The art style here is really kind of Nomura/McFarlane-esque in the sense of adding "gimmick motifs" (e.g. MOAR chains, MOAR straps, MOAR zippers, MOAR spikes). Is this the rule in Pathfinder? In any case, a good deal of the illustration is well-done.
Yeah, that's the
Wayne Reynolds influence. He has done all the cover art for Pathfinder books, most of the iconic class characters, and numerous interior illustrations, thereby defining the look of Pathfinder. Much of the work in this card game is probably his.
He takes the dungeonpunk aesthetic that began with 3rd edition D&D, amps it up to 11 and adds anime influences to the mix. I heard him speak at a convention panel once, and he explained that the "rule of cool" wins out over realism or practicality.
Indeed, he goes totally overboard with belts, buckles, and ridiculously cluttered assemblages of gear on his characters. I admire his rendering and composition skills - they really are top-notch - but some of his stylistic / conceptual choices drive me bonkers!