Fallout Tactics
The more you change the format (realtime/RTwP, first person etc.) the less of an RPG it is. Just look at Cyberpunk or Witcher
JA2 is among the purest RPGs around by format alone (the only thing which matters)
its isometric, its turn-based, its squad-based
Role playing game:


Other examples of the purest: ToEE, KotC, Dark Sun, Fallout Tactics
The more you change the format (realtime/RTwP, first person etc.) the less of an RPG it is. Just look at Cyberpunk or Witcher