I bought this yesterday, and returned it after about 12 minutes. It is a buggy, unplayable mess. The camera was just spinning in circles and the menus were indicating that I had an XBox controller connected to my PC (I don't). I did some research and found out that apparently my connected flight stick is making the game think I have a controller installed. This is a known problem with ME1 running on newer systems (maybe a Windows 10 problem).
So I was getting ready to unplug my flight stick and then I realized how fucking ridiculous it was. Like, why should I have to clamber my ass behind my PC and unplug a USB cable? It's not a huge deal, easy enough to do, BUT WHY? Why the fuck can't BioWare do something so simple as to sort out input devices in the year of our lord 2021? Do they have any fucking technical proficiency at all? Do they have any competent programmers or engineers left in that hollowed out shithole of a company? This is college level shit. When I used to judge college game competitions, the kids submitting their games could get controllers to work in Windows 10. What the fuck is their malfunction? Why are they so bad and useless?
I returned it. If these fucking mouth breathing blue haired Canadian fuck-ups can't manage to do something as simple as sort out controller input schemes in a remaster for a 13 year old game, fuck every single one of them. They don't deserve a dime. I hope EA shutters that fucking useless studio and turns them into a production team for FIFA lootboxes.