Crooked Bee
(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Well apparently Obsidian would like Alex Hirsh on their team? They're probably being facetious though :
It's just a half-joking response to his tweet about wanting to write for a video game:
Well apparently Obsidian would like Alex Hirsh on their team? They're probably being facetious though :
The main character is a girl, doubt it is any good.
Well apparently Obsidian would like Alex Hirsh on their team? They're probably being facetious though :
It's just a half-joking response to his tweet about wanting to write for a video game:
Dude on Reddit gathering questions for a Josh interview:
However, Mr. Sauer is on vacation in the Fatherland:
Disney cartoon for kids that follows kids. I would not trust him to wash my car.Dude created a critically acclaimed cartoon, I'd trust him on a video game.
Well apparently Obsidian would like Alex Hirsh on their team? They're probably being facetious though :
Disney cartoon for kids that follows kids. I would not trust him to wash my car.Dude created a critically acclaimed cartoon, I'd trust him on a video game.
Becuse more money means more quality right?Disney cartoon for kids that follows kids. I would not trust him to wash my car.Dude created a critically acclaimed cartoon, I'd trust him on a video game.
Do you have any idea how much fucking money showrunners/tv writers earn?
The average high level tv writer will earn $157,000 a year. And that's for all those shitty shows you see on NBC. So, now apply that logic to Disney, and factor in the fact that he's a showrunner. You have to be damn good to get into those sort of cushy positions, besides, what other good video game writers are out there?
Dude on Reddit gathering questions for a Josh interview:
However, Mr. Sauer is on vacation in the Fatherland:
Does he speak Deutsch? Can I stalk him?
I know enough German to navigate through Germany and have basic (bad) conversations, but anything else I've studied is just fragments.
Most (15/16ths) of my ancestors were German. My paternal grandmother lived near Kempten as a young girl. My paternal grandfather's family were Donauschwaben farmers from Apatin (then Hungary, now Serbia) via Eningen - and before that, Vienna.
My mother's side of the family came to the United States much earlier, so I haven't found Ellis Island records for them. Obituaries say they were from Saxony, Lower Saxony and Thuringia.
Southern Wisconsin is heavily populated by the descendants of German immigrants. Lots of Kregers, Schornstadts, Niemeyers, and so on. As a result, there's a heavy emphasis on German-American (specifically Bavarian/Donauschwaben) culture in that area. I'm sure any actual Germans reading this will find this hilarious:
The German language is the only other language I can converse in (slowly), and in college, the focus of my history study was witch-hunting, mostly in the Holy Roman Empire/Germany.
mein neger.My paternal grandfather's family were Donauschwaben farmers
They should remake it
Remake?! Why remake a 2010-2011 game?!
They should remake it