If I had something meaningful to do I wouldn't be on the Codex in the first place, wouldn't I?
You love Andromeda we got that, okay.
Hardly. It is a
very flawed game, but at the same time probably Bioware's best game for a decade.
So no, I don't think wokeness must imply only to extreme cases of inserting messages like "all men are rapists" but basically, to any translation of SJW-related political ideas into cultural product i.e. polluting it. MEA, DA:I - they both had plenty of this shit to spoil someone's experience
I have to say, being woke is more than having sensitivity towards social issues, that's way too broad a definition and doesn't even require a word - even though the wiki definition agrees with you, but I think that is not reflecting reality.
I'll explain why I think that way, because by that description, VtMB was actually
very woke. Even GTAV is also very woke, if we use that definition. It is very broad. It is too broad. It is deliberately broad, if you ask me, to mask its negative connotations.
Woke is never subtle or aware, and it is without nuance.
All men are rapists, all cops are pigs, all gender is fluid, all refugees are welcome, white privilege is real, ... etc. that is woke. And games that are woke do exist.
Gone Home is woke.
DAI is woke.
I would argue VtMB is not woke, even though it is clearly aware of social and racial justice, and neither is MEA for the same reasons.
MEA has characters that are woke and they are presented as stuck up, pretentious and phony. DAI has characters that are woke and lecture you,
unironically, on gender dysphoria and correct pronouns, by a virtuous and flawless character.
One is not like the other.