Absinthe has convinced me on all of these points.
You see,
Baltika9, this is where it does not make sense to me.
Do you expect a fight with Nie Wuxing to break out, or don't you? If you do not, why are you sending anyone there at all when Shun is in danger? If you do, why aren't you sending enough? Nie has Minyue, the sword couple, and Bai Jiutian at his side, and he wields a legendary blade himself. That is five highly skilled opponents against two of our fighters and one semi-skilled poisoner waifu.
The notion that the serious fighting will only break out once we sent Armaiti in does not hold up under scrutiny. If we don't, the fighting won't get serious? They will just slap each other silly because the attack on the pugilistic leader is no big deal? What does a
non-serious fight entail when you consider an assault on the current wielder of the Xuanyuan Sword by people who don't have a right to it? If you expect a fight at all, that is.
And the political arguments (which I think are highly inappropriate because we are talking lives here) do not hold up either. See, the fact that the EVIL CULT was after the sword can be turned against us, and that might be a valid argument for some. But then the fact that Yunzi (the second-in-command and the public face of the organization - unlike Armaiti who is a mere Amesha) is already going after Wuxing is handwaved away - 'eh, it will be fine, they will just fast-talk their way out of it or something', even though the same exact points apply to her as well. That's just arbitrary deciding that two cultists are too many, but one is completely okay.
That kind of argument I can make in abundance. 4 fighters will totes thrash Wuxing and his cronies, but with just 3 they will kill our waifus and rape Murong Yandi to draw the Saint out and have our Master die from boredom. It will totes be a disaster, trust me, bros!
I am just not interested in that level of discussion.