Well, at least Space Engine resemble an actual universe. This things is missing entire classes of celestial objects.
Guy wants to be the new Peter Molyneux.
How can you know?
I bet the whole illusion will crumble instantly once you realize how the thing works.
There is none. Starbound does this and it's fucking pointless.I believe it'll be an entertaining and fun game for 7 hours or so... and then you'll probably start to recognize "patterns" and planet exploring loses its appeal. I honestly don't see any point in 18.446.744.073.709.551.616 planets.
This is exactly how I see it. It looks like a really cool game - for one or two hours.I like the idea. I like the graphics. I like the art style. I'm just not sure how much of an actual fun gameplay experience there will be.
for one or two hours.
How are they going to justify similar creatures on different random planets?