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In Progress Let's Succeed at Ruling the Waves 2: Electric Boogaloo


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt

Trade warfare. The most exciting form of warfare.


My successor will have to choose if develop a new class of CAs or to go for well-armed Battlecruisers. We don't have the budget to mantain everything, and even our DDs fleet and CLs fleet need updating. The AI is going completely insane in building CAs, if we manage to get some good designs for the mid 10's it will be a turkey shoot.


I'm seriously considering mothballing a shitton of ships and using the war as an excuse to stock pile funds for the rebuilding. No action.




The Phony Naval War continues.


The Confederates: greatest supporters of Communism ever.


I choose to improve our bases in Angola. If we ever manage to get into warfare with another European power that's not Britain, it could be useful to avoid the exciting kind of warfare we're seeing here with Russia.



The KKK will rise supreme!



At least our scientists are hard at work.


:negative: I...I can't even....I can't.....even.....


Of first BB is ready. A new age for the Confederate Navy.


One more, one more.


And the last one is ready.

And with this, my Admiralty ends.

Dear Flora, I write you this last letter and I hope it will manage to reach you. I have discovered the source of much horror: an ancient conspiracy deep inside Africa, a cult of horrific proportions. Its faithfuls have their claws deep in most Governments, and even the Navy has been infiltrated. I and a few heroes are going to take one of the newest technologies that our great minds have developed, and we will strike at their accursed seat of power, deep into the African jungles.


Would you believe, Flora, that now we have ships that fly?

Pray for me, and hope we can save the world from this madness.

I'm ready to go. Is everything loaded? We don't know for how long we'll travell before finding the Temple.

Do not worry, Admiral. Everything will go well. Trust me. We'll defeat THE JEEEEWS coff coff coff the enemy of the Confederacy and of the Human Race once and for all!

You know, the Admiral keeps giving me those letter to be sent back to Richmond, to his wife.

What a considerate man. She's truly a fortunate woman!

The point is, they keep bouncing back. Apparently, the Admiral doesn't have, ehhrr, a wife.

And now he's gone into the deep of Africa hunting for gorillas? Well, I guess it's my job to run the place. I need reports, now!

So, my time for the game was a bit boring and a bit messy. Comte , you'll find the finances in order, the research up to date, and the fleet in a competely sorry state because I am barely bothering to fight the Russians and I am waiting for them to surrender. Don't engage their CAs, they are far too strong.

We'll need extensive rebuilding and a new generation of BCs, CAs, CLs and even DDs. All yours, you have the tech, the money, and the docks. Do not fail me.

Also, your choice if you want to go full Kaiserreich and get a Soviet Union under the KKK in addition to the United Communist States of America.


Comte , here it is! Tell me if it works and it ain't rat porn.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Great job for making the best out of a quiet turn :bro: I'll await the Heart of Darkness adventures of Dayyalu and not-Kalin.

Also, you dirty dirty communist :yeah:


Got the save bros will begin my administration this week. We gotta stop those Commies from infiltrating our pure democratic Jim Crow southern nation.


With the arrival of January 1910 President Roger Mills has appointed me secretary of the Navy God help us all.

First order of business is activating the fleet again just in case the Russians decide to do something


We are seeing massive protests nationwide by immigrant radicals who want to overthrow our White Protestant order we are concerned that these ideas might infect the negro population


BB Louisiana is ready for duty


There are widespread protests demanding peace and bread we tell the people to tighten their belts because victory is in our sights!


Demonstrations continue:


With the mass protests crippling our nation we hold out a few more months but then surprisingly the Russians sue for peace. Perhaps their government is facing even greater demonstrations then us and has folded first.
The last few months have seen only commerce raiding by the Russians and no real naval action. Peace is concluded in March 1910. Saving President Roger Mills legacy.


Iceland has been added to our expanding Apartheid empire! More whites into the fold and a strategic base in the North Atlantic that will dominate the lanes of trade with Europe. (We did not have enough points for Finland or to liberate the Baltic States)



Russia scrapped a lot of its auxillery ships post war.


