Whipporowill said:
Still no official word from Bethesda? Wow man...this is a major PR crisis. I won't point fingers or anything, but this is the kind of PR snafu that gets people fired.
Baghdad Pete is a dumb fuck for sure, but he was probably getting his info verbatim for the press releases from the producers vis-a-vis time table, condition of game, etc.
The exec. producer is probably feeling most of the heat right now and if he's smart he'll shift the lion's share of the blame on QA for not finding all the bugs that (probably) caused them to fail M$ certification.
The QA lead & manager should definitely be fired if this is the case -- especially if they are hiring new Oblivion testers at this late stage in crunch time. That shows gross mismanagement and a failure to have adequate staff for what is arguably the most important title in the company's history.
That they failed to get certification (if this is the reason Take2 bumped the date) then this is highly significant in regards to their future.
Had they met the 360 launch deadline they could very well have been the next Bungie -- meaning a M$ acquisition and tons of $ for the execs on top of high sales of Oblivion 360.
But now that they've missed the launch window, not only will sales be lower, the chance of a M$ acquisition have probably diminished -- If they didn't have the talent to get this done then maybe they'd be a risky investment, and maybe the TES IP is getting played out, and maybe this means they won't be able to pull off Fallout.
The executives are no doubt well aware of all these things and heads will roll for sure.