Alright, since I won't be reading 34 pages of this spoiler-heavy thread right now, I'll just ask a few quick questions, sorry if they've already been answered.
First and foremost, I really love/hate this game. While the relatively Western story and animu visual aesthetics are a perfect mix, the interface is atrocious - some menus work with mouse and some only with keyboard, etc. - and, more importantly, I don't get how exactly persistence works in this game. I remember killing the philosopher bot in the robot village and the next time he was just standing there, I mean WTF - I really remember saving the game inbetween. What exactly gets saved in this game (I assume other players might even loot you if you have network features enabled)?
Also, an equally important question, am I supposed to grind in this game? I'm LV15 in the forest kingdom and there is this LV50 boss that one-shoots me on normal. I bought this game because its gameplay was touted as being perfect, if I have to grind mobs in a single player game then trololo.
In addition, I'm so accustomed to WRPG mechanics that systems in this game appear extremely floaty to me. How exactly does weapon damage work? Am I supposed to use any mods? What is the correct min-maxing between weapon types and light/heavy attacks? I'm kinda overwhelmed and there is zero explanation in the game how things work. Can anyone give me a short powergaming synopsis, unless that's a story-related feature that I'm supposed to discover myself.
First and foremost, I really love/hate this game. While the relatively Western story and animu visual aesthetics are a perfect mix, the interface is atrocious - some menus work with mouse and some only with keyboard, etc. - and, more importantly, I don't get how exactly persistence works in this game. I remember killing the philosopher bot in the robot village and the next time he was just standing there, I mean WTF - I really remember saving the game inbetween. What exactly gets saved in this game (I assume other players might even loot you if you have network features enabled)?
Also, an equally important question, am I supposed to grind in this game? I'm LV15 in the forest kingdom and there is this LV50 boss that one-shoots me on normal. I bought this game because its gameplay was touted as being perfect, if I have to grind mobs in a single player game then trololo.
In addition, I'm so accustomed to WRPG mechanics that systems in this game appear extremely floaty to me. How exactly does weapon damage work? Am I supposed to use any mods? What is the correct min-maxing between weapon types and light/heavy attacks? I'm kinda overwhelmed and there is zero explanation in the game how things work. Can anyone give me a short powergaming synopsis, unless that's a story-related feature that I'm supposed to discover myself.