NWN:EE 8157 & 8158 Patch Notes
Patches 8157 & 8158 introduce a number of bug fixes and Steam features in preparation for a beta on that platform.
An old friend returns with a new look! The brand new Aribeth character model will be available to view through Steam Workshop. This model sets the standard for future Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition content.
Love it? Hate it? Have an idea? Let us know in the
Beamdog forums!
Known Issues
- Server filters (“Localvault only, Max Ping, etc.”) still don’t work. We’re redoing these soon-ish as part of the new-and-better server list display.
Regression Fixes
- Servers will now grey out properly when the version is mismatching. This also introduces a change from previous versions, where older server versions would not list at all.
- PvP mode column again displays the correct value.
- We fixed yet more audio issues related to clipping issues in OpenMP3. This hopefully takes care of all remaining issues.
- Steam: Support for Friends List through Steam. Support for Steam Workshop. Both are not available to beta testers, as Steam is not public yet.
- MDL: Normals are read from ASCII files.
- MDL: Tangents are read from ASCII files.
- MDL: Animeshes now support TSB and thus normals & specular maps.
New configuration keys in nwnplayer.ini:
[Server Options]
BootPC(object oPC, string sReason = “”) now takes an optional string that is displayed to the client being kicked off.
New Script Commands:
// Gets the attack bonus limit.
// - The default value is 20.
int GetAttackBonusLimit();
// Gets the damage bonus limit.
// - The default value is 100.
int GetDamageBonusLimit();
// Gets the saving throw bonus limit.
// - The default value is 20.
int GetSavingThrowBonusLimit();
// Gets the ability bonus limit.
// - The default value is 12.
int GetAbilityBonusLimit();
// Gets the ability penalty limit.
// - The default value is 30.
int GetAbilityPenaltyLimit();
// Gets the skill bonus limit.
// - The default value is 50.
int GetSkillBonusLimit();
// Sets the attack bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAttackBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);
// Sets the damage bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetDamageBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);
// Sets the saving throw bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetSavingThrowBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);
// Sets the ability bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAbilityBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);
// Sets the ability penalty limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAbilityPenaltyLimit(int nNewLimit);
// Sets the skill bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetSkillBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);