Feargus said that the kickstarter money will pay for the entire game.Have they said anywhere are they putting their own money into the game or just what they get from Kickstarter?
Have they said anywhere are they putting their own money into the game or just what they get from Kickstarter?
This fucker is picking up steam. I really think my guestimated 3.7mil is within reach now. Any ideas about future stretch goals? Some of my guesses would be Justin Sweet, Multiclassing (or Prestiges), Toolkit, new continent, Ships (and ship combat), horses + caravans, one more companion, minigames (like gambling), or an advanced political system.
I'd really like to see a multiplayer + GM client stretch goal, but that's probably too far fetched. What do y'all think?
I'd really like to see a multiplayer + GM client stretch goal, but that's probably too far fetched. What do y'all think?
I'd really like to see a multiplayer + GM client stretch goal, but that's probably too far fetched. What do y'all think?
They've said repeatedly singleplayer only, no matter how much it makes it will just increase the singleplayer scope. Which is fucking incline, thank you very much.
so what was that cooldowns thing?
What money grubbing gimmicks are we talking about this time?I'm just hoping all these money grubbing gimmicks don't signal the game itself is going to be a streamlined Jewish totem of greed. Chances are sinking low, though.
Low level spells have "cooldown for the whole spell level when you use a certtain number of spells for that level in a row" while high level spells have per-rest system (think Vancian).so what was that cooldowns thing?
Oh, good to know. Did DarkUnderlord pledge for the Codex, or he is waiting for the last moment?I've just seen that somebody unpledged 3000 dollars a few minutes ago.
That was Spectacle. He unpledged his 5000 tier he was reserving for the Codex.
Oh, good to know. Did DarkUnderlord pledge for the Codex, or he is waiting for the last moment?I've just seen that somebody unpledged 3000 dollars a few minutes ago.
That was Spectacle. He unpledged his 5000 tier he was reserving for the Codex.
What money grubbing gimmicks are we talking about this time?I'm just hoping all these money grubbing gimmicks don't signal the game itself is going to be a streamlined Jewish totem of greed. Chances are sinking low, though.
You still aren't making a close to relatively true observation. low levels spells would be powerful when we are low levels and they are per-rest, and then they would merely be "better than doing nothing" to "can be pretty nifty if used well".Dude you must be dumb. Did you miss that OR? That's where I talked about the alternative.
There's nothing "new" really; t's mostly how the tiers and such keep getting more and more trivial vs. how much money they ask for and the entire project feels more and more like an Epic Marketing Venture, what with two expansion packs announced before funding and Facebook Likes 4 Megadungeon, as opposed to the small, quirky studio project it could've ideally been. It's frighteningly effective, and for the most part more money is good, but the spirit of the thing feels off and one can only hope it doesn't seep into the actual development.
Which then you will spam. As long as a spell is not useless spamming it makes it trivial.
Well, this has certainly been true for your complaints.
Your mom seemed to think otherwise last night.
I hope it looks good to get past that 2.8 goal quickly, I want to see what they got to offer in the latter goals.The "screenshot" should be incoming any minute now (10:00 AM PST).