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New Vegas review from NMA, too good to be true???


Jul 19, 2009
pocahaunted said:
Freelance Henchman said:
I left him in my house the town where you get him after a point since it's just annoying as hell when you have to look after the companion, especially in cramped quarters. I might take him along later if there's some open air mission later.

So true, I lost the bot that way, inside vault 34, right as I entered a door and the game's autosave kicked in -- the last save I had available was too far back and I just didn't bother, too bad I won't get to finish its questline, though.
I have lost and found that bot three times already. It simply reappears randomly and then follow me until next place to get stuck in.


Jan 9, 2010
Pyongyang, Best Korea
commie said:
pocahaunted said:
I actually got that suit so I could attempt to clear Vault 34, too bad that even with 90 resistance with buffs I get 1 rad/second and the place is completely crawling with feral ghouls. How fun, right? A timed, boring as fuck, dungeon crawl against charging melee mobs with a diplomat-type character, definitely a delight. :roll:

I guess I ought to have remembered that the only build that actually matters in this game, as in FO3, is to have a viable combat character.

Yeah, it makes more sense to be able to do exactly the same thing with every character build, right? :roll:

Fuck me, this is why Bethesda has so much success, making everything accessible for every type of character at any time. No danger of gimping, no being forced to fore go certain things because you chose to play as melee, diplo, stealth etc. Just one size fits all where you can pick any character and do exactly the same thing!

It's attitudes like this that mean we can't have nice things!

First off, that's the whole point, if just forces you to do combat, making your build irrelevant to your course of action as you'll just end up fighting dumbass mobs in a game where the combat system is painful as fuck. What's the point of having diplo characters if you're forced to play through 50% of the game as a melee character?

Bethesda's success derived from the creation of a FPS which involved little thinking as there weren't many decent options, or a reason to go after said options as the writing sucked ass, and the fact that morons love poorly combat based games with blingbling.

It's not about there being no danger involved, it's about the fact that the game's mechanics are shit, way to miss the point, though. I'm no way averse to combat and dungeon crawling when the combat is actually entertaining, as is it's a fucking borefest so why would I actually want to play a game, any game for that matter, that way? That's why I went going diplo in the first place. I didn't even bother finishing FO3 vanila for that exact reason, not only did the combat suck, but so did the writing - why would I play the game, regardless of specl? I'm sorry, but bottlenecking all characters into combat types goes against what you're trying to say in the first place.

For example, if you know the game forces you to do combat you have two options. You either make a combat character, which in this game is IMPOSSIBLE to gimp as all combat builds are extremely effective and easy to create. You can even follow the tutorial and just keep spamming points in those skills when you level up. Or, on the other hand, you can TRY and play the game differently and that's what I'm advocating in the first place.

What you're saying translates into "Hur dur let's have all builds besides combat suck ass in 50% of the game and reward the shit ass one button smash builds, alternatives are for losers, no pain no gain, hur dur".


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
pocahaunted said:
First off, that's the whole point, if just forces you to do combat, making your build irrelevant to your course of action as you'll just end up fighting dumbass mobs in a game where the combat system is painful as fuck. What's the point of having diplo characters if you're forced to play through 50% of the game as a melee character?

What you're saying translates into "Hur dur let's have all builds besides combat suck ass in 50% of the game and reward the shit ass one button smash builds, alternatives are for losers, no pain no gain, hur dur".

No it doesn't force you to do combat. You can run away from combat if you want. What you expect is for everyone in the game to be suddenly peaceful towards you because you decided to make a diplomatic character, and you also expect to be able to visit exactly the same areas as a melee character just because you are a 'man of peace'! Don't you see that that would be incredibly artificial?

What is not artificial is making a diplomat or peaceful character in such a world have a very hard time of it as would happen in reality! I wish though that it would lead to more rewards, like maybe a different ending or new areas and quests for going this difficult way.

I also wrote that I wished for an all combat character to also have some penalties meaning they couldn't finish every quest in the game(because of their nature) on the one playthrough.

