Absinthe said:
"Just as easily" is quite a stretch. This argument of yours sounds like a Perfect Solution Fallacy to me, Fangshi. Just because they can still argue doesn't mean their position would be near as strong. Having Armaiti help out would still be enough proof for the Emperor and Bro Sects to declare that the Fire Cult is trustworthy.
I am sure I am certainly missing something.
The way I see it is that either Jing saving the emperor personally will be enough of a justification for an amnesty or it won't. I do not believe Armaiti will be able to influence things substantially either way.
I can not see a concrete reason why the actions of one AS will achieve what the actions of the Lord of the Temple can not. What I think will happen is that the three sects that are already open to our presence will move closer to us should we succeed. The three sects that are allied with the zhangs will use every tool at their disposal to prevent the acceptance of a Jing led Cult into the empire. Finally the two remaining sects will go where their leaders tell them to once their respective leadership disputes are over.
I really do believe that if our saving the emperor can be dismissed by the zhangs and the Nie block then Armaiti's involvement can similarly be turned to their advantage. I see it as the lesser arguement in favour of the Cult, only useful is supporting Jing's greater claim. After all, we at least have the advantage of being Chinese where as the Cult are foreigners and will forever be stained by that.
Of course I also think that Jing alone will be capable of getting the necessary PR boost by saving the emperor. Assuming of course that we do in fact succeed and that there is not something else going on here.
Absinthe said:
Other than the fact that the girls would escape (high qinggong/agi/stealth) and tell their side of the story? The fact that our own crew, including Song Lingshu and Guo Fu, would back us up when we say which way Murong Yandi was headed. And this is assuming they can control all the witnesses on their own side. Not to mention, when the Sword Saint looks into it, he'd probably believe us over them, and then they would probably have made a personal enemy out of Changguan Chuji. That's really not good for them.
I doubt that the heads of the sects (those that are not already well disposed to us that is) would accept the words of the Wudu heiress and the Holy Maiden of the Fire Cult (both of which are not even proper Han Chinese) over those of Nie and his followers. If the issue is in doubt the orthodox gentleman with zhang clan backing would probably win out.
Lingshu and Fu would of course believe us but Nie does not have to dispute that Yandi left to find him, he does not even need to argue against the fact that Yandi did catch up to him. He only needs to make the case that vile assassins or minions of our prey ambushed them and killed poor Yandi in a most dishonourable fashion.
Again I agree the Sword Saint would probably side with us in such a situation, of course if Nie does have multiple legendary techs as you suggest, and he is in possession of multiple legendary swords, and he has access to very powerful Wudu based poisons then he quite possibly has nothing to fear from the Saint at this point. It might be worth more to him to ensure he escapes than to worry about making enemies as he moves towards his endgame. All this is speculation though, we do not know his motives or how powerful he actually is.
Absinthe said:
I'm not sure it's a good idea to have Xuezi go all out if we can help it. She should save that for the Huashan Summit. At the same time, I think we need Armaiti's style of combat (including her new Yiyang Finger) to keep the veiled lady off-balance. Sure we have a lot of orthodox pugilists on her trail, but I don't think conventional weapons are going to be particularly effective against her fighting style (especially if she holds Shun hostage).
I am open to that sentiment but not without sending someone to help out Qilin and Yunzi. If orthodox techs are in fact less useful against her then we could probably spare either Lingshu or Fu to go with them. Though we are starting to get into the sort of conjecture here that has undermined our efforts in the past.
As for Xuezi, we may not have a choice. If she decides to do something we can not control her and she seems determined to go after the immortal.
Absinthe said:
Also, I really don't think we should aim for a fight with Nie Wuxing and company because Nie Wuxing has a few legendary techniques by now and the rest are still master level fighters. Simply put, it requires way too much firepower to take them down. I think we should focus on winning the fight to recapture Shun and leave Yunzi and Qilin to do some scouting, keep an eye on things, and escape if need be. Nothing more.
That is quite possibly the case, and Qilin and Yunzi do not intend to actually get into a fight as well so that is a point in favour of traveling light. However I think they will likely run into someone or something and I want them to have extra help in case they do. By this point Armaiti should work quite well with Yunzi and it is her duty to protect the Holy Maiden, I want her doing something she would do naturally so she is fully committed to the task at hand.
Finally if Nie is as powerful as all that then that seems like an even better reason to send the extra help. It might take everything they have simply to escape. And that is assuming they do not run into something completely unexpected while scouting out the tunnels below the base of a slightly unhinged immortal.