I would start from MO, and check if this mod is being partially overwritten by somethingThe other mod is upping tag skill bonus from 15 to 25 though I still get only 15. Not sure how to find what causes that problem.
I would start from MO, and check if this mod is being partially overwritten by somethingThe other mod is upping tag skill bonus from 15 to 25 though I still get only 15. Not sure how to find what causes that problem.
And as i've said, with my subjective experience doing things correctly and not installing big anime tiddies #25 with extra bounce, with whatever other retarded mod people are installing haphazardly nowadays, i've had no issues whatsoever going up to 140-145. This is obviously an issue of people not knowing how to properly install/prune and manage mods.Unfortunately, there is no soft limit in Fallout New Vegas because the limit is supposed to be 255, but the engine is broken in that regard, and without the source code we can't easily find the problem, so we can't fix it.The soft limit for mods in FNV is 140. If someone is having errors underneath this amount, it's because they're inexperienced and have conflicting mods and load issue errors. They might also have either out of date dependencies, or outright lack them entirely. Also, it probably doesn't help if you have an extremely old processor/gpu and are running several complex mods all together. Personally, I have no issues with my load orders in FNV, but I use MO, and have a dedicated safe load order with 120 mods, whilst I play around with higher amounts on other profiles.
The most common "soft limit" is around 125 and still a vast majority of people have "too large LO" problems before that.
Like I said before, some people have problems with 100+, some only have problems with more and some have problems with less (this last one is less frequent). Sometimes you can even have a limit of, let's say, 110 in one playthrough, then you uninstall the game. Later you reinstall and the limit might be a totally different number.
Also, even if you have plugins that are not active in your Load Order, they will count for the limit if they are left in your Data folder. Because the game still indexes them. Even if they are not activated in your LO. So always remove the inactive plugins from your Data folder (some Mod Managers prevent this by not installing plugins in the Data folder though).
And let me repeat myself, be careful with large load orders (100+), because many times the problems only start appearing after dozens of hours of playing, the longer you play that game, the more problems will appear and it will usually become baked in your save files too. So even if you reduce the LO and load the save file, it will still be broken.
Just use 7Zip and make it into a zip file and install it. Otherwise, you could theoretically just drop it into your mod folder in MO, and it should technically work, though I normally just create zip files for this.Does anyone know of a way to add a single unpacked esp file via MO?
But it is not an issue of badly installed mods.And as i've said, with my subjective experience doing things correctly and not installing big anime tiddies #25 with extra bounce, with whatever other retarded mod people are installing haphazardly nowadays, i've had no issues whatsoever going up to 140-145. This is obviously an issue of people not knowing how to properly install/prune and manage mods.
Just use 7Zip and make it into a zip file and install it. Otherwise, you could theoretically just drop it into your mod folder in MO, and it should technically work, though I normally just create zip files for this.Does anyone know of a way to add a single unpacked esp file via MO?
My uGrids is at 7 right now. Since I've already tried everything else, I'll experiment with 9 today. As long as I don't make new savegames and then use them with a lowered uGrids, I should be fine.Wouldn't grass distance be limited to ugrids, similar to LODs (without using LODGen)? Skyrim suffers from the same problem. Even with DynDOLOD, grass is still being drawn about 20 feet in front of you because the alternative is a total disaster.
Most Fallout New Vegas mods will work out of the box. Avoid "bug fixing" mods, we have our own "YUP" version for TTW that already comes with the installer. So there is no need for any other bug fixing mods (they would just break stuff instead of fixing). Avoid animation mods or mods that add ranged weapons, animation mods are usually broken anyway and while gun mods will work, the aim would most likely be off center.I've hoped into the New Vegas modding train pretty late, I've installed Tale of Two Wastelands but it seems that a new version of it came out this month. The mod selection is very limited (as far as I understand every mods needs to be ported specifically to work with Tales of Two Wastelands). So, if anybody is playing that mod right now can he tell me how to get Project Nevada working with it? The People on the Tales of Two Wastelands site don't really mention it, maybe they're all waiting for a port?
Just a note, increasing uGrids might make you miss some situations/events. Because your game is loading cells farther than it should, so events that are scripted to happen when you're nearby will happen while you're not close and you might miss them. So it's just a reminder, in case you notice something that was supposed to be happening is not, when you walk by some area.My uGrids is at 7 right now. Since I've already tried everything else, I'll experiment with 9 today. As long as I don't make new savegames and then use them with a lowered uGrids, I should be fine.
I think so yea, but you need to drop it into its mod folder manually. IIRC its essentially the same as dropping something into the data folder manually of a bethesda title.Just use 7Zip and make it into a zip file and install it. Otherwise, you could theoretically just drop it into your mod folder in MO, and it should technically work, though I normally just create zip files for this.Does anyone know of a way to add a single unpacked esp file via MO?
Yeah I did that I was just wondering if MO can accept unpacked files.
Nice wooden barrels on that gun. Classy.
What mods did you use alongside TTW, aside from the aforementioned JESawyer TTW edition + SPECIAL overhaul?I decided to give a go + scourge some mods to make gameplay actually somewhat fun.
My main issues are almost completely gone when it comes to gameplay of FNV/FO3:
- shooting things up is much better because i changed animations, added sway and recoil to weapons
- AI got improved with combat enchancement, AI is much more logical and can actually use covers, run, doesn't rush etc.
- combat felt weak, improved JESawyer balance mod by Batty(basically rebalanced sawyer rebalance + added TTWstuff) + SPECIAL overhaul. Recoil also makes Strenght much more important. You don't want to shoot any gun at 1 STR as every gun will have huge recoil, the bigger STR req the bigger recoil. At 10 STR all hundguns are almost recoiless. At 1 they recoil as fuck.
Are you using any ENB, Makabb?
What mods did you use alongside TTW, aside from the aforementioned JESawyer TTW edition + SPECIAL overhaul?
Also, Risewild anything to watch out for with this new release?
Animation mods might cause problems.
Mods that add new weapons will probably have the shooting of those weapons off-center.
I also forgot to mention that TTW 3.2 has a bug (already fixed and will be included in next update) where the DC Ticket Vending terminal is giving the wrong ticket. To go to NV one can use the free ticket that is included in an office room before reaching the Ticket Terminal area.