Final Battle of Alma
Ghost of Freedom
After resting properly at the barracks they just liberated, the Kodex Kool Krew launches their final offensive over the mine of Alma. Black takes down the first enemy.
Well-positioned, the team feels safe taking potshots at enemies that don't outnumber them that much.
It was looking a bit anticlimatic how the final battle for Alma unfolded.
Except this is not the final battle for Alma
And instead of laying in wait for ambushes they just charged dumbly, for a change.
But a few were smarter then that, and thus the team began to carefully hunt for the surviving enemy forces in this town.
Bees tend to fly vertically as I ran out of one-liners.
The last ones apparently were on the other side of the fence, and were found later after all other areas were already searched. They were taken by surprise.
Alma is ours! Now once that central SAM site goes down, the road to Meduna will be clear. But first, they must go around and see if there is anything interesting to hear from the locals.
Elliot is to Deirdranna what a blind Bioware fanboy is to Bioware.
And old woman seems very nervous, but Azira calms her down.
Tragedy is everywhere in this oppressed island
I'd suggest for them to build an eco-tourist trap(trap in the literal sense olololol) and then feed PETA activists to the bloodcats, but it seems that kind of diplomacy won't work here. At least there won't be idiots complaining of the "environmental tragedy" slaughtering such child-killing genetically modfied abominations shall bring.
Bloodcats gone means the mine workers will know they are now working for those who really will fix the sorry state of their country and free it from oppression.
Speaking of mine workers...
Looks like someone needs a rescue team.
What's next? Deirdranna devouring souls to live eternally in a golden throne?
I wonder if the team could find this scientist somewhere...
And thus they headed east.
Those who had loaded their guns with HP ammunition instead to maximize their effectiveness against the bloodcats.
It doesn't take long for the first one to show up. Under the cover of darkness, such creatures are even more deadly, but the Kodex Kool Krew is confident they can pull this off without casualties.
I saw a puddycat yesterday. Horrible creatures, I avoid them whenever I can.
Couldn't resist making an even cheaper pun on an already cheap in-game pun.
Eventually, silence as corpses lie all over the field. Very carefully they move on.
And it doesn't take long for more puddycats to appear.
It is a fierce and franctic engagement as they barely hold off the beasts.
And amidst the bones of those that tried to rid Alma of them before they find the second most awesome shotgun in the game. Second because the Pancor Jackhammer is the best one as it supports flechette shells, which spread out like buckshot but have enough armor-piercing capability to be always useful in close quarters battle. Add a duckbill to such and the potential to kill several enemies with one shot is there.
Further south they patrol for the last of the puddycats.
The standoff ends, all sweating cold because the creatures got really close and they were lucky to not have been wounded or killed.
Mission Accomplished.
Ira and kingconrad have been training mobile militias, which finally prove their worth.
Auntie thanks them for their deed, and the productivity of the mine also have a significant rise due to increased morale as the miners know their children are no longer endangered by puddycats. Too bad Azira couldn't just propose the idea of keeping the bellies of those creatures full with the flesh of PETA activists.
But while victory was achieved, the mobile militias informed of worrying developments. A massive force was gathering near the barracks of Alma. Trusting in the capabilities of the militias and because of the natural defensiveness of the location, only Ulminati, Bee and Orgasm went there just to be sure victory would come.
A massive invasion, not as massive as the Drassen counter-attack but still significant, is launched.
Spreaded out over the rooftops, the tree start shooting the enemies as they dumbly forgot wire cutters and were advancing to the only existing entrance, the same the Kodex Kool Krew used to sneak inside the barracks and go on in their knifing rampage.
Orgasm rages over the fact she didn't have a grenade launcher, as right now it would be very useful, instead, she runs for safety as having so many enemies with a direct line of sight to her position and remaining there is given suicide.
They are getting closer to the breach and their massive numbers pose a great threat to Ulminati's life if he just stays there.
Thus, after a few potshots, he chooses to run away and get down near the breach to take a better position behind trees. The two others also head towards the same overall position.
While they shifted their position the militias were being slaughtered, but eventually they were ready, and began to unleash devastating bursts against the tightly packed together enemy forces, that remained confident due to their success against the militias and remaining numerical superiority compared to the mercenaries.
