It's the time of the Thin LPs!
Nah, it's time of trying another feat.
Commie African Union in
It's the time of the Thin LPs!
Nah, it's time of trying another feat.
Because in the Serbia LP I ended with only 22 Government tech in 1820(also due to inflation from being forced to wage one war after another without end and fund it) and equally terribly backwards in several other fields, I made some significant changes compared to standard Mare Apertum to augment my enjoyment of it. If you think it is "cheating" or unbalanced and broken, I don't care, deal with it:
1) Advisor tech bonuses were changed to reduction of tech costs rather than a fixed investment to make their research bonuses useful for more than wealthy One-province minors and small countries. Remember that this and #2 will help the AI not getting behind in tech even more than the player, specially Lucky Nations, while reducing that stupid trend of OPMs being always ahead in every tech. The maximum of these modifiers is a reduction in 2% research costs for each skill level of an advisor for those who gave the highest investments. These bonuses range from 0.5% cost reduction per skill level to 2%
2) Under the same idea, the ADM and MIL skills of monarchs benefits to stability and research also come in the form of cost modifiers rather than direct investment, starting from 1% reduction at the lowest 3 skill for ADM and 0.5% in military research cost for 3 skill in MIL, up to 7% in civilian and 3.5% in military research costs for a 9/9/9 awesome ruler.
3) The Cabinet NI also provides the same bonuses to faster coring and Administrative efficiency as Humanist tolerance. Like Bureaucracy, it requires at least a one point of centralization in the sliders to get the bonus to 10% instead of 5%. The reason I did this is that otherwise it would be by and far the weakest NI after Scientific revolution*.
4) FRAMED! will only happen to really fuck up, because it is only triggered at the point it would get past the infamy limit, rather than randomly at any time in the stupid way it originally was implemented. Its odds of happening were modified to be more like a bell curve that rises dramatically when one is almost touching the limit, but is ridiculously longer to happen otherwise. Disabling the event altogether like I did before was tempting, but now, without the extra infamy of mandatory REMOVE KEBAB* to balance its absence, I decided to keep it. Yet, it is unlikely to happen unless I really push badboy very close to the limit and eschew all espionage NIs, for their benefit to delay it from happening was also far more significantly improved(MTTH is doubled by each of them).
I should go back and try out some EU3 mods...
How much does Mare Apertum change things up?
Game is always crashing because of a stupid HRE event or something.
There is only one known crash bug in Mare Apertum. Look at the Mare Apertum thread over at the official Paradox forums. I have posted a workaround there. Unfortunately I just cannot locate the source of this problem..
Magna Mundi/Mare Apertum is not Total War. I mean, remove it for all I care but FRAMED! is an essential part of the game design which is meant to discourage and punish historically implausible crazy warmongering.
I like these changes and I will seriously consider integrating them into the next release. Could you send me the modified files / upload them somewhere?
Plus, what is there to do in this game that involves considerable involvement of the player other than warmongering?
Without warfare, simple as it is, Europa Universalis III would be almost a screensaver.
Sent a PM with a link.