Unrest has continued with massive protests across the nation demanding an end to high wartime spending. President Mills relents and passes reforms in an attempt to pacify the population filled with radical ideas from the Red states of the USA.
A month after the reforms are passed President Mills has passed away and his Vice President Woodrow Wilson has become the new President of the CSA.


After this the rest of the year was quiet. We limped along to January 1911. Our empire expanded but due to unrest nothing major has happened. I am hoping we can discover oil fired ships soon so that we can build a modern fleet.


We stole some French BC plans via our spies. I have increased the spy budget on the Communist USA. I am hoping we can continue in quiet for now and modernize the fleet before the next administration.

*Please note gentleman that I expanded my family this weekend with the birth of my 3rd son so please be patient.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Congratulations for the family, and HOW THE FUCKING FUCK YOU FOUND THE TIME FOR PIXEL SHIPS.

Seriously, congrats and don't worry, we'll be patient. Also I'm angry because you sabotaged my attempt at a Global Communist Revolution through ship wars.

Meanwhile in Angola....

Ship's crashed. I honestly did not expect to really find a giant pyramid deep into the jungles of Angola.

Admiral, never doubt the Bonaz.

What's a "bonaz", exactly?


I don't like how we found a series of galleries under the pyramid. Also, where the hell are the cultists? How are we goind to stop their damnable attempt to overthrow the Rule of Man?

We just need to go deeper! DEEPER!

Look! There's someone here! Should we... HEY YOU COME HERE. Look, he's coming. Must be a tribal, look at the head dress and.... and....



*Shots in the darkness*


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Congratulations on keeping well above the average European fertility ratio :bro::bro::bro: May you be blessed with many sleepless nights away from pixelated ships!!

Good job taking Iceland, it should be far enough away from any enemy port to be safe from invasions while giving us a base to blockade any European powers we end up fighting. But why are you keeping that Enhanced training man, you could be building a BC for that cost?

Are you sure our spies didn't capture the KMS Von Der Tann's plans by accident? :lol:


The final years of Comte's regime under CSA President Woodrow Wilson

Feeling the need to bring our navy into the Oil age we have begun researching oil fired ships. This will make our entire coal fleet obsolete


Industrial production is booming we had a lot of these events during the rest of my tenure


A lot of research during these years Including 14 inch guns, The beginning of naval aviation unfortunately was not able to build any carriers yet



Our government has begun rooting out any Socialist agitators within the Naval ranks. We will not have reds in our Army or Navy


We have gotten Oil fired engines finally!


The USA is building the Oregon Class BB but it looks comparable to our Traveller Class BB. I ordered the construction of another BB Traveller class during these years. I really couldn't get anything other then short range ships even with Oil firing.
There were a lot of discoveries though that reduced wait these final years of my reign.


Finally we have discovered naval aviation! A real game changer in 10 years probably.


We have also discovered amphibious operations this will probably help in future wars when we need to expand even more.


More Naval aviation research:



I decided to finally join the Battle Cruiser Race with the USA building our first BC the Roger Mills Class. Named after the late President of the CSA.


We have two planes in production from two different Companies - Palmetto Company and the Confederate Airmotive Company.



The Panama Canal has opened!


The Communist USA is building yet another BB design:


And so that ends my stint as Secretary of the navy under CSA President Woodrow Wilson. I kept tension low and expanded our non existent submarine fleet. I mothballed most of our legacy fleet which will most likely be scrapped soon.
I expanded our empire to Iceland after the war with Russia. I kept Socialists and Communists at bay running a Conservative naval administration. I apologize for the lack of depth due to the expansion of my family I kept it pretty
short and sweet. The CSA will hopefully expand into flight and Oil powered ships in the near future and keep our enemies at bay.

Here is the Save https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZEw1Y9ftVA8QfdxRGqRt1u0kaIl8LdOF
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Aug 24, 2011
I am stuck in personal obligation until Friday, after that the rats will get on the ship for once !


Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 1 - January 1915

Well, Admiral ValeVelKal, you must wonder why I summoned you

Squeaaakk ?

It is with great displeasure that I have to inform you that Secretary of the Navy Comte has disappeared...

… squeak !

