I've seen many developers say, in regret of launching EA, that "you only get one opportunity to launch your game", i.e. the sales bump from initially offering to sell. If I were you, I would give this more thought than "eh, what the hell".
Thanks agris. I certainly appreciate this perspective. I'm not sure that I can bring myself to hope that Justin and I could ever make any serious money on this venture. I would love to find some success in that realm and I am hoping that the success grows (I plan on making games for a long time) but I am in a spot where it is equally important to me to get an email that says "Hey man, I really loved playing your game." I put my soul into Lurking II and I would love to hear that it had an impact on someone.
Yeah, with an RPG in particular I am usually not willing to dive in with no guarantee that I will actually be able to finish the game...
Yes, I definitely don't blame you there. But... we do need some feedback and testing on different systems and our resources are very limited. One thing I have become all too aware of is that no one plays or sees your game like you do and I need those opinions and experiences to try to hone Lurking II. So I figure anyone interested in jumping in at this point would be a great resource and anyone who wants to wait can do so. This might also help save me from the stress of a massive influx of problems and bugs at the get-go... which there won't be