Bee's position allows her to surprise many enemies while Ulminati rapidly tries to scare them off as the militias near them die quickly. Eventually they get close enough and shoot at Ulminati, but fortunately he is only moderatedly wounded and shrugs it off as it's not as bad as a sucking chest wound, a vasectomy and a brian surgery together.
Just as the enemies got hopelessly close to overwhelm Ulminati, Orgasm unleashed a devastating burst against them, killing several and wounding even more, just in time to save Ulminati from being shot by one of them. And finally a militia also does the same.
Bee also achieves the same with her SMG, and now the enemy will soon go down thanks to their courage and skills in facing superior numbers and never cowering under such seemingly impossible odds, the same determination shown during the legendary Battle of Drassen.
Except Drassen had not only one chokepoint that could be tactically exploited to provoke massive casualties.
Bee takes down the last of them, wimpering and wounded. Against 32 enemies, they prevailed! Alma is safe now, but Orgasm and Ulminati require some medical attention and thus, after Ulminati applied first aid on himself and Orgasm, both will soon head to where Azira was training militias, he'll have to stop his activity for a while to provide them medical care.
The defeated enemies, of which many were the elite of Deirdranna forces, left an awesome bounty, including the impressive Automatic Rocket Rifle. A pity it can only be fitted with 2x scopes, as if could be fitted with a 4x scope, it would be superior to any other weapon. As it is, it isn't that awesome.
And besides it, the best AR taken from their cold dead hands is an Israeli one. The ZMI(Zionist Military Industries) Tavor TAR 21 is one of the best ARs in the game due to how rapidly it can be fired. Actually it's IMI Tavor TAR 21 but ZMI sounds more Codexian... regarding more details on that, this isn't a LP about Jews so that is enough.
Not really. The powers of Jewish scienmajifics and Ashkenazi higher IQ show off in this tool that is just perfect for taking down ragheads and megalomaniacal dictators... and even Zionists too.
Now I can't really skip commenting on two guns of the same type that were found there as well. For a start:
To make it a bit more obvious, it's altogether fitting that the spiritual successor of Femshep shall carry the torch of POPAMOLE, the weapon every shitty FPS with health regen and popamole rips off, the ultimate tacticlol weapon:
And several reflex sights too which are also a common feature in Modern Gayfare. Now the Kodex Kool Krew is truly ready for anything. Some of these guns are almost in the "When you press a button something AWESOME happens" stage...
And now that this presentation of the weapon 9 out of 10 popamoles plagiarize features and design from, let the honor of the new updated statistics for all of the original Kodex Kool Krew roll:
Ulminati was at the lead before, and once again he is. He has show no fear in face of superior numbers of enemies, calmly taking down those gathered hordes like the legendary Finnish sniper Simo Hayha took down commie gooks.
Azira, because he just needs to carry too much for his own safety and thus ends somewhat slower compared to the rest of the team("this full body armor weighs like hell but better walking slowly to victory than running fast to death"), is a bit behind, but still with a respectable kill count for a doctor.
Black also earned a respectable killcount after he got rid of that one trick pony the shotgun is(ARs can still be effective at close quarters while being useful in medium range). As a ranger and night operations specialist he has been vital to the safety of the Kodex Kool Krew during the tricky wiping out of the bloodcats and in many other night operations.
Second only to Ulminati in number of kills, Bee is also a legend. The enemies fear the one who enjoys aiming where it hurts the most.
Climbing from a modest kill count at first to a killing machine and master of melee, Orgasm has the third highest kill count of the team, and her knife allowed them to infiltrate or keep the element of surprise a little longer in many occasions already. Nobody killed more people using a melee weapon than her.
By the way, because Bobby Ray's store had finally a real sword for sale, heads will roll from now on.
Everything was getting closer to the end. Once Dynamo is rescued from Tixa, once the central SAM site, which is conveniently just north of the Tixa prison, is secured, and once whatever of value is taken from Orta by force, the Kodex Kool Krew and maybe all other freedom fighters and mercenaries shall then being their dramatic offensive straight against the head of the snake in Meduna.