… shortly after we discovered that the new, modern, Fire-Eater battleship class currently being built was actually an old "Traveller" class with dazzle camo painting.

… squeak squeak ?

Yes indeed. They painted the ship before even finishing it. Investigating further, our Navy Commission has found out that the budget for new ships allocated to Comte has been squandered or should I say reallocated to new purposes. You see, apparently Secretary of the Navy Comte family's is growing every day larger and needier...

In any case, the point is : the fleet is 15 years old, the navy is out of budget, the Unionized States of America are growing more and more active and we need a man, I mean, someone to replace Secretary of the Navy Comte

Squ… Th-thanks !

Oh, don't thank me. We are out of budget you see, and we believe you would be the cheapest.

As of the 1st of January 1915, the Confederate Navy is indeed in a sorry state :

All the CL and the CA are officially "obsolete", as are all the pre-dreadnought except 2 of them. At a top speed of 22, the CL are probably slower than some of the foreign battleships. All the Dreadnought and Battleships are fielding 12 inch guns, when the Yankees and really all the other powers except Japan and Russia are fielding 14 inch guns if not 15 inch.

Why no bi-bigger guns ?

The other countries, they can use machines, and cranes, and their industry. We can't have that here. We need to find ways to make newer guns with only servile technology. The smelting. The die casting. And then, moving the gun on the ship. Only using a servile technology.

Why no industry-rr-y ?

Historical materialism.

Squeak ?

We don't want to turn communist, you see. And what is the stage before communism ? Capitalism.

As we wanted to be extra-careful not turning communist like the Yankees, we kept what Marx would call the Ancient Mode of Production, with slaves and whatnot. So we are like THREE revolutions away from Communism.

Looking at the ships under production, it is not much better : one Roger Mills-class battlecruiser, adequate with 14 inch guns, one Fire-eater Traveller class dreadnought - already obsolete :

The only acceptable part of the fleet is the destroyer fleet :

A torpedo is a torpedo whether sent by a 1899 destroyed or a 1915 destroyer. As for the rest of the fleet : it cannot catch the enemy, it cannot flee the enemy and it cannot damage the enemy.

The first order of business is to reduce the cost.
- Scrap the old pre-dreadnought battleships, except the 2 more recent one (sent to reserve)
- Scrap 2 of the 3 CA, last one sent to reserve
- Scrap all the CL, except the cheapest ones to have, you know, some ships around.
- Reduce the technology from 12% of the budget to 10%
- Reduce the special training in gunnery (it is not like we will ever be in range anyway) and night-training (that can be useful, but we need the budget)
- Reduce the spying,

The fleet suddenly looks relatively less old :

And no-now ! More de-destroyers !

More destroyers ? But that's the only part of the fleet that is adequate !

Who-who are you again ?

Don't you recognize me ? Admiral Baud, commander of the battlecruiser fleet. I currently have some time as we don't really have battlecruisers at the moment (but former Secretary of the Navy Comte was seeing far away) and meanwhile I have been tasked to make sure you have the interest of the Confederation at heart and make sure you take wise decisions. And more Destroyers is not such a decision.

Then... new light cr-cruisers !

I see you are more reasonable, Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal

Ye-Yes. V-Very light cruisers.

Of course. We don't have the budget for more.

.. f-f-fast.

Yes. We need a ship that goes at a modern speed.

M-Most important. T-torpedoes !

Oh. THAT kind of Light Cruiser. A very large destroyer.

S-Small gun is OK. But many c-cruisers.

And so was born the Jemison-class light cruiser :

Private Jemison was the most famous rank-and-file of the Confederation, and the Jemison-class is going to be just that for us : "rank-and-file". A cheap light cruiser (low displacement : 3500 only) that is going to be the workhorse we stopped having and will replace the remaining Tallahassee-class . With a speed of 28, it should remain useful for a long time. I launch the production of no less than 6 of them. Also, it uses oil !

We also need new modern battleships :

I can't allow you to have that. We don't need more destroyers, even large ones.

What if... also b-big ship ? For you ?

Sold !

