The video game industry must have an algorithm that produces jaggy sado armor at the touch of a button. Or there is only one concept artist available for fantasy games.
Nah it's the general approach caused by resource limits for certain things vanishing in the last few years.
Back then stuff looked relatively simply, because geometry was limited(as PC's back then weren't as strong as they're now), however there was certain philosophy in these armour design. The better they were, the more detailed they've became(still limited, but more detailed armours usually hit upper limit of polygon count you could give for single character to run the game somehow in minimum spec range).
It was kind of reward for playing the game.
Today, you can have relatively unlimited geometry, or at least you have GPU's with more than 8MB VRAM so "detailed" textures are a piece of cake to make.
Hence heavily ornamented armour you can see in WoW for example:
Obviously, with increasing computing power, number of details you can put on certain armour grows, and the level of retardness grows with the amount of details.
The point is - "gamers" became conditioned to see more detailed/elaborate designs as better and that's what all those funny designers are trying to achieve with their retardo designs(WoW is a special case of it - shoulders were usually part of armour that was the hardest to get in game, and you can clearly see that that's the part Blizzard design team focused on, at this point players want cooler shoulders and it's their reward for playing the game).
At some point someone started to think - what if EVERY single piece of gear would look "awesome"? Doesn't it mean that "gamer" would be happy after finding ANY item?
And that's the kind of special person that designed armours in LotF.
"Simple" armour was there in the first place because that's what you could see on fantasy book covers etc.(clichés included). Few studios started coming back to that philosophy(simple but sensibly-designed stuff, not overdesigned shit) yet they're more focused on realism rather than on being 80's echo-chamber, I guess it's for the better.