a cut of domestic sheep prime
C - A would just result in them fleeing and getting killed anyway.
Only if there will be a DraQ, a Todd and a Pete. The last two being our most dire of antagonists, of course.Wasn't going to have dragons, but I suppose if there's demand for it, why not? I can work in a murder of dragons.
Wasn't going to have dragons, but I suppose if there's demand for it, why not? I can work in a murder of dragons.
You may be onto something here.By the way with the unreal becoming real, whats the chance that the sidhe and court of Titania is involved, if that holds true, things will get bit complicated.
You look up at the short raven-haired girl talking to you. Her name was Tenebrae, one of your Successors.
"Our Lady of the Martyrs has foretold your coming and requests your presence." growled the soldier. "There will be no lies where she is involved."
You glance at the soldiers again. Tenebrae seemed on the verge of cracking and fleeing, and that would certainly draw an armed response from the soldiers.
Flipping to C because of solidarity with Esquilax, since our reasons cross, and also because I foresee massive lulz when Big Papa Ean gives Aodh and Joan a spanking. Kids these days.
treave, are the major cities still historically accurate (Paris, London, Toledo, Copenhagen, etc)?
You gotta play him to understand it. Soon, you'll go fromalso, i never actually read this entire thread before, am in chapter 6 so far and I gotta ask...
what do you guys see in Ean?
As you help Dario to his feet, he mutters to you quietly, "I have no desire to be brought before the Lady. She is one of us, except quite a bit more powerful. I don't think she will let us go freely if we come into her grasp."
“Something to buy you time. You’ll know when to act.” You sense a small glimmer of satisfaction flit across Dario’s mind as he nods.
“If I don’t?”
The smile became a frown, and she sighed again. “Then you are free to go, though there will always be a place in the ranks for you. I am not in the habit of murdering people just because they are not on my side.”