And with that, I bid you allYour payment to Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. has succeeded
And with that, I bid you allYour payment to Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. has succeeded
I love Project Eternity. It's going to be the best RPG ever.
Too much fucking wooing, and too much appeasing the creepy misogynist fucks by making those poor women wave to the camera.
No kits for classes like in BG2 but each class has several options in which to "grow".
DA:O style ability trees confirmed. I've been saying it all along. Here's hoping it will be a good game despite shit like that.
You need to update your sig.
EDIT: Wait a minute, DA:O didn't really have ability "trees", they were more like ability lists. Or something.
I love Project Eternity. It's going to be the best RPG ever.
Get your facts straight, dammit! Will PE have TURN BASED combat? No. Then it cannot be the best CRPG ever under any condition whatsoever.
your incessant reverse publicity stunt for P:E is awesome vots. it's like skyway ripping into d3 = decline to promote awareness and drive up interest.
your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
I asked Feargus to steal ChrisT from Herve and he said that he went to school with Chris and that he will see. Fingers fucking crossed for glorious
Truly, vots is a marketing genius. The way he would constantly troll people to drive up interest of the game no doubt had an effect in increasing the amount we raised in the Codex fundraiser. Really, I don't think we could have done it without him and his promotional savvy. He knew that only raw, unbridled, idiotic hatred could stir the Codex into action, and that's what he gave us.
He really went above and beyond the call of duty here, and I feel that this kind of dedication to making sure we get the best "RTwP with shitty angles game" ever produced deserves some kind of a distinction. I propose that vots gets a special tag, dubbing him "ULTIMATE RACE TRAITOR" to commemorate his noble sacrifice.
I think it's quite fitting.
Yeah, supposedly they recorded it, and the recording "will be made available at a later date". That's what their Kickstarter says. Personally I think they're just editing out all of Sawyer's feminist Freudian penis metaphors.Does anyone know if they recorded their PnP session? And if so, where can i find it?
A shout-out to the Project Eternity Doom Squad!
villain of the story - The Dragon (clearly the most badass of the bunch)
Mrowak - The Evil Genius ("Where's the fucking plan?!")
Captain Shrek - The Brute (overwhelms you with his endless retorts and walls of text)
Roguey- The Dark Chick (seduced by Josh Sawyer and switched teams in the middle of the campaign)
and last not but not least
DarkUnderlord - The Big Bad