This is going to be the new Stonewall Jackson class :

Main gun at 14 is the best we can afford, but I also believe the secondary battery will be impactful. With a belt at 14 and a deck at 3, it is only at risk at really close range by an equivalent gun. Speed of 21 (and of 28 for the CL) will be the new staple : slower ships will move at 21, faster ships at 28.
Also - asymmetric design because I can.

This is the world in 1915 :

I expand our bases in Maine and in Angola in preparation of future operations there. Later in the year, the coastal batteries - totally obsolete - would be dismantled.

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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 2 - Year 1915

1915 was fairly tame. A new scout plane replaced our not-so-older one with marginally better stats. The USA laid down BB like crazy. In March, Secretary ValeVelKal proposed to President of the Confederate States of America to help the Greeks self-determined :

I-Italy ? They don't even h-have a fleet.

Well, we actually have an "Italy" file, but someone - or something - has eaten all the pages.

I am s-sure there was-was nothing in-in th-that file anyway.

V-Vain, but glorious !

By the middle of the year, we have some interesting tech development :

But we need more budget to test those new technologies :

We can't count on the government, but the public, yes, the public knows where its interest lays :

The second Battleship of the Stonewall Jackson class will be named after just a famous person : "Torpedo" Andjord, destroyer of yankees !

The end of the year is a bit more iffy, with the Unionized States of America agitating :

A quick check at the USA fleet forced us to be realistic :

Those CA alone could match most of our fleet.

Woodrow Wilson will have none of it :

Two "Traveller" Class battleships are moved to Maine with a bunch of accompanying destroyers, but it is not enough for President Wilson :

Meanwhile, our fourth Traveller class battleship is available and working-up. It has a nicer painting than the other ships, that's all there is to say about it.
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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 3 - Year 1916

The year started mightily for Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, and much praise :

But Secretary of the Navy's attention was focused on different newspieces :

Secretary ValeVelKal, the new cadets are going to do a World Tour. This is going to be a real PR moment. Which ship should they use ?


Ah. I see. This way you send a message to the government - not enough budget, etc...
Nooooo. Don't you see. D-destroyers are the most important ships ! But ours are old. And rickety !

With some new budget, there is the bandwidth for additional ship building. Building new CAs was tempting, but sadly we don't have a good 9 inch gun, so they would not be great ship. On the other hand, we lack a long range raider...

… but not for much longer :

The Nathan Bedford Forest is a CL made for those wars in foreign waters. It is very well gunned for a CL, fast (at 28 there is exactly 0 ship in foreign arsenal that can catch) her and, errr, poorly armored so keep the distance. To avoid tempting the Nathan Bedford Forest class captains, I also removed the torpedoes.

Only 2 are deemed necessary for the time being : the Nathan Bedford Forest and the William Quantrill.
"It is not a typo , "Forest" is an alternative French spelling !"

The class quickly becomes pointless though, as there is another power VERY interested in us keeping our colonial empire, and in helping us stop the spread of the villainous communist ideas :

Oh YES !
https://s984.photobucket.com/user/Narwhal_EUIII/media/Field of Glory/Rat_zps0ipndhwd.png.html

Meanwhile, our Jemison-class CL are put at sea.

And some people develop a technology against planes. Ah. People keep saying that the heavier than air will never become a threat but when I see a plane I see a destroyer with wings, but alas no torpedo.

With the security afforded by the English support, we can take a tougher stance with the Americans :

Our servile technology progresses :

But the Russians come to us with an even better servile technology :

Oh YES !

And meanwhile, Woodrow Wilson goes back to his old paranoid habits :

All this while sending mixed signals :

Meanwhile, I jump on this opportunity :

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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 4 - Year 1917

40% of my mandate is spent and it is time to have a honest look at the status of the navy.

Only one conclusion is possible :

M-More destroyers !

The plan is to make them as cheap as possible, and I believe it is a success :

Keep in mind that mines, AA, and cruise missiles are still not available so really we don't need anything bigger yet.

ValeVelKal vibrant speech in front of the house on the superiority of the destroyers gets the new funding incoming :

Meanwhile, with England on our side, I reassess my CL priorities and stop the building of 2 out of the 3 Nathan Bedford Forest-class. This liberates some resource to modernise our one (1) Battle Cruiser with 16 inch guns replacing the dual 14 inch guns.

