wat. They haven't even done their upgrade and shit yet, did they preemptively say this early queue didn't have enough interest for them to even bother adding it after the update?heh, in the end h brawl is just temporary
from my understanding there will be proper queue after update, that will be closed early september. Or perhaps they wont. They need to evaluate numbers. again...wat. They haven't even done their upgrade and shit yet, did they preemptively say this early queue didn't have enough interest for them to even bother adding it after the update?heh, in the end h brawl is just temporary
Jesus. I was in a fairly similar boat, only played a tiny bit of it since I've been doing minimal MTG other than the free drafts since I know I'm going to play Jumpstart relatively hard and then after that there's the new set. Bad timing on WotC's part to gauge interest in historic brawl when they've got like 3 fucking things going on at once.from my understanding there will be proper queue after update, that will be closed early september. Or perhaps they wont. They need to evaluate numbers. again...wat. They haven't even done their upgrade and shit yet, did they preemptively say this early queue didn't have enough interest for them to even bother adding it after the update?heh, in the end h brawl is just temporary
too bad as I didnt have time to play itand once I will have some - will be busy with jumpstart until new set drafts become a thing.
What im saying is that there is high probability I wont have time to make mono b vampires and finally craft that drana i spoke about.
Only single of my h brawl decks were updated to 100 cards - terraforming korovld one. Pirates and various mono b sacc are still awaiting their time
That's good news. Now they just need to kill regular brawl so all the matchmaker players are funneled into h brawl. Since it's singleton it shouldn't be too damn expensive if people want to fuck with it.while waiting for servers to come back online ive red that they changed their minds again and h brawl is there to stay.
Good. will be able to dedicate my free time into jumpstart without feeling guilt
well, once rotation happens brawl will get butcheredThat's good news. Now they just need to kill regular brawl so all the matchmaker players are funneled into h brawl. Since it's singleton it shouldn't be too damn expensive if people want to fuck with it.
previous big update was the only one without hiccups right? Or was it past 2? Either way their big streak is gone. This one might be worse than when they were awarding land styles and it was bringing servers down. That one auto resolved on its own over time. Now there are a bunch of weird bugs and looks like they will need some time before they got addressed. For example icrs do not pop open on their own. You need to manually click claim button or reopen window. Reshuffling deck list was annoying too, lickily i dont use upper case in my names so spotting awarded decks was easy. Also it no long shows easilly how many wc are needed to finish deck.Arena's also working like complete dogshit but that's not really unexpected, just hope they get it smoothed out by Thursday.
good news everyone, looks like they are not delaying jumpstart. Will be squeezing fixes for some of the bugs with it
yeah... not limiting myself.stopping is because I'm tapped out on the 15 daily win prizes
That's fairly par for the course for Jumpstart though. I know I had a few god-awful deck combos in regular Jumpstart that I practically just had to hope I'd win via opponents conceding.yeah... not limiting myself.stopping is because I'm tapped out on the 15 daily win prizes
deck strength variance appears to be worse this time around. Serra half can win on its own in most cases. Meanwhile others just suck.
Then there are squirells... man, those grow large wide really fast. If you have weak combination just save yourself some time and concede on first sight of squirrels
dont have the will to calculate right now. Lets go with easier, pre mastery times. You would easilly get 1k gold per day, along with 3 packs per week. That's 10k gold per week, 40k per month.Always weirds me out when people talk about how MTGA's whale-only when I've blown something like $50 on it total over 3ish years. I guess the difference is if you haven't been playing that long then it's miserable.
That's a good point, my historic manabase is largely grandfathered in from shit being in standard. Anyone getting into it now would have a massive pile of rare wildcards just for lands. So when I look at a deck and think "Yeah that'd take 12 rares and 6 mythics, that'd suck" it's an order of magnitude worse for newbies. Wonder if they'll ever reach a point where they just let people buy wildcards at a more favorable rate than randomly pulling them/getting 1 per 6 boosters. The problem I guess would be trying to sell wildcards at a more favorable rate so people could directly buy into shit without feeling too bad but not completely gut the value of regular boosters.Frankly, newbies are stuck in standard, perhaps can grow into mono color h brawl(imagine spending 40 rare wc just for lands otherwise)
rope is worse than whitenessLuka trigger warning, excessive wh*teness:
there were repeated calls to make historic packs cheaper, offer wc bundles or shock/check lands bundles, like anthologiesOr of course they could just slash all prices by half or three quarters because it's digital-only and can't be traded or resold. I assume they've probably crunched the numbers and decided that what they'd lose on whales by reducing prices they wouldn't make up in volume, but I dunno.
Added another pirate too if you want to keep trying to live the dream in historic brawl. Though she's probably not that great for it, getting a third card played in a turn might be tricky unless you're loaded on draw.one surpsising thing about new jumpstart, that i didnt norice or care(since its commons/uncommons we are talking about) is high number of changelings. That might help/enable some brawl commanders that were light on given creature type