If we do go with option C, it only makes sense to send in Anhur. The Vizala II's would be either shot down or left behind when we leave the battlefield. There's no way in hell we can kill all of that, even when drugged to high heaven. Senya in Anhur, Yua hacking what she can (the ISC have produced the UNS cruisers... Are we privy to how they work, is hacking them possible? At the very least, we should have pretty good intel on where to strike them to cripple them..). It's a target rich environment. Not so for the enemy. Senya should focus on taking down those adversaries that pose the biggest risk to him, then those of the greatest value = Vizala IIs first, then the Battleship, then the Carrier? As to the two big 'uns, shelling them at extreme range with the Kaguye-hime and two Pimsins seem the wisest choice. I just suspect the Indus carrier to be packing a barrier, so we might not even be able to dent that one.
Then again, if one measly CF wrecks a sizable portion of their best CFs, while we also take out a Battleship, possibly a Carrier and a few cruisers, well, that'd be more than enough for me. Before the drug wears out, Senya then turns tail, flees to the Kaguye-hime (the two Pimsin class cruisers should probably start retreating several minutes before the Kaguye-hime and Anhur, as they have inferior speed), and then get the heck out of dodge.
The reason I didn't list the hacking in my previous outline was that I forgot about it.

It was late and I was heading to bed.
The way I see it, the best case scenario is something along these lines:
We take out a dozen Vizala IIs and a handful of other mechs while remaining relatively untouched ourselves. Our cruisers manage to cripple the battleship to the point where it cannot be salvaged, and damage the carrier enough that it cannot pursue us. The remaining enemy cruisers stay back to protect the carrier (or their CFs are effectively toast, they need the launch bays and repair bays in that carrier) and we make our way towards Earth, only now the aces are sent after us with intel on how we move and fight when drugged up. They even have live footage to study.
Worst case scenario:
We fuck up. We probably take out a sizable portion of the enemy forces, but we get greedy and overextend. The enemy cripples the Kaguye-hime, destroys the Pimsins and we and the heiress are taken prisoner and ... well. Senya will probably not be executed, but quite possibly subjected to interesting torture devices and cut apart ever so slightly until someone decides to do something rash and tries to rescue him.
I still say we stick with attacking, possibly capturing the prototype and ideally save the one dose of Inanna high we have until we get into an unavoidable confrontation against superiour forces.
Right now, we're stuck behind enemy lines with inferior numbers. Our strength here is mobility, not sheer firepower. If we do engage the enemy,
utilize that speed! Do
not get stuck in. Guerilla tactics here. Harass the enemy, cripple their mobility, then scram.