D- Walker? We District 9 now.
Do you even Metal Gear Solid?And architecture lessons over radio during a black op. ´k
Do you even Metal Gear Solid?
Hope that was on easy or something, the guy was swiss cheese and still going strong.
You're not meant to take to too seriously. There is a lot of tongue in cheek and just outright silly stuff that happens.Do you even Metal Gear Solid?
Nah. I get it may be a 'Metal Gear thing', still seems awkward.
So guys, having never played any MGS, which would be mandatory to prepare my body for some phantom pain ?
I fear I'm going to get burnt out with generic mission objectives 20+ hours into the game.
As great as the gameplay fundamentals are in that E3 footage, it also reinforced a couple of fears I had about the game:
The side-ops more or less devolve into fetch quests (literally in the case of the E3 footage). Even though the AI adapts its tactics and the gameplay basics are incredibly strong, I fear I'm going to get burnt out with generic mission objectives 20+ hours into the game. There doesn't seem to be any strong narrative ties to the side-ops either.
The fulton soldier capture mechanic seems essential to building up a base, and I hate that such a mechanic is present in a stealth game. Encountering and capturing soldiers seems out of place in a series that has encouraged purist ghosting-style playstyles for the maximum rank at the end of the game.
Despite these issues, I can't wait for the release of the game.
This. It seems like the missions degenerate into an exhaustive pattern very quickly, with some top-notch cutscenes thrown in-between to keep you going. And the core gameplay seems to not really evolve beyond your typical "sneak behind dudes and press button" shooter with some vehicles thrown in. The Splinter Cell is still strong in this, and that bores me very quickly. Not sure I'm willing to spend a 100+ hours doing that stuff for the whole game.... but knowing my fickle urges and Kojima's genius, I probably will.
Is the base management absolutely necessary? Seems like it gives you access to a lot of 'stuff' but not stuff that is necessary to get through the main campaign. Minimalist run might be possible.
Nanomachines, son.I liked the part where you tried to interrogate a soldier who only spoke Russian. Boss, being the uber soldier he is, doesn't know that language. You knock the guy out see he has good stats and send him to base. Within a few minutes the guy is not only back in the base, he has been interrogated, agreed to work for you, and learned English.![]()
Thankfully you can turn that off.All that sticks out is the slowed time after being discovered.