I still consider ME2 (with shadow broker DLC) as one of my favorite games. It didn't want too much, and did everything right. Only bummer was the lack of reapers, making it largely pointless overall.
ME3 on the other hand made the mistake of raising the stakes to maximum. You can't have reapers invade earth and then let the player dick around saving cats from trees. Reapers are not an occupation force that roll out a flag and oppress the population. They kill everyone. How am I supposed to have "fun" knowing that 10000s of humans die while Sheppard eats sushi on the shitadel? "It just does not work"(tm)
Instead, they should have the reapers slowly approach, and everytime the player returns from a story mission, he would see more refugees, military buildup, news feeds, etc.
Wrapping up all species problems was okay in my book, they wanted it to be the last part of the triology, happy endings are appreciated. Except they fucked it up in the end. Make up your goddamn mind!
That whole drama killed Bioware's confidence, so they started listening to the vocal minority and made room for green haired wokeists when making Andromederp:
"Wymyn are oversexed sex objects!" Okay, let's make the women ugly, insulting the model who gave her face for the main character. Male NPCs are allowed to run around shirtless tho.
"Lol Shepard is old lol" Okay, let's make the player a bratty teenager. It worked well for Deus Ex: Invisible War, Anakin Skywalker or Wesley Crusher amirite?
And a dev sneaking in an NPC blurting about his transgender history without asking shows how well they have their team under control...
Bioware is dead. They have lost all confidence, vision and connection to their audience, desperately grasping straws to survive. Pissed off the old playerbase, couldn't get the younger new ones, now they are remaking the old mass effect, not knowing WHY it was successful, simply hoping it would bring the bucks again. It won't. Maybe they even try to make it woke...