I enjoy the challenge of peaceful character on second play throughs(as far as possible) and for all of NV's limitations, it at least has a doable way of completing the game with minimal combat. THIS is far more than can be said of almost any other RPG released.


Jan 9, 2010
Pyongyang, Best Korea
commie said:
pocahaunted said:
First off, that's the whole point, if just forces you to do combat, making your build irrelevant to your course of action as you'll just end up fighting dumbass mobs in a game where the combat system is painful as fuck. What's the point of having diplo characters if you're forced to play through 50% of the game as a melee character?

What you're saying translates into "Hur dur let's have all builds besides combat suck ass in 50% of the game and reward the shit ass one button smash builds, alternatives are for losers, no pain no gain, hur dur".

No it doesn't force you to do combat. You can run away from combat if you want. What you expect is for everyone in the game to be suddenly peaceful towards you because you decided to make a diplomatic character, and you also expect to be able to visit exactly the same areas as a melee character just because you are a 'man of peace'! Don't you see that that would be incredibly artificial?

What is not artificial is making a diplomat or peaceful character in such a world have a very hard time of it as would happen in reality! I wish though that it would lead to more rewards, like maybe a different ending or new areas and quests for going this difficult way.

I also wrote that I wished for an all combat character to also have some penalties meaning they couldn't finish every quest in the game(because of their nature) on the one playthrough.

I enjoy the challenge of peaceful character on second play throughs(as far as possible) and for all of NV's limitations, it at least has a doable way of completing the game with minimal combat. THIS is far more than can be said of almost any other RPG released.

Wrong and I have never stated that. It'd make no sense whatsoever for all characters to be passive towards the PC.

I'll just reiterate my point one single time as you seem to fail massively in reading comprehension: There's no additional option for way more than 50% of the content besides combat. That's a byproduct of streamlining, not the other way around.


Dec 10, 2007
Vault Dweller said:
Pretty much. Think Gothic 2, but with better factions, darker setting, more towns, better character system, well written dialogues that are actually worth reading, and plenty of skill checks. What's not to like?
Also, just noticed this.

For fuck's sake VD, you're a joke :lol:

Fallout 3: New Vegas's got nothing on Gothic 2. Nothing.
Sep 4, 2009
Vaarna_Aarne said:
I wonder if I can give Boone power armor... That'd make him more resilient.

You can't, and I dunno if there is any way for him to learn how to use it. There is another NPC who is ex-BoS and can use it though.


May 19, 2005
You are being a dumbass pocahaunted, Fallout 1-2 did the same thing ... in fact due to the nature of random encounters you could be thrown into combat without prior notice and your ONLY option was making a run to the Green Titles.

You are asking for the game have a non-combat possibility to every single quest no matter what nature the quest is, I draw the line to "forced combat with intelligent beings" were I do not consider what amounts to pest control being possible without combat and so far I only been forced into one of those quests without options once.

Also there are about 74 side-quests, are you saying of those 32 are "combat only"?


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
CrimsonAngel said:
This game is awesome and if you do not like it you are a bitch.

I really wish I had a pic of that "If you steal from the NCR... Then you are his BITCH!" propaganda poster.

Redshirt #42

Aug 13, 2009
1eyedking said:
Vault Dweller said:
Pretty much. Think Gothic 2, but with better factions, darker setting, more towns, better character system, well written dialogues that are actually worth reading, and plenty of skill checks. What's not to like?
Also, just noticed this.

For fuck's sake VD, you're a joke :lol:

Fallout 3: New Vegas's got nothing on Gothic 2. Nothing.
Man, you're a fucking retard. :thumbsup:

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
1eyedking said:
Vault Dweller said:
Pretty much. Think Gothic 2, but with better factions, darker setting, more towns, better character system, well written dialogues that are actually worth reading, and plenty of skill checks. What's not to like?
Also, just noticed this.

For fuck's sake VD, you're a joke :lol:

Fallout 3: New Vegas's got nothing on Gothic 2. Nothing.
So, what makes Gothic 2 so awesome and New Vegas pale in comparison? Inquiring mind wants to know.

