I'm just offering...
Nidrolok the Prestidigitator of Furry said:There are many ways to be creative with the journal, but I would prefer one where the player takes an active role. Geneforge did this in an interesting way, quests you got were automatically jotted down for you, but only the basic task and not anything surrounding it. Instead of being spoon-feed each and every step of a quest you had to manually write down important parts of conversations you've had yourself.
Let me make up an example to better illustrate what this does in practice. A farmer is missing one of his hens and wants you to find it for him, you now have "Find hen for farmer x" among your quests. Next you speak to another farmer and he mentions in passing that he saw an suspicious individual carrying a hen heading towards the east, now in many games this would have updated your quest entry but this is not the case here. The quest entry doesn't change, but if you were attentive and read what he said you now have written down the relevant information in your journal for future reference and are hopefully one step closer to finishing the quest.
I personally like the idea. Which Obsididrone do you side with, sisters?one HereticSaint said:Please don't add unnecessary busy work to the game. If I wanted that I'd be off collecting Rat Teeth (that seemingly only drop from one of out every ten rats) in World of Warcraft.
Quoting this because I think it got missed with the post approval system and all.
Nice to see someone who cares for feedback. I very much liked that interview.
Well, in Jasede's case: Gay fucking while wearing furry suits.What else do Germans think about?
I'm generally in favour of keeping such stuff out. Tracking character's internal state can be interesting, but developers can't predict all motivations a character may reasonably have in every situation.What do you guise think, should game ask motivations for the actions or keep them completely out of the game?
Stun is gifted individual, I remember him from the world reactivity thread, valiantly defending lack of timed quests by claiming that leaving somebody in a burning building while he goes potion shopping should not result in said persons death. Oh yeah.
That's debating?
You think that's honest and respectful debating?
You win... you are on /ignore. With message block. Maybe at some point the moderators will start taking action against people like you.
The fact it is so derailed AND there is NO new romance thread is a good thing.
I would support the close thread motion, but I've been saying that for the last three of them.