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Oblivion won't be the worst game ever.

Jul 15, 2004
GhanBuriGhan said:
Too much anger there is in all of you. Succumb to the dark side you will! Control your anger, you must!

Seriously, this issue is getting way too emotional, too much namecalling and mutual trolling. I like to discuss the pros and cons of games and RPG philosophies with people who have an informed opinion and are critical, but I doubt this is currently or in the future going to be possible on this site with respect to Oblivion or most likely any other Bethesda game. I can't help feeling reminded of Highschool and everyone picking on the class geek. Just because.
And not only becasue of the diehards who were here all along, now it's a safe haven for disgruntled ex TES fans too (Hi Dongle! What made you come here?!)

Still, I hope we can talk reasonably about this game after it is out, but the tone of voice that is being used on both sides leave me not very optimistic.

Mr. GhanBuriGhan: The first post of every thread pretty much sets the tone for the thread. Mr. Bryce posted a melodramatic rant, so in order to stay on topic, we must conform.

IN OTHER NEWS, my E-Penis is larger than yours and your avatar is ugly.



Jan 26, 2006

Gratz, now I'll have to buy an E-peeny pumper.

Oh, and BTW, the dude that mentioned NWN... seriously, that linear peice of shit?



Jan 8, 2006
funkbutter said:

Gratz, now I'll have to buy an E-peeny pumper.

Oh, and BTW, the dude that mentioned NWN... seriously, that linear peice of shit?


Nwn had "some" and i stress the word "some" awesome mods... who played the actual game?


Aug 8, 2005
Mr. GhanBuriGhan: The first post of every thread pretty much sets the tone for the thread. Mr. Bryce posted a melodramatic rant, so in order to stay on topic, we must conform.

IN OTHER NEWS, my E-Penis is larger than yours and your avatar is ugly.




So. Ahem.

Mithrandir the WHITE? Pshaw! I am Ghan of many colors and you will lick my boots! I played video games before you even new how to spell wizard! My hat's pointer than yours!



Dec 12, 2005
Ok - please stay with me on this one. It'll help my sanity.

Radiant AI is the future... The future of games, not just RPG's, is Radiant AI.
Radiant AI is not new. It is not cutting edge. It is not the future. It will be a good, fairly modern system if well implemented.

Repeat after me:
Radiant AI is not the future. It could be a good system if well implemented.
Radiant AI is not the future. It could be a good system if well implemented.
Radiant AI is not the future. It could be a good system if well implemented.

Radiant AI is a scripting tool
Radiant AI is not scripted AI. It is only "scripted" in the sense that every computer program is "scripted" - i.e. written out as a set of logical rules. Radiant AI uses a system involving a knowledge base, desires and fuzzy logic (or something to that effect).

Repeat after me:
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.

The results of radiant AI might be boring, linear schedules. That does not make it scripted. The implementation is not based on scripts, so it is not scripted. The result is irrelevant to the issue of whether it is scripted. Say it'll give boring, linear, predictable gameplay all you like, but please don't call it scripted.

Once more - for my continuing sanity (or at least a movement in that direction):
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.
Radiant AI is not scripted.

Thank you.

kodiak bear

Jan 26, 2006
mr grand idiot bryce777, after all of this ranting about how oblivion isnt a true rpg, you still havent given us your warped, mutated definition of rpg.

mine is as follows:ROLE PLAYING game!

in oblivion, you can play out any role you want, any time you want. there are barely any restrictions. most of the games aspects sound promising, and at sometimes, ground breaking. for example, those trees that all look the same to you? you must be blind, i can see many varietys. and having a forest that large and full of trees would make any gpu scream and halt without the tech they created to generate them. and what about the radiant A.I., doesnt that sound great?

you also say this forum is about all those fanboys and poeple that eat sleep and breath oblivion, when you clearly talk about OBLIVIONS faults in your starting post. stop your snobish rich boy idiocy and go do something productive.

i have one last point to make. HOW IN HELL does oblivion compare in any way to an arcade game. arcade games are cheap looking, and have cheap gameplay, and they barely last 15 minutes. oblivion lasts more than 150 hours, and has very involving, lush gameplay.

you dont impress me with your high and mighty vocabulary, or taste in fine scotch either


Feb 26, 2005
It's funny, about 5 people felt compelled to register JUST so they could post in this thread. Bryce must be a pretty popular guy.


