A. And let's get revenge on Theseus!
Ean hasn't heard voices for the last 80 years yet we have still been playing as him.At the beginning of this CYOA, you mentioned that we will play as the voice. Assuming that A causes Ean to live, I hope that Ean wouldn't be some sort of NPC, if you get what I mean...
As for Theseus, he isn't worth the revenge. Theseus only "killed" Ean as a mercy. I don't think he knew what Ean even meant by saying "statuette" - how could he? We never told him of our plan. He probably just thought he was refusing a request from a dying man.
It's ironic, I think our best friend in the end will be Shulgi. No gods or masters.
Fuck this shit, man. I told you all again and again to choose A, but noooooooo you decided that Theseus was a bro when it was clear all along that he was just thinking with dick. Let's kill Ean off, maybe we'll get to play as Sekhenum or something this time. Which means I choose B, the honorable, in character choice for Ean. Wasn't this exactly what certain proponents of A were looking for? A fitting end for this LP? It seems stupid to go with B because of honor, and then choosing an action that completely renders that choice meaningless.
B means Ean's tale is definitely over.
Heh, the thought has just come to me. We could also end up trapped in the Honourblade and become a permanent magic talking sword who possesses people.
What's cool about this is now the power Ean has won't be on loan, it won't stem from a source other than ourselves, it will be us, tied to our soul and our body in unbreakable bonds. That said, I really liked the voices and their commentary, and they always stood by us. It's a damn shame, is what it is.
You were granted immortality by some strange event, not born into it; this also implies that your eternal life and your powers can be taken away.
By the way, I like your idea the best, however, I would like to see if something somewhat similar is possible. treave, right now, Theseus is holding the Honorblade. This blade contains the last embers of Ean's consciousness. Ean's psionic powers are still primitive, but would we be able to convince the voices to give us aid in possessing Theseus' body? Back in Tjaru, the voices gave us a boost in our telekinetic abilities to defeat Baran, could they do something similar here to transfer our consciousness into Theseus' body?