I like Gothic 2, but that's mostly because I like sandbox games not because G2 will blow your mind with the depth of its design, character system, combat, story, quests, or dialogues. Exploration is top notch though.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
pocahaunted said:
Wrong and I have never stated that. It'd make no sense whatsoever for all characters to be passive towards the PC.

I'll just reiterate my point one single time as you seem to fail massively in reading comprehension: There's no additional option for way more than 50% of the content besides combat. That's a byproduct of streamlining, not the other way around.

Let me see, ah here we are:

I actually got that suit so I could attempt to clear Vault 34, too bad that even with 90 resistance with buffs I get 1 rad/second and the place is completely crawling with feral ghouls. How fun, right? A timed, boring as fuck, dungeon crawl against charging melee mobs with a diplomat-type character, definitely a delight. Rolleyes

Here you were showing your herp:derp with your baww I'm a diplomat and can't fight..game suxors baww....so you DID expect it to somehow be different for you.

For your second derp about 50% combat, well it shows that you DO expect everyone to be passive to your character! You complain that there's too much combat, ipso facto you want most encounters to give you a free pass instead!

I reiterate MY POINT that diplomacy or peaceful way, in a game set in an apocalyptic, anarchic, violent world, should be EXTREMELY HARD to pull off and hence having 50% or more of the game closed off to you if you choose this approach is CORRECT. I do think however that other avenues should open up for you regarding unique quests and a special ending that you can't get any other way or stuff like that.

Drakron said:
You are asking for the game have a non-combat possibility to every single quest no matter what nature the quest is, I draw the line to "forced combat with intelligent beings" were I do not consider what amounts to pest control being possible without combat and so far I only been forced into one of those quests without options once.

Exactly as Drakron says, many quests should be closed off entirely to you as a diplomat because of their nature. This is where the 'SHOCK HORROR' ROLEPLAY elements come into it! If you wish to stick to your non-violent principles then you forgo the quest that challenges your 'philosophy' and make do. Almost every quest has a 'no thanks' line to pick so use it, and you won't be forced to do combat everywhere.

Also it's a bit disingenious of you to run to a combat filler 'dungeon' and then whine that the game has no options for a diplomatic character!


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Tycn said:
ironyuri said:
Guys, a friend of mine who recently finished New Vegas told me that it is possible to finish the game without engaging in any combat whatsoever.

Is it true that there can be rat diplomacy in New Vegas?
There's a perk that makes animals non-hostile...

...but you'd end up getting attacked by raiders anyway. Probably possible to do non-lethal, but beanbag rounds are ridiculously weak and knocks them out for about ten seconds. Plus you can't loot unconscious enemies, and that combined with lack of XP reward for knocking them out leaves you absolutely no incentive to avoid killing people. Other than LARPing. Of course, all that would count as combat.

It would have been nice if enemies knocked out would become non-hostile upon regaining consciousness since they'd been defeated and spared by you (except perhaps some named ones or if your reputation is abysmal).

Also, companions will keep at shooting enemies you've knocked out, and there isn't a 'hold fire' command.

So, I guess you can play a cowardly diplomat who runs away from everything.

Most of these things can be modded in easily enough I guess, and coupled with the solid design of the quests it should make a Diplo build quite interesting in the future.


Sep 19, 2006
What happened to 1Eyedking? I don't remember him being such a raging moron when he first joined.

Anyway, I'm really enjoying NV so far. Removing level scaling made it pretty fucking difficult early on (and even into the higher levels), most if not all of the quests that I've done have had multiple ways of completing them, the writing is leagues above FO3 and at no point has made me facepalm, and I love the fact that you really can't do everything on one playthrough. Depending on which direction you take in some quests, other quests will often be closed to you for the remainder of the game due to the faction system. Also, the amount of skill checks is wonderful, and they aren't limited to just speech checks; I've seen multiple checks for all but a few skills (I can't recall seeing one for energy weapons yet).

Oh, and about the bugs: I've logged about 20 or so hours into the game and I haven't had a single CTD. The two bugs that I've encountered were a bugged questline (which was the result of saying one piece of dialogue before another and was fixed by reloading a doing it the "right" way) and a rather inexplicable inability to activate anything for a few seconds every now and then. Hardly unplayable, as some people have claimed.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
KreideBein said:





The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
KreideBein said:
That's a bit creepy.

