1. The problem is that we need to prove that the Fire Cult itself can be trusted to follow our orders. This was the whole issue that we had with Shaolin, so I guess I'll quote this again:
By the time you finish convincing the Shaolin elders that no, you are not lying about being the new Fire Lord, half of them have fainted and the other half were still choking on the food. Abbot Fangci has a look of grave concern. “Keep this a secret for now, as best as you can,” he says. “Certain other sects would be less… tolerant. This is a very sensitive issue. Still, you promise much, to claim that you can sway such a heretical cult to your bidding.”
“Don’t worry about it, musclehead,” sighs Xuezi. “Just keep your little friendship a secret for now, while you wait and see how the boy fares. It’s not like we’re asking you to go about announcing it with gongs and shouts.”
“I suppose you are right, child… but why are you in here, again?” frowns Fangci.
Shaolin is taking a wait-and-see stance.
We need to show that the Amesha Spenta can be trusted. They already trust Jing.
2. Murong Yandi. The Sword Saint's disciple is probably better at protecting people from sword masters. As for Yunzi, it's hard to attack her and not attack the two girls, hence why I think a diplomatic solution is more workable with just Yunzi than with Armaiti for maximum OMG FIRE CULT. Also, Yunzi is
fast. She can make a run for it.
3. Just because it's speculation doesn't mean it isn't reasonable. We know the veiled lady uses sound techniques. I don't see how ground-shaking moves and and qi beams get stopped by that the same way Jing and needle barrage got stopped.
4. I'm saying that Song Lingshu and Guo Fu will tell them that Armaiti can be trusted, so it's not an issue to have Armaiti with us. I think it's a much bigger issue, diplomatically, to have Armaiti with them.
I don't even understand why you guys are so hung up on having Armaiti go with the girls. What's the pressing need that Armaiti
has to be there when there is so much benefit to be had from keeping her with us? All of this "keep Armaiti with the girls" seems to revolve around a strangely idealized combat scenario where combat
has to happen, the girls apparently
wont run, and yet with these completely terrible odds somehow Armaiti will make a difference? Look, if they all go fight Nie Wuxing and their crew, the girls are going to lose even with Armaiti. Those odds are terrible. But if they're just going to run, then it's better to travel light anyway, and Armaiti wouldn't make a difference either.