Jan 26, 2006
I've done some thinking whilst playing WoW (Mindless 40 man raid content GRATZ BLIZZARD)

What I've decided is, that the game Beth makes after Ob. will be better than Ob.. I think that they spent so much time developing these new cutting edge graphic systems and physics and shit, which I'm all for, such that they can't have had time to include the depth of questlines that I would like to see. I think that if they take this game and use it as a base for their next game, and simply expound on the dialogue (Which we already know is similar to MOrrowinds) and quest lines, they will really have something... Then again, the game isn't even out yet.

Aside from the dialogue though... I really don't see how people can say that games like NWN outshine Ob in terms of immersion... Even if Ob has been dumbed down from morrowind in terms of decision making (longblade mixes with shortblade) which it really hasn't THAT drastically, it's still a much more open ended game than games like NWN. Fuck your dialogue if I'm forced to go from point A to point B with nothing but a few sidequests on the way.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
dongle said:
Chefe said:
No wonder they're making the thing harder to mod for and not releasing any manual for the construction set... they want you to buy their own fucking mods. They know the modders are better at creating a gameworld (in every aspect mind you, from dialogue, to quests... even to graphics) than they are. The dependencies were bad enough in Morrowind, now for all these mods you'll have to pay Bethesda to play something that someone else created for free?
Much as I hate to admit it, that's gotta be it. Not only do they not want me as a paying customer, but to eliminate me from their competition. When all I was doing was spending my free time and hosting bandwidth to help popularize their game for free. Heck, even -paying- them for the right to do so. -sigh-

Sorry, OT rant over.

It's very microsoftian. They don't wan to just sell anyone anything, but to milk people for all they are worth.

I have dealt with those leeches, and I would not be surprised to learn microsoft is pushing this sort of thing to its developers for the xbox, either as a selling point to them or else as something they can get some sort of cut out of eventually.


Dec 12, 2005
funkbutter said:
What I've decided is, that the game Beth makes after Ob. will be better than Ob..
Physics aside exactly the same was hoped of the game after Morrowind - they've got a decent engine now, surely the next game will concentrate on RPG aspects. Did it happen? I think we know the answer to that one.

Aside from the dialogue though... I really don't see how people can say that games like NWN outshine Ob in terms of immersion...
Aside from the dialogue, it probably wouldn't. Most people here don't rate NWN as a great RPG. Personally I haven't played many RPGs. The two I've played most recently are NWN and Morrowind. Which was more immersive? NWN without a doubt - because of the dialogue.

The point is that even though NWN is fairly linear, and has nothing like the exploration potential of Morrowind, the dialogue alone makes it more immersive (it did for me at least). The plot was probably a factor too. Dialogue is a very large factor in an RPG - do it really well, and a lot of other faults will be forgiven; do it really badly, and it's pretty much impossible to compensate for.


Jan 4, 2005
obediah said:
baby arm said:
Offtopic because I hate you all:
The Silver Jews are touring soon for the first time ever. Check your local listings.

and coming to a bar a few miles down the road. :)

Damn you both! They're not coming anywhere near my far away continent down under.

Malky's probably playing with them too...*sob* (though I did catch Malkmus four nights in a row over here late last year). You guys better see them and tell me what songs they played (hopefully much of American Water and Starlite Walker). Poor old Dave and his suicide attempt.....

Sorry everyone else, please continue with the fanboy mutilation party.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Chefe said:
It's funny, about 5 people felt compelled to register JUST so they could post in this thread. Bryce must be a pretty popular guy.

The funny part is the constant mentions of my vocabulary. It is not like I am using any grandiose words or anything anyone reasonable could construe as being pretentious. All of my writing in this thread has at most a high school reading level. Probably more like eigth grade. Now granted the papers write at a 5th grade reading level and Bethesda propaganda seems to be written by ACTUAL fifth graders, but come on...I've seen more grandiloquent verbiage in some tv commercials!

I guess I am just an elitist, bringing everyone down with my occasional use of punctuation and varied sentence structure, instead of the broken off, choppy nonsense sentences in 48 point font they are used to from playing console games.


Jan 26, 2006
Ahahahah. My writing isn't on a 5th grade level but I'm extremely stratiforwards. You, on the other hand, are vague and ambiguous. Maybe it's becuase I've been programmed to be straitforwards by teachers, maybe I just think differently. There are a lot of intelligent people who play WoW, I am one of them. Why would playing it make me stupid? You say that as if spending your time roleplaying makes you more intelligent? If anything it takes MORE intelligence to play WoW. There aren't any puzzles to solve like in RPG's (Puzzles that a 6th grader could solve if he just guessed and checked for a long enough period of time) but in order to succeed in a PvP environment you have to understand every ability given to your class and time it perfectly. In singe player RPG's any idiot with an incredibly botched fighter/mage/thief can pause his way through the entire game without really understanding what the hell Emotion: Hope or Greator Malison does.

