Damn you treave, you devious bastard. I think I have to vote B. I even just now typed out A, but had to go back and change it. Ean has been a self-sacrificing leader of men, but with his immortality it's still been something of a cheat. He could always put himself at the forefront of danger without ever being at risk of suffering the ultimate consequence. As I said before, I don't think this one choice is a 50/50 shot at permadeath, but it's a risk that hasn't been there in other choices.
I feel like this choice reflects Ean's true nature. Sure, he may take the more pragmatic path now and again (I don't see Ean as lawful good = lawful stupid, nor do I want him to be) but with all the chips on the line and a brother in battle that has treated us honorably so far how does Ean respond? Does he become self-preserving with his life on the line or does he respond in kind? And to answer that, I have to choose B. I'd hate to see the LP end, but even in the face of that possibility I choose to stay true to the character we've built so far. If it came to that, it would be a fitting end.