Good idea. Though I imagine Sek might be just a little bit pissed at us for dragging her along...Oh, one more thing treave
The exile offer... do it has a few wriggle room, I mean sth like "Can I bring one / two person / Gieloth / Whatever with me"?
Wikipedia said:Vajra is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond. As a material device, the vajra is a ritual object, a short metal weapon that originates from India and has the symbolic nature of a diamond (it can cut any substance but not be cut itself) and that of the thunderbolt (irresistible force).
The five pronged vajra (with four makaras, plus a central prong) is the most commonly seen vajra. There is an elaborate system of correspondences between the five elements of the noumenal side of the vajra, and the phenomenal side. One important correspondence is between the five "poisons" with the five wisdoms. The five poisons are the mental states that obscure the original purity of a being's mind, while the five wisdoms are the five most important aspects of the enlightened mind. Each of the five wisdoms is also associated with a Buddha figure.
desire/wisdom of individuality, anger/mirror-like wisdom, delusion/reality wisdom, pride/wisdom of equanimity, envy/all-accomplishing wisdom.
That'd be my preffered vote.
We could put it up to another vote. I bow to the wishes of the majority.
Uh, right, in the future, bold the votes, and the votes only, in the post which you want counted. Continuing to bold the choices in subsequent posts where you explain why you pick those choices is a very mean thing to do to a confused mind.Unbold all the other stuff, or use BIG RED TEXT if you want?
Are we revoting from the last update, or just letting our votes stand as they are? Democracy is such a hard mistress to tame, considering how similar C D and E it's likely one or the other would have been passed through considering they're pretty much the same. You might want to have a limitation in future on the "suggest a option" in that it has to be significantly different from the currently proposed.We could put it up to another vote. I bow to the wishes of the majority.
the other would have been passed through considering they're pretty much the same. You might want to have a limitation in future on the "suggest a option" in that it has to be significantly different from the currently proposed.
I'd be inclined to see a rewrite, and consider the previous version a most intriguing "what if". Showing off your C&C and all that. It's not like it'd be the first Codex CYOA to get rewritten...