Not fun to play is the right words. It has nice expolration, quests and stories but gameplay can't keep up.
Not fun to play is the right words. It has nice expolration, quests and stories but gameplay can't keep up.
Here's a track sample from the Mechajammer OST by Kevin Balke. You can listen to the full soundtrack on Spotify
It's also on Apple Music, Amazon Music and Deezer.
Mechajammer Feature Deep Dive #2 | STEALTH
Following a close up look at the nitty-gritty of combat, our second Mechajammer Deep Dive will focus on a staple mechanic on the streets of Calitana: stealth.
In the immersive sandbox of Mechajammer, violence is, of course, only an option. Want to bash in one of Calitana’s vile gangbangers with a lead pipe? Cool! Go nuts. But there is always a less rowdy option.
Mechajammer’s interface not only offers up enemies’ sight cones, but also depicts your own noise-making radius — allowing you to judge the potential of a stealthy route through a given environment. At a moment’s notice you could switch from your normal walk to a silent, crouched mode, and then take advantage of some classic distraction tactics (read: throwing of objects) to create a diversion.
Not all enemies will attack on sight, however, giving you a small number of turns to leave their sight-radius (indicated by the meter above their head). If you’re able to successfully vacate this radius before their timer runs out, you can try to find another way around them and avoid a grisly combat situation — should that be your preference, of course.
The game field is littered with road barriers, burn-barrels and streetlamps — all presenting perfect cover opportunities — and players, companions and range-weapon enemies will use them to reduce their exposure to attacks or being spotted. If you’re comfortable straying from the beaten path, you can also creep through tall grass clumps to avoid being seen. Mechajammer offers up an expansive, isometric open world - use it to your advantage; there is more than one way to your objective...
...which is a perfect segue to wrapping up this particular Deep Dive, and thinking about our next: Exploration and Objectives. Join us next time as we get stuck into the world of Calitana, and how you’re going to approach exploring it.
Reward survey
Hello! We need some final information for you prior to the release of the game you helped us make. We’ll have the game on GOG, Steam, and probably the Mac store too (if you’re cool), but that won’t be until post-launch.
Note on GOG:
We should be releasing it on both these platforms on the 2nd next month, and we’re nearly certain that it’ll be good-to-go on good ol games on that date, but keep in mind there could be a couple day delay if you choose them, I forget how exactly their process works. They were super fast last time, so it should be fine, but just a heads up.
We sent every backer keys a ~month ago, and these have just been scorched from earth to prep you for your final key reward. If you successfully found them on our website, just do that same thing again and you’ll have another key to use available. If you failed to find it or didn’t grab it before, as some of you asked about, your first puzzle awaits!
When we send final keys out on the 2nd, they will have instructions on how to login to the whalenought site with your username and find your key. You'll get the other digital rewards in the near future, and we'll have a post detailing when those have been uploaded to your account.
Either way, please choose where you’d like your key from in the survey below!
Hannah & Joseph
You only get that option if you don't get the emailMissing "HARD PASS" as an option.
Yeah, this is honestly what i am most worried about this game judging from the whole demo, beta, and media previews. That doesn't look fun at all
How come so many of the combat clips are of swarms of melee trash mobs trying to kamikazee you?
Addresses & Testing Keys
Hello again!
Sorry to bombard you all with another post, will make this brief, just some logistics:
- Recently we sent out surveys that asking what [ DISTRIBUTION SYNDICATE ] key you would like the game from, and just wanted to re-clarify that your current key for testing was ejected into the the void until the 2nd, and you'll get a new one on launch day then. Sounds like there was some questions about that.
Later next month we'll be sending out a mass email to all the applicable tiers of folks we need address info from. And from here your paths branch:
- For applicable backers having issues with address input, it sounds like kickstarter's fields are lacking in some options. We are so sorry about the inconvenience. We have a few choices on how we can double check all your addresses but want to do the one with the least human-error (at least on our side). So here's the scheme:
1. If the address is the kickstarter survey is correct, we'll just use that, you're good to go.
2. If the address isn't up to date, we'll prompt you to respond to that email with an accurate, cooler address.
Essentially, if we get a response from the we'll use that address, and if not, we'll default to the kickstarter survey's. This seemed easier for our brains to manage instead of asking you all individually to clarify. As mentioned we won't be sending that out until later in the month, and I know it'll get busier with all the holiday activity, but we'll send out a new post and remind you all before we begin shipping.
Roll a barbarian. Problem solved.Yeah, this is honestly what i am most worried about this game judging from the whole demo, beta, and media previews. That doesn't look fun at all
How come so many of the combat clips are of swarms of melee trash mobs trying to kamikazee you?
The game looks more like Diablo 2 to me than Fallout, a horde of zombies follows you everywhere, you are like a necromancer running around killing everything in sight.
Mechajammer Feature Deep Dive #3 | EXPLORATIONYou're on your own, Offworlder.
Calitana is a big, dangerous place; from the jungle to the streets, and the shadowy suburbs in between. Crucially, it’s also an open-world, meaning it can be explored as you see fit. But the level of player-agency lavished upon you, dear off-worlder, goes even deeper than that.
Mechajammer will not ram objectives down your throat. Nor will it offer up waypoints or bread-crumb trails leading to a destination. That’s all on you.
Mechajammer is heavily influenced by the glorious era of (both video and tabletop) games where the sense of adventure was heightened through use of a notepad and pen. You’ll need to be observant and come to your own conclusions about where to go, and how to get there. You’ll explore the world of Calitana at your own pace, but must be wary that around any corner you could face a stray wolf, crazed vagrant, or army of gangbangers.
With all this in mind, you’re probably going to want a nice cosy spot to call home, then.
Outside of Calitana’s central urban-sprawl, on the edges of the city, you’ll establish a base of operations where you can return at your leisure. Here you can heal, hire new companions and accept new quest objectives before heading off into the thick of it once more.
Just like the real world, the best way to get to know a place is to talk to the locals. Engage with the denizens of Calitana and take note of anything that could be interesting.
Mechajammer has an integrated notepad allowing you to jot down anything of use, which you can return to at a moment’s notice. Leads might take you to a thug’s hideout for a black-market trade, a raid on the estate of a high ranking Quinton security official, or the location of a shiny new laser gun...
You’ll never be totally in the dark, of course.
Mechajammer’s Terminal (found in the top-right of your interface) offers a map of your surroundings, allowing you to place your own Waypoints to navigate by. It will also display all the Terminals you may have already interacted with across Calitana, depicted as small white circles on the screen. By clicking these, you’ll bring up any key information that might have been gathered from that specific terminal and location — an archive of sorts, with reminders about world events.
So Mechajammer is built on a design philosophy that consciously abandons hand-holding, then. Player-agency above all else. This puts the ball back in the court of the community for the exchange of hidden locations off the beaten path, and solutions to the game’s various puzzles. Just like the good ‘ol days. So make use of the Steam discussions, take advantage of the official Discord channel, and talk with other players.
Mechajammer comes to life through the stories you’ll tell about your time in Calitana.
Wishlist today!
How many games incentivize note-taking but force you to tab out to a 3rd party program to track info? The integrated notepad is such an obvious thing so few games bother to deliver.