70 Questions And Answers About No Man's Sky (Game Informer)
GI: Are you a good sport?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Is the game world infinite?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Does the game world make Bioshock Infinite look less infinite by comparison?
Sean: *laughs* Yes.
GI: Will I get bored playing this game?
Sean: Sometimes.
GI: Will I get bored playing this game?
Sean: No. *laughs*
GI: Are there planets the size of Earth?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Can I rename Earth something better?
Sean: *laughs* No.
GI: Is Earth in this game?
Sean: No. Well... maybe. *smiles* Something Earth-like, let's say, might be... No.
GI: Is Earth in this game?
Sean: Eeeh... No.
GI: Can I teleport back to my ship?
Sean: No.
GI: Have you found a planet that you'd prefer to live on instead of Earth?
Sean: No.
GI: Can you collect plants in this game?
Sean: You can discover plants.
GI: Is there a fog of war on your map?
Sean: Err, yes.
GI: Will I have an objective marker?
Sean: Err, no. *pause* You will have many.
GI: Will the word "follow" appear on my screen at any time?
Sean: *laughs* No.
GI: Will you be able to play with your friends?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Is there a competitive element to this game?
Sean: Yeah, if you want that, yes.
GI: Can you grief other players?
Sean: *laughs* A little bit.
GI: Will there be NPC characters?
Sean: No.
GI: If I wanna buy something in the game, do I have to go to a store?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Did you play Destiny?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Can I chop down a tree?
Sean: Sort of, yes.
GI: Can you select a gender at the beginning of the game?
Sean: No. We haven't said who you are.
GI: Can you customize the look of your character?
Sean: Errrm, sort of.
GI: Do you ever get a good look at your character?
Sean: You can see other characters and they can see you.
GI: Can you settle a bet?
Sean: Er, sure.
GI: Is No Country for Old Man's Sky a good wordplay?
Sean: *laughs out loud* No, no, no it's not.
GI: Can I build shelters?
Sean: Ehm, no.
GI: Can I plant a flag on a planet?
Sean: Eh, sort of.
GI: If I could plant a flag, could I design the flag?
Sean: No.
GI: Do different planets have different gravity?
Sean: No, your suit compensates for that.
GI: Do you often go to planets and say just "This is just a total dud."
Sean: *laughs* Eh, no. Not that often. Sometimes.
GI: Can you ride a dinosaur?
Sean: No you can't.
GI: Do the animals eat each other?
Sean: Yeah they do.
GI: Can I take pictures of the animals?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Can you cross-pollinate life between planets?
Sean: Is this the game you're playing, that you're going out... spreading your seed across the universe? *smiles*
GI: I'm not under questioning right now. *laughs*
Sean: *laughs* I think it's safest that you don't.
GI: Can you terraform a planet?
Sean: Let's say no.
GI: Can you swim underwater?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Can you accidentally destroy a planet?
Sean: No.
GI: Can you purposefully destroy a planet?
Sean: A little bit.
GI: Can you be a pacifist in this game?
Sean: Yes, although... that doesn't mean people don't attack you.
GI: Is there intelligent life in this game?
Sean: The players, hopefully.
GI: Is there intelligent life in the universe, in real life?
Sean: Some? Not answering these questions right now.
GI: Are there forms of life in this game that are beyond normal comprehension?
Sean: I'd like to think so.
GI: Is there a god in this game?
Sean: No. *pause* Well maybe that's us. Wait, aaaahh! *laughs, does the mind-blowing hand motion*
GI: Are you uncomfortable?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Can you just live in space?
Sean: Yeah, yeah. You could just fly about your ship forever.
GI: Are there some planets that are too inhospitable for life?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Are there health bars in this game?
Sean: Yeah.
GI: Do the corners of the screen get all bloody when you take damage in this game?
Sean: *laughs* No, they don't.
GI: Is this galaxy a spiral arm galaxy?
Sean: No.
GI: Does this galaxy exist within a mind of a child?
Sean: *laughs* No. It feels a little bit like that right now, but no.
GI: Is it super nerve wracking to talk on stage at E3?
Sean: Yes. Yes, definitely.
GI: Is it the worst?
Sean: This might be the worst, but.. *laughs* E3 was pretty bad.
GI: If I keep flying in one direction for a really, really long time, will I bonk the edge of the galaxy?
Sean: Bonk? *laughs* Bonk the edge of it? Is that, like, just...
GI: That's exactly what it is...
Sean: Flat out stop. Or, would you prefer it said "You are now leaving the mission area"? *laughs*
GI: Yes.
Sean: No, neither of those things happen. You can go into the darkness... for as long as you want. *laughs*
GI: Are there sheep in this game?
Sean: Maybe, not that I've seen any. Specifically sheep?
GI: Specifically sheep.
Sean: Is this going back to your cross-pollination... *laughs* Where are we going with it?
GI: I don't know.
Sean: Is there a thread? *laughs*
GI: Can you customize your ship?
Sean: No, you have to go and find the ship that you like.
GI: Can you have more than one space ship?
Sean: No.
GI: Can you build a space station?
Sean: No, you can't. *whispers* That's a good idea.
GI: Can you just release the game right now?
Sean: *laughs* Nobody would want that.
GI: Will there be DLC?
Sean: No.
GI: Can you land on a comet?
Sean: Yeah, at the moment you can land on asteroids.
GI: Can you do this? *bongs on Donkey Kong bongos, last hit clumsily tilts them*
Sean: Yes. *repeats the motion, deliberately tilts the bongos*
GI: Does the game contain any Joe Danger easter-eggs?
Sean: No, it doesn't. But I feel like we should do that.
GI: Can you build a robot companion like in the hit film Interstellar?
Sean: *laughs* I haven't seen it yet, but presumably... No.
GI: Is this a miracle?
Sean: Is this a miracle?
GI: That's what the question says.
Sean: *laughs* Who writes these questions? Has somebody handed you these questions?
GI: Possibly.
Sean: Do you mean you guys come in here, this interview...?
GI: Can I rephrase the question?
Sean: Yeah. *laughs*
GI: Is life a miracle?
Sean: Erm, no.
GI: Is there a McDonald's near your studio?
Sean: No, there's really not. There's a Burger King.
GI: Yeah, that's not...
GI: Are there black holes?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Will the game be fun?
Sean: Yes.
GI: Would you like to know how well you did?
Sean: No. *whispers* I do.
GI: That ends the questions.
Sean: *laughs*