As to the matter of black people in fantasy... look at W2 for example
But more seriously, i really, really wish that any of them that usually complain about being misrepresented in fantasies made or based upon more "scandinavian" legends and myths - would just fucking go and do their own fanatsy stories and games - based on their own legends, myths and culture. For fuck sake.
Because i would really love to play something like that. Where the generic white guy would be the lip service - expendable side kick.
And because the Scandinavian myths are completely spent and overused and turned into mindnumbing cliches built out of cliches.
loved liked the bioware... what was its name... (google recollect spell!) - Jade Empire - precisely because it was not another "white" fantasy. Yes, even a bioware game. (actually it was pretty decent compared to any other shit bioware threw out after BG2)
And dont go all "bwaaah but evil slavers stole mah culture and made me eat burgers and coca cola all day!" - fuck you. You have google, dig and search. Go to Africa and rediscover it all.
Fucking hell, i would love if an actual African would take some of his culture myths and legends and make an RPG based on that.
I would back that with real money.
Stop fucking complaining about not being Scandinavian-western European knights and princesses - youre not, your never were, you never will be - start doing your own thing. Let whites complain why they cant be... .... ... - what? I dont know... nobody is teaching me!
/ rant