Funny I also saw that picture not long ago here, and I'm quite new. Seems you have a lot of devoted stalkers people here at the Dex.

Understandable as women are as rare as Promethium for most around here.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
MCA Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
KreideBein said:
What happened to 1Eyedking? I don't remember him being such a raging moron when he first joined.

The Popamole finally got to him, and he snapped. Now he is just sits in a chair and drools and types random crap on the codex. Perhaps something similar that effected Volurn?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
KreideBein said:
That's a bit creepy.


Honestly, what did you expect?

I agree with your observations by the way. Right now, the amount of checks, different ways to handle quests, and faction-interaction is staggering. I think I'm nearing the end of the game, but it keeps surprising me.

It's really very well done. The quest-design, at least, is completely in honor of the old Fallouts.


Dec 10, 2007
Vault Dweller said:
So, what makes Gothic 2 so awesome and New Vegas pale in comparison? Inquiring mind wants to know.

I like Gothic 2, but that's mostly because I like sandbox games not because G2 will blow your mind with the depth of its design, character system, combat, story, quests, or dialogues. Exploration is top notch though.
G2 is a game that knows what it is: a tough exploration hybrid RPG. Tough in the sense that it relies heavily on armor and weapon progression: character progress is not continuous but rather delivered in quantized amounts. Leveling up gets you only a scant amount of learning points and you spend them on teachers that almost always require a favor in exchange. Talk about atmosphere. It has good art direction (good voice acting, solid town design, coherent quests, coherent factions, intelligent behavior). There's nothing severely out of place anywhere. Controls and interface are a bit awkward but only because they're different from the usual setup (in great part to make combat harder - turning around is done with momentum, consuming potions requires you to 'use' them in the inventory, attacking requires complication, etc.). Once you get used to them they feel natural.

F3:NV is F3. A silly roller-coaster ride with no cohesion whatsoever. NCR sets up a 'Fantastic' dude to take care of an extremely important solar power facility just for the lulz of it. An idiot scientist believes he is a Ghoul for the lulz of it. You can send a faction of religious ghouls (who believe for the lulz of it) into space for the lulz of it. Or kill them for the lulz of it. Their leader speaks with a background echo just for the lulz of it. You can wear space suits and helmets just for the lulz of it (nobody comments on such a ridicule apparel).

A sniper sets himself up on top of a dinosaur mouth that gives him no peripheral vision for the lulz of it. The owner of the dinosaur store sells T-Rex toys for the lulz of it. Crazy invisible mutants kill brahmin for the lulz of it. The Caesar's Legion burns down towns (instead of enslaving them) for the lulz of it. NCR builds gigantic metal statues for the lulz of it. And so on, and on...

Most (though not all) skill checks are of the F3 quest-skip variety instead of providing a real solution. Skills themselves have taken a turn for the worse since now Guns encompasses all of the important weapons in the game: Guns+Repair+Skill 3 is now even less of a no-brainer. 'Hardcore' mode is a joke since food, water, and rad-away are in an extremely ample supply (yes, even though it's a fucking post-nuclear wasteland - but it doesn't really feel like one, does it?). Character creation is pure mindfuck. Mini-games are still in. The fugly interface+PipBoy is still in. Voice acting is downright deplorable (it's got all of Oblivion/F3's voice actors doing lots of lines). Writing is mediocre and at times even bad (HELIOS One characters, No-bark, the goddamn cowboy robots, and I'm sure there's plenty more).

It's a game with no semblance of intelligence anywhere. So don't you fucking dare compare that piece of crap with Gothic 2.

KreideBein said:
What happened to 1Eyedking? I don't remember him being such a raging moron when he first joined.
The fact that the Codex wasn't in this sorry state when I first joined? I mean I just had to explain why G2 > F3:NV - that should be proof enough.

Grunker said:
It's really very well done. The quest-design, at least, is completely in honor of the old Fallouts.
Amuse me. Describe me quests of Vault City and New Reno quality please.

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