I also load LOTS of ammo, because if I don't she has too much unused weight, and the alternative is to replace the engine which costs a bazillion and is not even that useful since nothing in the world except my ships go above 27 knots.

The money trail to find Comte again leads the navy investigation to France, but he is protected indeed !

New techs are found :

Meanwhile, the investigation into Comte finds out that he money-laundered the money through a French plane manufacturer company :

As I said, Comte has protections. Lots of them :

Our allies in England have issues :

New techs :

And the USA at it again. With the backing of England, I can take - again - a strong position.

As of January 1918, my fleet looks better with the upgraded battlecruiser and the first 7 destroyers available. The old CL have been scrapped.

I have 2 years to finish modernisation : more destroyers, biggers guns and maybe - who knows - some tests with planes ?
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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 5 - Year 1918

Technologies marches on, sometimes with the help of UK :

And also...

Y-Yes ! Y-Yes ! S-Thank you !

We also receive news from UK :


The House is very ready to take back from France the money Comte owes us :

And meanwhile I find other sources of funding :

With a war looking more and more imminent, it is time to restart the training into what really works (for the CSA fleet anyway) : Torpedoes and Night Fighting :

It is also time to modernize the old Traveller-class. It can still be useful a few years certainly, and I don't have the budget to buy a brand new ship anyway.

The modernisation includes additional armor, a better fire director, a huge amount of AA guns and - critically - upgrade of the double 12 inch guns into single 14 inch guns.

It won't be state of the art, but it will be adequate for the next 5 or so years.

Initially, 2 Traveller-class are sent for modernisation. Later in the year, a third one is sent.

France mobilizes ? So what, so do I. The English will have my back ! They need our cotton !

But meanwhile, I make sure to signal everyone that the real enemies of civilization are the Communists. Are you Communist, France ? No ? Then stop nagging us.

My baby finally arrives :

And an excited baby, too. No sooner is she arrived that it moves straight to the Dominican Republic. I receive whiny memos from other global powers but I ignore them.

Tada !

And I receive more and more whiny memos, especially from France and USA. But this time they are also threatening :

It is August 1918, I have exactly one BC and two BB available (the rest is being refitted), and I certainly don't want a war now.

To enhance my protection, I decide to start building an airforce
- One airport in Maine, since this is so close to the US center
- One airbase in Guantanemo, since first I discovered bombs on airships but not planes and the Caribbean is very large so I need the airship range. Of course, it is going to get replaced eventually.

USA and France keep sending spies, but figure this out - then they never hear about them again.

Meanwhile, as I keep telling them, the French should really take care of THEIR colonies, not of UK former colonies :

By the end of the year the situation slightly improves, first with the arrival of more modern Battleships :

And second because as of January 1919 the tension decreased a bit :

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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 6 - January 1919 to April 1919

In 1919, the situation is ppprreeettttyyy tense, so I am not going to make people more excited :

On the other hand, this one is tempting :

Eh !

I guess I will have a new reason to make CL & DD :

Suddenly, in April, just as we finally located the Comte pension fund :

This is not great...

There is an engagement with a BC in the Caribbean but the fleets miss each other.

The French fleet is stronger than mine, but not that impressive :

On the other hand, they are fighting on my turf (Caribbean), have slow ships (BC at 18 ? This must be an intelligence issue), don't have more CA than me and don't seem to be building more heavy stuff. In addition, they have an Empire to defend and the English are on my side.

Time is also on my side. Yes, my fleet is still limited :

3 BB, 1 BC but a bazillions of DD. On the other hand, I have 3 refitted Travellers that will arrive over time in the coming months, my torpedo & night attack training ends next month and, well, I have the Brits on my side.

That should be doable.

It also means that I won't end my part today and that I need to request the good damn code for the game again since I changed my computer.
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Aug 24, 2011
Secretary of the Navy ValeVelKal, part 7 - May 1919 to August 1919

Well, Secretary of State ValeVelKal. How is the war doing ?

Our underwat-ter destroyers are to-torpedoing their ccc-cruisers

Our su-surface destroyers are r-ready too, but no enemy

Our ra-raiders are r-raiding

...and our con-convoy to T-Tonkin arrived full of ww-weapons.

