Just to clarify, this is still in the "jank deck" stage, I'm playing unranked, and for some reason i find lots of Yorion there...
Perfectly healthy response then. Durex them until they cry. Carry on.
hmm do you mean grasp of darkness?
yeah it's one of the weak spots
Yeah, was typing too fast, sorry.
Well, there's plenty to shit to choose from when it comes to 2 cmc removals. Eliminate, Heartless Act, Epic Downfall, Feed the Swarm (though you want instant speed shit to have on top of the bloodchief)
... heck, even a Blacklance can do some beating vs. control and gain you some life.
Depends on what ails you in particular. It's okay to have a 3/3/3 split, or even something like 2/2/2/2 especially in Bo1 and while brewing.
Been following spectres advice and am having fun actually.
Want to make a deck for historic and with the release of kaladesh I went through some decklists from the kaladesh standard.
Always been a blue white control player, I get the most enjoyment out of those decks, especially esper. Even have an old legacy esper stoneblade still sleeved up from when I played nearly a decade ago.
Anyway, found this list:
With all the new cards released after that, what can I add/remove to make it somehow more competitive/modernized?
Seeing as sphinx rev and thoughtseize are legal those would be auto-includes? Shocks?
Although hulk and sphinx would not be best buddies.
You guys prolly know the Historic meta much better
I've mostly been playing Standard this season, there's only so many times you can play UW auras vs. Goblins until it gets stale,
but I suppose it didn't change THAT much from the last time.
First of all, if you want to play control, I encourage you to go Bo3, feels much less random this way, and it plays to the strengths of WUB to have a sideboard.
You can emulate this with Fae and a wishboard to a degree, but Historic can be stupid fast and you don't have the time for diddling about.
Some notes on that list:
I don't think it does a particularly good job at giving you the best you can get in WUB. The only real reason to run white is Teferi (and it's not a bad reason in itself).
You could use some of the highly efficient removals, like Despark. Essence Extraction is instant speed, which is good, but I think Oath of Kaya gives it a good run for its money,
hitting everything and with additional incidental life gain.
- Search for Azcanta - you want to have two, perhaps three, but always start with two. It's a good number I guess the plan there is to have Blood Fast as a second Azcanta of sorts,
but the thing with Bo1 you want to assume the other guy is aggro. And Blood Fast is dead vs. aggro.
- Fetal Push - you need some Revolt outlets for this thing. Fabled Passages aren't the sexiest things to use in Historic, but they revolt. This will need some testing, before you figure out the right count,
but if you still need more outlets, perhaps the tokens from Treasure map could work?. It's a slow card.
- Glimmer of Genius - I'm not really seeing a way to spend that energy on anything productive. Normally, you would use Aether Hubs, but I think you want Passages.
So, if the energy is irrelevant, I think Chemister's Insight and Hieroglyphic illumination is better when it comes to flexibility and raw card advantage, though the scry 2 is not irrelevant.
You could try Sphinx's Revelation as one of the cards in this slot as well.
I like Chemister in Bo1, where you can toss the cards that don't work for the matchup, and Illumination is great if the fucking shuffler intends on not giving you land drops.
- Irrigated Farmland / Fetid pools - I didn't bother crafting more than two, and I mostly use them in two-color decks. Obviously, start with the full set of shocks. Nothing worse than losing to a fucking tapdual.
- Vraska's Contempt - I think this one's just too slow for today's environment. Use them if you have them, but don't craft them just for the sake of this deck.
it used to be special, cause it exiles and works on 'wankers. Plenty of other stuff can do that nowadays.
- Torrential Gearhulk - ditto. Sure, you can get card advantage out of this clunky thing, but it can still be countered. Today's control decks are all about the Sharknado.
This might change with Disallow letting you counter the token trigger, but for the time being, i'd stick with sharks. Or try a 2/2 split and see which one you like more.
Point is, I wouldn't throw 4 wilcards at the gearhulks.
- board reset - that list has none. You don't play control without board resets. Ratchet bomb and Blast Zone if you must.
All in all, I'd start with the following template for historic wub control:
Lands: 26
1 Swamp
2 Island
1 Plains
3 Fabled Passage
12 Shocklands
7 Checklands
27 lands with 1 land being a functional one (Blast Zone, Field of Ruin, Crawling Barrens) is also fine.
4 Disallow
4 Fatal Push
4 Glimmer of Genius - or whatever card draw you feel like running
3 Syncopate
3 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
2 Search for Azcanta
2 Settle the Wreckage
2 Wrath of God
That's 24 cards, leaving you with 10 slots to fill.
I reckon, plenty of people will be playing goblins, so early creature interaction will eat a few more more slots. Likewise, BGR food in some form will also stay popular, so is UW auras and vanilla mono red,
so consider having some play against these four as your main nemeses.
Could be something like:
2 Oath of Kaya
2 Kaya, Orhov Uzurper - can eat some weenies and doubles as graveyard hate. Also a win condition in a pinch.
1 Despark // Dovin's Veto
3 Thoughtseize - because why play black otherwise
2 Sharknado
and a preliminary Sideboard:
1 Thoughseize - when you need to complete the set
3 Graveyard hate when Kaya isn't enough. Soul Guide lantern isn't bad, you can go for the nuclear option with the Leyline. Grafdigger's Cage catches a lot of decks too.
2 Sharknado - the rest of the set goes here.
2 Dovin's Veto - you shouldn't really play Negate unless it's somehow hard on the mana.
1 Settle - sometimes you just need a settle over wrath
1 Wrath - and vice versa
3 Unmoored Ego - if you feel competitive enough that you can id what to pull to make a deck fall apart, this is a good card.
2 Your call, plenty of shit to put here. Chromium is fun, perhaps something to let you win by mill?
A classic WUB play is to have side in shit like History of Banalia when they side out all their creature removals, or perhaps Aldente Vanguard.
You need to do some shuffling to fit a full set, of course