Lack of Life?

Pfft. I've got a level cap warlock with the best gear in the game for every gear-slot. I have a below average amount of /played time, probably substantially less time then you have spent playing whatever games you play and posting on this forum. You won't find me playing it Friday or Saturday, day or night. On one hand I would love to take the high road and not explain myself to you, on the other hand I'm extremely tempted to tell you that I'm extremely popular. Chicks want to be on me, guys want to be me.

Your unprecedented level of close-mindedness points to your level of intelligence in a more negative manor than my WoW playing does to mine, thanks.


Jan 26, 2006
All I've heard from bryce777 is him talking about how superior and smart he is compared to us. I have yet to hear him prove any points, which I would think is the point of this thread. Oh yes, does this look like a broken off, choppy sentence? I think not.
Jul 15, 2004
kodiak bear said:
mr grand idiot bryce777, after all of this ranting about how oblivion isnt a true rpg, you still havent given us your warped, mutated definition of rpg.

mine is as follows:ROLE PLAYING game!

in oblivion, you can play out any role you want, any time you want. there are barely any restrictions. most of the games aspects sound promising, and at sometimes, ground breaking.

In DOOM you play the role of a stranded marine. You can do anything that involves shooting shit with guns. Doom is a role playing game.

You have the shittiest definition of an RPG this side of the Dumbfuck title.

for example, those trees that all look the same to you? you must be blind, i can see many varietys. and having a forest that large and full of trees would make any gpu scream and halt without the tech they created to generate them. and what about the radiant A.I., doesnt that sound great?

I don't give a flying fuck about trees.

I give lots of fuck about deep choices, memorable NPC's, and well written dialogue. Take your trees and fuck'em.

you also say this forum is about all those fanboys and poeple that eat sleep and breath oblivion, when you clearly talk about OBLIVIONS faults in your starting post. stop your snobish rich boy idiocy and go do something productive.


i have one last point to make. HOW IN HELL does oblivion compare in any way to an arcade game. arcade games are cheap looking, and have cheap gameplay, and they barely last 15 minutes. oblivion lasts more than 150 hours, and has very involving, lush gameplay.

150 hours? Didn't the devs quote about 40 hours?

you dont impress me with your high and mighty vocabulary, or taste in fine scotch either

...dude, if you think Bryce is using "big words", put down your 600th bottle of shit scotch and smack yourself in the head with the bottle.

Lord Chambers

Jan 23, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
Lord Chambers said:
On the matter of weapons or skills, it really seems like it'd be the fanboys place to argue MORE WEAPONS AND SKILLS MEAN MORE RPG MORE CHOICES MORE OPENEDED YEAYAEH! So I'm a little suprised to see the intelligent person pretending the loss of spears or axes is really worth talking about. Seems like grasping at straws when there are much meater issues to contend with.
The what person?
This guy
How about the fact that you can't hit people with staffs anymore? (wtf?) Or the fact that there ARE NO SPEARS in the game? Less complications. Less choices. Less specialization. Less roleplay. Dumbing down.

As if there has never been a satisfying RPG without spears before.

If I were arguing about the game being dumbed down, the removal of something so superficial as a weapon wouln't even be mentioned for fear of making myself look like an idiot.
Jul 15, 2004
As if there has never been a satisfying RPG without spears before.

If I were arguing about the game being dumbed down, the removal of something so superficial as a weapon wouln't even be mentioned for fear of making myself look like an idiot.

Superficial as a weapon?

Way to take everything completely out of context dumbfuck. I quoted weapons as one of the four examples I give. I didn't put any weight or take any weight from it.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Okay, any idiot can see there are clone accounts going on here, and I'm not just any idiot. Saint? V.D.? Can one of you guys IP check these freaks?

Jul 15, 2004
TheWanderer said:
All I've heard from bryce777 is him talking about how superior and smart he is compared to us. I have yet to hear him prove any points, which I would think is the point of this thread. Oh yes, does this look like a broken off, choppy sentence? I think not.
He has better taste in scotch than you.

Oh, that, and he doesn't worship Bethesda like the fucking groveling fanboys you are. Trust everything the dev says even though they fucked it up with Morrowind? Good job guys, way to go! Some people believe in Jesus, other people believe in Santa Claus, but you dumbfucks, you dumbfucks put your unyielding faith in a fucking game developer. (Who, by the way, has shown failure before in a DIRECT antecedant product).

Nice work.

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