So far, so good, all fleets are missing each other in combat. Meanwhile, I got an increase in budget - and a brand new gun.

You might wonder - what are we going to do with this new weapon ?

Well, the Admiralty was thinking the same, and thus a new ship is designed...

… a minelaying destroyer, class "Minelayer" so my successors recognize her instantly.

And also the long awaited armored cruiser, the "State Rights" class :

This ship has a lot of "weight remaining", as it is meant to be upgraded with better guns when those become available.

As the presence of the French in the Caribbean is not really felt, the Confederate States of America land in the French Antilles in April 1919

By coincidence, at the same time in April 1919, the French attempt to land in Angola :

The "battle" does not go very well. Warned of an attempt to invade Angola, the fleet leaves Luanda and patrol along the coast until Lobito, more in the North. Once they reach Lobito, they received distressed messages that the French fleet is in front of Luanda. The fleet immediately turns back, but too late : the French expeditionary force has landed already.

The French somehow lost a DD to one of my KE, but the results are there : major victory for the French, 2 Prestige lost - 4328 VP for the French vs 90 for me.

Small consolation in August though :

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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
That was some machine-gunning updating my man :bro:

Our fleet is in a pretty parlous state I gotta say, but I guess that just means more money for the aircraft carriers once we get there, right? Not sure I approve of single gunned turrets on old BBs, but that's the fun of succession games :D

And 8'' secondaries on the Stonewall Jacksons? In casemates and without secondaries Director Firing? Do you even Jackie Fisher bro? :outrage::outrage: They're gonna be too slow-firing to hit DDs and too inaccurate to hit BBs at the engagement ranges of this time period.
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Aug 24, 2011
That was some machine-gunning updating my man :bro:

Our fleet is in a pretty parlous state I gotta say, but I guess that just means more money for the aircraft carriers once we get there, right? Not sure I approve of single gunned turrets on old BBs, but that's the fun of succession games :D

And 8'' secondaries on the Stonewall Jacksons? In casemates and without secondaries Director Firing? Do you even Jackie Fisher bro? :outrage::outrage: They're gonna be too slow-firing to hit DDs and too inaccurate to hit BBs at the engagement ranges of this time period.
Single gunned turrets on old BB is going to be battle-tested soon, so you will see.

The 8'' secondaries are meant for CA and if I get in range CL. If your BB/BC is engaging destroyers something went wrong - in my doctrine anyway - plus I already have a fleet of destroyers and the new CL to take care of the other guys DD. The lack of accuracy is only in rough weather, and meanwhile the casemate "armor" the ship slightly more. And also, more importantly, I forget to press the "turreted" option.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Fair enough, here's my thinking about BBs secondaries:

f your BB/BC is engaging destroyers something went wrong
It's warfare, something always goes wrong at some point or another.

The 8'' secondaries are meant for CA and if I get in range CL.
For CAs, that's what the big guns are for. For CLs 6''/5'' (I prefer 5'' but the heavier 6'' are perfectly valid) secondaries are plenty enough in my opinion and can do the job at a fraction of the weight cost.
But the save is yours admiral, thus the fleet is yours to create and tinker with as you desire! Or at least until I get my turn and I refit those ships with turreted dual purposed 5'' :salute:

Also, tagging oscar just to check he's still around as his turn will come relatively soon.


Aug 24, 2011
Nah, the big guns are for the BC and the BB :). If I meet a CA alone, it is toast. If I meet a CA with a large fleet, I want to be able to remove it before it removes my destroyers while not losing good shots on the BB/BC.
Longer range also allows to catch the elusive CL, this is particularly true on the slower BB - which the CL won't approach and will outrun the BB.

Of course, once DP is researched and airplanes are commonplace, the ballgame changes. But for now we are stuck with light non-DP AA which actually very often shoots down the plane AFTER it dropped its ordonnance, and in any case does not provide fleet cover but only individual ship cover.

By the way, the States Right-class have caliber 7 because caliber 6 (and below) is quality 0 whereas caliber 7 and 8 are quality 1.
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