Having thought it over, I don't think that playing the Hero will work out for Senya here, the guy's not Ean and he can't afford missteps. Sure, we have super analytic powers and Bullet Time but beyond that we're still understrength, so if something goes wrong we're unlikely to get out unharmed(now
here's a spot where superstrength and fighting instinct could've been useful, eh?). Hence, running or calling in for the cavalry are our only viable choices here, doing A or D will put us into a position of "and what then?" after our powers run out. Sure, maybe something unexpected will happen, but I'm not counting on it.
edit: Think about Naram. Now there's a guy who doesn't get any mentions in history at all. Ever.
And thank The Emperor for that.
They spent many decades pursuing the means of doing so, and finally found a breakthrough in ancient Babylonian documents dating back to the rule of Marduk.
Actually, Marduk seems to be a known figure to them, although I don't know whether or not they recorded him annexing Assyria and the Indus Valley and curbstomping Greece shortly thereafter. And I never seen any reference to Dio's legend of Hero of the Empire, Bearer of the Emperor's Will and The Good Chancellor being tarnished, unless Shulgi and Co went on a smear campaign against him. Not that it's a terribly big deal, but every time I read "Shulgiland" I imagine a nation populated by Disney characters.
root, if she will introduce us to the Cult, I won't really mind. It will just give us an opportunity to infiltrate it and gather intel from the inside, and to find out whether or not Innana flowers really do enable contact with this "Goddess" of theirs (I am very curious as to what "she" is). Maybe even bring them down from the inside.