A - 4
C - 2
D - 3
E - 3
Chapter 5.20: Tea-Time With Zeus
You hold Anbar-Shi out, in front of you, as if daring Zeus to come and get back his piece. "You would like to have it back, wouldn't you? If only the world was as simple. You could try to take it from me, but I think you would rather talk. Maybe we can come to an agreement?" Edem wisely keeps quiet, waiting to see what you would do. Zeus falls silent as he stares at you. You can feel him probing your head, but he does not attempt to force his way past your defenses. A moment later, a genuine look of surprise appears on his face.
"The batch is somehow no more, yet you retain your powers... and that sword you hold... this is unprecedented. This is unacceptable."
There was a flash of sapphire from his right hand, and the last piece of Vajra appeared within it.
"We will talk, host, but first..."
Marduk's body is telekinetically hoisted into the air besides Zeus. His eyes snap open, and Marduk, realizing that he had waited too long to gather his strength and that no lucky distraction was forthcoming, explodes in a blur of black tendrils, attempting to smother Zeus. Strong winds buffet the area, sending the rubble and corpses littering the ground flying off the mountain. You are almost blown off your feet, but luckily you have enough presence of mind to plant Anbar-Shi into the ground and hang on firmly. Zeus himself floats off the ground, but a shimmering veil appears to shield him from the worst of the winds. Marduk's tentacles sizzle as they force their way through the veil and grasp Zeus around the waist. You see him grimace in pain, and he raises a hand up into the air. The two pieces of Vajra fly up and combine, forming a long cylinder with three prongs at each end. A lance of energy, crackling with that distinctive electrical blue that Vajra emitted, flared to life within Zeus's grasp, and he thrust it with no hesistation right into Marduk's body with a mighty roar. The winds die immediately, and you feel bolts of electricity strike and char your flesh as Zeus's thunderbolt lashes out at all around it. You instinctively bring up Anbar-Shi to protect yourself. The bolts are drawn to the blade and absorbed within almost instantly. There is a bright flash from Zeus and Marduk, causing you to avert your eyes. When you are able to see again, Zeus is the only one left standing over Marduk's rapidly disintegrating corpse.
He sighs, and pays the dead no more attention, turning his piercing blue eyes to you. With no change in his tone of voice to betray his prior exertions, Zeus speaks.
"Well, shall we talk?"
You nod. Edem was now nowhere to be seen after the winds wrecked the area. You can only hope he'll return in time to help you out, as your chances against Zeus one-to-one was unlikely at this point.
"What will you grant me for allowing you to complete Vajra?"
"Your life."
The answer was quick and simple.
"Do you really think I would go down to you that easily?" You spit at Zeus, defiant. "It is not much of a negotiation if you are the only one dictating terms."
Zeus shakes his head, with a smile on his face.
"It does not matter how hard the process will be. You, who have broken the yoke of your destiny, are an aberration on this control world. You will be eliminated sooner or later. Do not test our patience with your unfounded confidence in your power... which we granted to you."
"The voices you burdened me with are no more. You have no power over me."
Zeus just laughs slowly.
"Maybe. We could put that to the test, but you are an interesting aberration. I would prefer not to dispose of you just yet."
"If that is the case, here are my terms. I want to know what you plan to do with Vajra, and what you plan to do with my world. I have learnt plenty from other sources, yet your motives in coming here are still a mystery to me. Prove yourself worthy of this piece, and I might just give it to you. I might even help you out."
"Unacceptable. We do not exist solely to entertain your desire to learn. My offer stands as such; you will return Vajra to us, and we will send you to one of the countless worlds where your aberration is an acceptable... no, desirable existence. We can learn a lot from your growth, but not here. You are a rare specimen that is undesirable on this control world."
"Exile? You think those are good terms?"
"Those are our terms, such as they are. They are not negotiable. If you choose to remain here, I will eliminate you. Marduk has already caused much damage to an already problematic planet. Damaging the project ourselves to lure him out and defeat him was already a serious concession. We cannot risk any more delays on this testbed. Give us Vajra and I will allow you to travel to the worlds that we offer; there you may find the answers that you seek."
You ponder stalling for time, but Zeus points Vajra at you, and the deadly weapon begins to hum as the skies darken again. It looks like he still had a storm or two in reserve.
"Decide now."
A. You accept the terms of your exile. If Marduk's terrible reign was undesired by Zeus, it stands to reason that their own rule might be relatively benign. You won't be dead, and you will be able to gain power and knowledge on your travels. Then... maybe then... you will return of your own will, and then there'll be hell to pay.
B. You reject the terms and jump off the side of the mountain. Even Zeus shouldn't be able to react fast enough to catch you with his lightning if you pull off such a stunt. The fall off the mountain will be painful, but you'll survive. Once you are far enough from here, Zeus won't be able to track you if you keep a low profile, and you are betting that he will not risk delaying whatever plans they have any further by attempting to root you out.
C. You reject the terms and attack Zeus. Fuck him and his one-sided offer, you will work this out on your own terms. Preferably over his dead body.
(Because I know someone's going to ask, no, you are unable to read Zeus's mind)