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- Jun 15, 2013
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The E3 trailer made me hunt down the recent gameplay previews. I loved the stealth gameplay in GZ, and it easily has the best moment-to-moment gameplay in the series, but I'm concerned about the structure of the game based on what I'm reading.
I hated the pacing of Portable Ops because it was broken up into separate missions. A continuous sneaking mission, as was the case in MGS 1-3 (Plant chapter for 2 and the Snake Eater mission for 3), gave those games a far better sense of place than the games that followed. Such a structure also allowed the level designers to make creative use of interconnected levels that were not accessible until later in the game. Some previews were claiming (hopefully wrongly) that one might have to do a handful of repetitive side missions each time one wants to progress through the meaty story missions. If this is indeed true, it brings back bad memories of Assassin's Creed 1's structure.
The other concern I have is regarding the Base Management, and whether that is going to dictate one's actions while stealthing around. I always play MGS games with the intention of ghosting through entire areas without kills, alerts, no tranquilizer usage and minimal gadget use. The Pokemon collect-a-soldier aspects of Portable Ops and Peace Walker negatively impacted the way I like to approach stealth games since the game was encouraging me to capture soldiers, etc. to speed up base building, whereas my preferred way to play these games is to leave every soldier untouched.
I hated the pacing of Portable Ops because it was broken up into separate missions. A continuous sneaking mission, as was the case in MGS 1-3 (Plant chapter for 2 and the Snake Eater mission for 3), gave those games a far better sense of place than the games that followed. Such a structure also allowed the level designers to make creative use of interconnected levels that were not accessible until later in the game. Some previews were claiming (hopefully wrongly) that one might have to do a handful of repetitive side missions each time one wants to progress through the meaty story missions. If this is indeed true, it brings back bad memories of Assassin's Creed 1's structure.
The other concern I have is regarding the Base Management, and whether that is going to dictate one's actions while stealthing around. I always play MGS games with the intention of ghosting through entire areas without kills, alerts, no tranquilizer usage and minimal gadget use. The Pokemon collect-a-soldier aspects of Portable Ops and Peace Walker negatively impacted the way I like to approach stealth games since the game was encouraging me to capture soldiers, etc. to speed up base building, whereas my preferred way to play these games is to leave every soldier untouched.