No one voted for B it seems.
Chapter 5.9: Nusku
Projecting a human presence, you step forward, making your way out of the silent crowd. Gudersu stares at you in disbelief as you clap him on the arm on your way to Edem and the hostages. He mutters under his breath, “Why would you…” It’s clear that he had not expected you to take any action.
“Ah, a brave volunteer!” cries Edem, who makes a show of peering at you closely. “He does not appear to be one of you fair folk. If it is acceptable –“
“Not acceptable! We Gutians do not send guests off in our behalf! The responsibility is ours!” shouted Gudersu. There was a brief silence, a few tentative cheers, and then a huge roar rose from the crowd, affirming Gudersu’s statement. Each man and woman in the crowd began volunteering themselves in your stead, with their large king the loudest volunteer of all. They are a bit more… noble, than you thought. Unfortunately, you know that the responsibility is probably yours – if Edem was telling the truth, they had come because you were here.
What now? Edem appeared to be a bit flustered at this turn of events.
Weren’t you the guy with the plan? Anyway, let the hostages go first.
Is your head put on wrongly? Let them go, and then the deal is sealed. They can’t really say anything about it then.
Edem sighs, and snaps his fingers again. Instantly, Iltani drops the sword, and looks around, scared. Her eyes fix on you. You give her a smile and wave her towards her people. With a hesistant nod, she turns away and hurriedly herds the twins back towards her father.
“Okay, we have our specimen. Now let us out of here!” screams Nusku. “Now! Now!” You can feel power gathering in him, ready to be unleashed. It looks like he would try blasting his way out of the village if he had to, willing to take whatever risks that included. The crowd still circled you, unwilling to move.
I let the hostages go. Say something now, wise guy.
“You have been very hospitable these past few weeks-“
For fuck’s sake, what is this, a thank you speech?
You glare at Edem, and continue, “An agreement was made! It is a wonderful trade, a petty bandit for Gudersu’s beloved children!”
“We’re brothers-in-banditry here! Blood for blood!” You recognize one of Gudersu’s subordinates waving his axe about in the air.
“Well bandits we may be, but we have honour do we not? Gutians say what they mean and do what they say, and if you’ve agreed to a trade, you bloody well trade! Or have I heard wrong? I’m going to be shamed if you don’t let me go. What will they say, that the poor bandit lost his nerve at the last minute and begged the Gutians to save him?”
The crowd murmured and chuckled. You can’t believe that you’ve having to negotiate your own hostage-taking. Besides you, you can feel Edem being very amused.
“Please, let me do this. It’s the least I can do.” You look at Gudersu, hoping he’ll understand.
“If you do this for my children, you are one of us, Ean,” says Gudersu suddenly. His voice drops, threateningly, as he glares daggers at Edem and Nusku. “And we will get you back.”
You give him a grim smile. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Gudersu raises one massive arm and orders the crowd to part. They do so, jangling with the weapons and armour that they carried. Edem puts a knife to your throat – for courtesy’s sake, he said – and escorts you out of the village. Nusku had already run the moment the crowd parted.
Edem and Nusku had managed to grab a couple of horses on the way out. Nusku had tied you to the back of his horse. It was a bumpy ride, one you did not enjoy at all.
How did you find me? you think, hoping Edem will pick it up and answer.
I suppose you didn’t realize that she put something in your arm to track you? The reply came a few minutes later. You think about it. Sekhenun
had stabbed you with a tendril when you met her again in Babylon… could that be it?
After what seems to be like an extremely lengthy period of time, the horses finally stop.
“Damn it all, Edem, you lost my experiments! That was nearly a tenth of what I had, do you know that? Lord Marduk took almost all the rest with him, and I really don’t expect them to make it back alive, do you know that? Do you KNOW that?” screamed Nusku.
“Well, you do have one specimen to take back.” remarks Edem.
“One! Just ONE measly specimen! What is the use of this? One scrawny human?” Nusku punches you in the chest, hard. He was strong, and you let out a groan despite your best efforts to resist the pain. “What are you playing at, Edem? You tell Lord Marduk that there is a cult in Babylon that was responsible for Mehlu and Gamilsin’s deaths, you convince him to allow you to investigate, yet you waste time coming with me for specimen collections! You TOLD me that village was EASY PICKINGS!” Nusku was practically frothing at the mouth by now.
“This is a humiliation to our great empire. Lord Marduk
will hear of your mistake when he returns from Greece, I assure you. That stupid village… Once we are back in Babylon I will get a thousand guards. Dead specimens are fine too. Of course it's better if they're alive to see what I'm going to do to them.”
You stare at Nusku, who had his back to you.
“I will have
so much fun with them. I’ll breed those Gutians with dogs and see how they pant at my feet!” Nusku giggles gleefully, and begins elaborating the number of inventive ways with which he will torture the Gutians. Though at first horrified, you begin to feel a dull anger instead numbing your feelings. All that is left is anger, disgust… and hunger.
Such a… thing… such an ugly thing. How could I permit it to live?
The rage you felt on a few occasions before returns slowly, simmering beneath your cold eyes. Nusku’s back was open.
Are you okay? Edem looks at you, his expression that of concern tinged with a slight bit of fear.
You do not reply.
Well… anytime you’re ready.
You feel the knots binding you loosen. You drop your façade. Nusku senses your disappearance, and turns to look at you. His eyes widen as he sees you are still there – unbound. Just what you wanted; you want him to look you in the eyes before you devour him. Nusku fumbles with his belt, trying to draw out his dagger, but you move far faster and crush his hand in your grip. He screams. You slam your fist into his body, knocking him to the ground. Straddling him, you begin to rain down blows upon his head. Blood and dark goo spatters your fists. The stunned Gieloth has no time to focus for his psychic attacks. Instead, he croaks out to Edem for help. No help comes.
Edem stands at a safe distance, watching the murder of his compatriot with no expression on his face.
You do not care. You rip into Nusku, savoring the sensation of the squirming black tendrils between your fingers, and you eat.
When you finish, you realize Edem is nowhere to be found.
“It looks like you’re back earlier than expected. I’m sorry for the surprise, but I
did send out someone to tell you. I guess he couldn’t find the village in time.” Sekhenun walks into your room an hour after you return, a wry smile on your face. She begins explaining herself. “Marduk left ahead of schedule. He went to Egypt with a small entourage, together with Mehrune, and had Shamash prepare the army’s departure to Greece. They should be sailing in two weeks time… what’s the matter?”
She looks at you with concern.
Probably fake concern, at that. She formed an alliance with another Gieloth without my knowledge… Why wouldn’t she betray me when it suits her?
That thought gets you just a bit angry.
“What did you put in me?” you whisper.
Sekhenun sighs. “Ah, that idiot told you about it. It’s nothing, just something that allows me to know where you are. I’m sorry, but when I realized I couldn’t detect you I decided to place a tracker inside. What can I say, I think fast.” She smiles at you, but it falters when you just stare at her in return.
“Look, I’m sorry. If you don’t want it, I’ll take it out. Then we’ll start discussing the next step of our plan, okay?”
A. You press the issue. She has lied to you enough. You have been played for a fool from the start, sent out to do her dirty work while she lounges in safety. She has to answer for her deceptions, and now is a good time to start, before time mellows the indignation.
B. You drop the issue. It has been a long day, and for now you decide to say nothing about it. She probably meant nothing ill by it anyway. She has her own motives, but you trust that she does not mean to harm you.