Product can be a labor of love...and I can finally hit unsubscribe to this thread. OE isn’t making games with heart any longer, they’re just making Product.
I bet this new AAA rpg is like that cancelled Stormlands they had with MS but changed now.
But can Obsidian make that kind of a big world with their tools?Tyranny is the "changed" Stormlands. This is more likely a Skyrim-wannabe.
But they don't have Gamebryo.Obsidian has plenty of tools working there. I have faith.
But can Obsidian make that kind of a big world with their tools?Tyranny is the "changed" Stormlands. This is more likely a Skyrim-wannabe.
But can Obsidian make that kind of a big world with their tools?Tyranny is the "changed" Stormlands. This is more likely a Skyrim-wannabe.
Obsidian is looking for experienced programmers to create and maintain tools for our content creation teams.
You will be working hand in hand with our talented Area Designers and Environment Artists to generate tools which help create our immense open worlds and breathe life in our games. If you are passionate programmer that enjoys building tools that empower their colleagues to create amazing things, come help us make our next world class RPG!
Obsidian Entertainment is Looking for YOU!their writing is soooooo much better than Bethesda haven't you heard?
I can just see it now:Obsidian Entertainment is Looking for YOU!their writing is soooooo much better than Bethesda haven't you heard?
Join the Obsidian Entertainment Team!
Obsidian Entertainment is always looking for creative individuals interested in a challenging environment creating the best role-playing games in the world. If making the next generation of role-playing games in a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere is what you're looking for, we want to hear from you!
Obsidian Entertainment is the best of both worlds - the stability and cutting edge projects of a large studio combined with the family (and family-friendly) feel of a smaller company.
Welcome to the Obsidian University Summer Internship Program!
Obsidian Entertainment is known around the world for the incredible stories we tell. We would love for you to join us in our latest adventure! For the first time Obsidian will be offering an official summer internship program. This summer you will go on a quest unlike anything you've experienced so far.
Cinematic Director on AC Odyssey & Director of photography/Cinematic on RDR2 join Obsidian as Cinematic Director.
Yay, more cutscenes! That's definitely the thing that Obsidian games need!I guess they are beefing up their cinematics department as well. They've only had like 1 or 2 people working on cinematics on their latest games.
If that's true, it's good, but somehow I doubt that this is the case here.Also, for all we know the guy might be doing cinematics during conversations in a first-person like manner(e.g., VTMB/latter Fallout entries).
If that's true, it's good, but somehow I doubt that this is the case here.
Also, Bethesda's Fallouts have awful cinematics and NPC animations.
Good point. And we all hope that this is exactly how it turns out to be. No point arguing about it now for the time will tell. But it's always better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed.Obsidian's bigger projects will benefit greatly from this addition. The smaller ones (aimed at grognards) won't need cinematic experience.
The smaller ones (aimed at grognards) won't need cinematic experience.
It's only a matter of time.You are super optimistic if you think we will get grognard games anymore.
The smaller ones (aimed at grognards) won't need cinematic experience.
You are super optimistic if you think we will get grognard games anymore.