Prepare for RAMMING SPEED!
Ahem. Option B
Ahem. Option B
I think I can guess which option Storyfag is gonna pick though.
I think I can guess which option Storyfag is gonna pick though.
Hmm? Pray tell.
At this point I'll limit myself to saying that B is beyond retarded. We suspect they might have something importand aboard. Most likely prisoners. And you want to risk them in a potentially disastrous manouver? What if the ramming action results in the Belesis' destruction?
I'm late to the party. Can someone summarize the first 383 pages of this thread? I got this page covered.
Our ship could flee, and with the mobility of the Anhur we should be able to dodge their barrage meant for much larger objects.The cannons remain a threat in A as well. If you're concerned about them, you'd have to avoid them altogether and do either C or D.
B tickles me the right way much more though.
I think I can guess which option Storyfag is gonna pick though.
Hmm? Pray tell.
At this point I'll limit myself to saying that B is beyond retarded. We suspect they might have something importand aboard. Most likely prisoners. And you want to risk them in a potentially disastrous manouver? What if the ramming action results in the Belesis' destruction?
Why the one with the most potential for lore dumps of course! D!
You actually may have a point. I mean, right now, he's expecting us to either run or let them board us. He's probably drawing up all sorts of contingencies in his head for what to do if we are Star League and how to guard his ship. If the idea of sabotage and infiltration occurred even to Erika, you can bet that it has occurred to this guy.B isn't as bad of an idea as you think: the enemy commander is extremely cautious, so the cunning approach will be harder because of that. He is pretty much expecting foul play.
Ramming action, however, will most likely take him by surprise, as will the boarding party of superhumans. I'll even bet that if he has any prisoners, the definitely are not on the damaged side of the ship. Best use our element of surprise while we have it and capitalize on his unpreparedness.
You say that like it's a bad thing.That's right, I'm flopping to the Baltikan option.