Norfleet said:
People can read books for free in public libraries. Does this somehow hurt the sales of the books?
No, because nobody reads whole books in a public library. Well, almost nobody...
But almost everyone can download games. At home. With only a few clicks and some basic understanding of how *.rars work...
This can in no way be compared...
The idea that piracy hurts developers and publishers is simply not supported by actual evidence.
I'm sure there are more than enough studies about that, but you wouldn't believe them anyway, as they are surely financed by publishers and corrupted.
Consider the following: You make a game and sell 150,000 copies of it. Would you rather that this game has a community of 150,000 users, or would you rather the game have a community of a million users? Which do you think makes your game more successful? I dunno about you, but I would rather take the million-man userbase and accept the piracy than try to stomp it out and cripple my installbase in the process. A million users is still a million users, even if 850,000 of them are pirates. That's still a million people talking about your game.
Games are a business, like it or not. And if you see you have 150.000 people buying your game and 1.000.000 people playing it, you will be somehow sad and/or angry about that. Of course, people who claim that those 850.000 are lost copies are retards. Most of the time, if you download a game, you wouldn't buy it anyway. Most of the time!
But in those 850.000, there are surely about 50 - 100.000 lost copies. This is why I said that piracy always hurts devs, publishers, etc.
Of course, there is also the positive aspect about it, the mouth-to-mouth propaganda, spreading the word, bigger community, etc.
A more simply fact is: Is a game doesn't sell well enough, either the publisher, the dev, or both will have serious financial problems. In such a situation, even those "small" 50.000 additional sales could have been a saviour.
One of the reasons why online games are so attractive to publishers and devs is that there doesn't really exist piracy, because you simply need the original CD-Key to really play the game.
What I hope for is that someone will invent something similar to that for Single Player games...
In many cases, just as you said, shitty management practises are hurting more than anything. Not releasing a demo is a great example.
Any child can tell you two things: One, that sharing is a good thing, and two, that pirates are awesome.